Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1437: let's break up!

Outside, Liu Juan was looking over her head, Gu Yi glanced over with a warning, Liu Juan immediately stood up straight, "Doctor Gu, don't worry, I don't know anything!"

In fact, Liu Juan really wanted to say that she knew, she knew everything, and Gu Yi actually checked Si Xiaobao...

Gu Yi left the obstetrics and gynecology department without saying a word.

As soon as he walked on his front foot, the two doctors behind came around, "Liu Juan, what do you think Doctor Gu is doing inside?"

Xiaobao rushed too quickly, except for the patient number, no doctor or nurse saw her coming out of the ultrasound room. Therefore, everyone thought that Gu Yi was alone in it.

Liu Juan smiled awkwardly, what reason did she think of? Oh! "Doctor Gu said that he will answer another call. It is a very important call that no one can hear, so..."

"Oh, that's it!" They really believed it.

Liu Juan breathed a sigh of relief instantly, "Yes, yes, that's it!"


Si Xiaobao, who returned to the VVIP ward, was about to annoy Dong Guo Rou, because Gu Yi didn’t know how to offend Si Xiaobao, so she kept talking, “Gu Yi is a big pervert. I don’t care if I drink. thing!"

"Gu Yi is shameless, he is absolutely perverted!"

"Gu Yi is perverted!" Take advantage of her! Alright, now she is in front of Gu Yi, without any privacy...

Dong Guo Rou put down the needle in her hand, took off her gloves, and ran away from her ears, "Si Xiaobao, what happened to Doctor Gu? Did you scold him like that? Take advantage of you?"

Gu Yi is not like that kind of person!

Si Xiaobao waved his fist vigorously in the air for a long time, gritted his teeth and squeezed out two words, "Yes!"

"Really?" Dong Guo Rou was so shocked that his chin was about to fall off! "Come, tell me what happened to him? Did you stay with him last night..."

Si Xiaobao didn't come back late last night. She called her a lot but no one answered.

She decided to call Si Shaozhe if she couldn't contact Xiaobao again today!

"No! Who is with him!" Wine! It's all wine! Drinking mistakes! She will never drink a sip of wine again!

"Then what's the matter with you? Did you get tricked into bed? It's not right. If it is true, Rong Yue should be the one who tricked you into bed. Why did you scold Doctor Gu?" Dong Guo Rou was more puzzled as he thought about it.

Si Xiaobao gritted her teeth and wanted to tell the truth, but because she was too ashamed, she swallowed it again.

"I want to cry anyway." Uuuuuu, she has been innocent for more than 20 years!

Dong Guo Rou patted her forehead helplessly, "Why are you crying? Doctor Gu put you to sleep?"

"No!" It's more shameful than sleeping!

"That's not it! I really don't know what you are feeling upset. Since you didn't sleep or kiss you, what are you still struggling with?" I really don't understand Si Xiaobao. I don't know what happened, so she kept guessing. Guess.

Si Xiaobao suddenly closed his mouth, "That's right, I haven't been asleep by him, why am I crying!" Isn't it just being seen?

Look back later! Correct! that's it!


In the parking lot

Si Xiaobao and Rong Yue stood by her car. The two stood in a stalemate for a while. Si Xiaobao mustered the courage to speak, "Rong Yue, let's break up!"

Correct! Si Xiaobao had been thinking about it for two days and decided to break up with Rong Yue.

Because Rong Yuetai chilled her heart.

Rong Yue looked at the serious girl in astonishment, and then a touch of anger crossed his face. Why did she propose to break up and he was dumped? "Xiaobao, what did I do wrong, tell me, can't I change it!"

Si Xiaobao shook his head and said disappointedly, "You are not bad, I just don't think we are suitable!"

Her boyfriend is to rely on, and someone who can rely on can also give her a sense of security. And Rong Yue didn’t give her any sense of security. She was drunk twice and Rong Yue didn’t see anyone...

Rong Yue grabbed Xiaobao's shoulders and said, "Xiaobao, this is my first love relationship, you know, would you give me another chance?"

The girl lowered her head to look at the toe of her shoe, considering whether to give Rong Yue another chance.

Unexpectedly, he hugged her into his arms and bowed his head to kiss her boss Xiaobao.

Knowing his intentions, Si Xiaobao quickly turned away his head in fright, his kiss fell on her hair.

She shyly pushed him away, "Rong Yue, don't do this!"

"Xiaobao, why didn't you let me kiss you?" Rong Yue looked at Si Xiaobao questioningly.

... Si Xiaobao replied helplessly, "I haven't... kissed, haven't... been mentally prepared."

Yes, after living so long, her first kiss is still there. When Gang Rong wanted to kiss her more, she pushed him away a little disgustedly.

"Chi!" A cold chick came from the side, causing Si Xiaobao to feel a bad premonition.

Isn't the man two meters away from them the big pervert of Gu Yi?

Rong Yue saw Gu Yi and quickly put a smile on, "Dean Gu, hello!"

Gu Yi didn't even look at him, walked to the side of Si Xiaobao, and stared at the little girl who was gritting her teeth, "Have you kissed yet?"

"I'm talking to my boyfriend, what do you care about?" Si Xiaobao clenched his fists tightly, holding back trying to smash his fist on his cheating face.

"Boyfriend?" Gu Yi squinted at Rong Yue coldly, and Rong Yue felt guilty when he met his eyes. Because the last time he ate at the Golden Star International Hotel, he kissed Zhang Suwei at the entrance of the hotel, and Gu Yi happened to see him.

He smiled dryly, "President Gu, I had a little conflict with Xiaobao, and made him laugh, Xiaobao, come here!"

"Si Xiaobao, you and I shouldn't have been in charge!"

"Just know it, go quickly!" When I saw him, I thought of how he humiliated her, and there was always an uncomfortable feeling of being seen through.

Gu Yi ignored her displeasure, "This matter has something to do with me, so Si Xiaobao, in fact, your first kiss was gone several years ago."

In fact, your first kiss was gone many years ago! 'coax! "Si Xiaobao's head exploded in an instant!

"What do you mean?" Why didn't she know? He must be lying to her! Correct! Si Xiaobao couldn't help raising the decibel, "Is it fun to lie to me? Gu Yi, why are you so annoying?"

Rong Yue didn't ignore Gu Yi's sentence that this matter had something to do with him, and asked Gu Yi with an ugly expression, "Dean Gu meant that Xiaobao's first kiss was given to you?"

Very smart... also, how can you play the trick of pedaling two boats if you are not smart? Gu Yi nodded without giving Rong Yue a straight eye, "Yes, Si Xiaobao will not come out to lie again in the future!"

"Gu Yi, is it interesting for you to slander me like this?" Si Xiaobao let go of Rong Yue's hand and walked to Gu Yi angrily, raising his head to confront the man.

Does he have delusions? She has never kissed another man, okay?

"Don't believe me? You call Si Shaozhe and ask. Also, do you know how the trace on my mouth was made?"

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