Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1431: Stupid Xiaobao

And that Park Junying still doesn't care about her much now!

"Oh! So, what about my second child? Did she eat well in the hospital?" Xue Yanting drew a glint in her eyes, and after asking, she lowered her eyelids and brought the latte in front of her to cover up the emotions in her eyes.

Speaking of Gu Jian, Si Xiaobao was even more helpless, "Auntie, he eats fragrantly and sleeps well! However, please persuade him, he can be discharged, he is still in the hospital, you said, no matter how good the hospital is , Where can I have a home?"

Her expression and reaction changed to Xue Yanting's shock. Is this girl really meaningless to her second and third child?

But, no matter what, it doesn’t work to get close...

"I will arrange for him to be discharged from the hospital in these two days, Xiaobao, I still have a question, can I ask you?"

"Yeah, of course, Auntie, you ask."

"Your father's hospital is so powerful, why not stay in your own hospital and come to Yaocheng Hospital for an internship? Isn't it easier to be in your own hospital?" Chengyang Private Hospital and Yaocheng Hospital are of the same nature, both hospitals are A third-class hospital.

Asked this question, Si Xiaobao was a little embarrassed and embarrassed. I wanted to scratch the back of my head, but when I thought it was inappropriate to face my elders, I pulled my earlobe.

Do you want to tell Gu Yi's mother that you are here for Rong Yue?

Don't say it, what a shame! "Well, several of my classmates are doing internships here. I just wanted to join in the fun! Auntie, I am definitely not a commercial spy as Gu Yi said. I just need to be an intern nurse. When I have a suitable opportunity in the future, I will leave. !" When talking about commercial espionage, Si Xiaobao looked at Xue Yanting very seriously, just to prove that he was not a commercial espionage!

Her reaction made Xue Yanting amused. The woman concealed her face and smiled gracefully, "Girl Xiaobao, you are so cute. Auntie knows that you are not a commercial spy. I am just a little curious, so don't think too much."

Si Xiaobao smiled silly, how does she feel that Gu Yi's mother is good? Why did Gu Yi have that ice lump and Gu Jian's violent temper?

"How do you feel about my second and third child? Are they very good?" Xue Yanting's eyes were full of pride when he mentioned her son.

Si Xiaobao nodded, "It's amazing. One is the president and the other is the deputy dean. Auntie, you can really teach your son!"

Her words were so sincere that Xue Yanting couldn't hear any flattery. She sighed secretly. If Si Xiaobao had a more stable personality, maybe she could consider it.

However, Si Xiaobao is a lively and carefree personality, not suitable for the titles of the dean's wife and the president's wife.

"If you were asked to choose a boyfriend, who would you choose?"

Si Xiaobao was a little surprised. Although Dong Guo Rou had brainwashed her countless times and asked her to choose one of the Gu family brothers, she had not thought about it, and really wanted to choose one.

Because, "Don't mind that Auntie I'm telling the truth... Doctor Gu is a little cold, I'm a little scared, Gu Jian... I'm a bit grumpy, and my personality is very anxious and inappropriate, so..."

Knowing that Xiaobao had no intention of her two sons was exactly the effect Xue Yanting wanted, of course she would not be angry! "You're right. You said that both my uncle and I have normal personalities. Why did you have such two strange flowers. Look at my boss, you don't look like them."

"Hey, don't worry, Auntie, no one is perfect. Your two sons are so good, and there are so many women who like them. Don't worry about not finding a daughter-in-law in the future!" What Si Xiaobao said is true. Just look at how many people there are in Gu Yi's fan group, and you know how much peach blossom he has!

There are 3,000 employees in Yaocheng Hospital, no big or small, and nearly 2,000 female employees. At least hundreds of them like Gu Yi!

What Si Xiaobao said really meant that Xue Yanting's heart was gone, and the more they talked, the happier they became.

If Xiaobao were not going to work, the two of them would have been able to talk for a while.

As soon as he arrived at the hospital, Si Xiaobao was dragged to a safe passage by Dong Guo Rou and couldn't wait to ask her, "What did Mrs. Gu say to you?"

"I didn't say anything, just chatting."

Dong Guorou pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and looked at Si Xiaobao contemptuously, "How is it possible? Mrs. Gu is Yaocheng's major shareholder and the general manager of Xue's company. How could she have time to chat with you casually?"

"...Is really chatting."

"Then tell me, what did she talk to you about?"

Si Xiaobao had no choice but to talk about the content of the two people's chat.

Dong Guo Rou patted Xiaobao's shoulder after listening, "I knew it! You silly Xiaobao! What kind of chat? Is it good for someone to talk to you again?"

"What's your taste for me?" She is not familiar with Gu Yi's mother!

Dong Guo Rou rolled her eyes, "Stupid Xiaobao, she wants to see if you are interested in her son! Okay? I'm really worried about your IQ, how will you take over your father's business in the future!"

"...That's it!" Si Xiaobao thought about what he had said again, as if he didn't say anything wrong? However, "Don't worry about her, I don't have any feelings for her son, I already have a boyfriend!"

"Oh! That's why you two will have a good chat!" Dong Guo Rou hugged her helplessly.


"Stupid! Knowing that you didn't have the idea to beat her son, you are the successor of Chengyang Hospital, and you also have a solid background. Would she choose to stand hostile to you?"

"...Okay!" Si Xiaobao was a little unhappy in an instant, how bad she is, Gu Yi's mother seems to look down on her...

Dong Guo Rou held her little face comfortingly, "Baby, judging from today's situation, you must never like the ancient son in the future. Otherwise, you don't know how you died!"

"……Is it so exaggerated?"

Dong Guo Rou told her of her own experience, "Of course! For example, you and Doctor Gu are together one day. But Xue Yanting, the future mother-in-law, doesn't like you, so are you still in the Gu family?"

"That's right! No! You think too much, Rourou, how could I like that ice cube?" She now has a boyfriend!

Dong Guo Rou helplessly put down her arms, "This is the best way, let's go, it's time for a meeting!"



The next day, Si Xiaobao sat silently in a tea house. What happened to the people in the ancient family? Why did the old lady ask her for tea just after Mrs. Gu asked her for coffee?

Are you so afraid of her being with Gu Yi or Gu Jian? Si Xiaobao collapsed.

Therefore, the first sentence when I saw the old lady Mei Xiangwei was, "Old lady, don't worry, I don't like Gu Yi or Gu Jian, I will stay away from them in the future!"

The smile on Mei Xiangwei's face stopped abruptly, "What did my daughter-in-law tell you?"

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