Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1457: wing

"Xiaobao, what's the matter with you? Why do you look sullen?" Xu Huan stared at the sluggish Si Xiaobao curiously, she rarely looked like this!

Si Xiaobao shook his head, "Maybe I didn't rest well last night, I'll go first!"

"Hey, don't go first, Xiaobao, have you heard of Zhen Xining?" Xu Huan stopped her again.

Si Xiaobao originally wanted to shake his head, but after reacting, he nodded again.

"Do you know? Zhen Xiening is coming to work in our hospital, have you heard?" Almost all the hospital knows the news, and it is estimated that only Si Xiaobao, who has been on vacation for several days, doesn't know it!

Si Xiaobao raised his eyelids and glanced at Xu Huan, who was very excited, and couldn't bear to beat her good mood. He responded with a coordinated response, "Really? When? Is it going to the obstetrics and gynecology department?"

"Really! It's coming next week! She is the authority in the obstetrics and gynecology department, she must go to the obstetrics and gynecology department!"

"Oh, okay, I see, I'm leaving now!" Zhen Xining, Si Xiaobao had never seen him before, but had heard of it many times. Apart from admiring her, she was not too interested.

Xu Huan seemed to be really uncomfortable, so she didn't force her this time.

When Si Xiaobao went to the locker room, he called Dong Guo Rou. It's a pity that Dong Guo Rou asked for leave today, but she didn't come anymore. There was not even a person to vent, she was the only one left.

Everything was normal at work. Wang Xixi was supposed to be on duty this evening, but there was something temporary at home, so I found Si Xiaobao to change her shift.

Si Xiaobao happened to be fine, so he stayed on duty.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, the night shift was almost gone, and Si Xiaobao sat at the nurses station and fell asleep.

"Si Xiaobao? Si Xiaobao..."

In a daze, Si Xiaobao heard someone calling her name again, she suddenly opened her eyes, and there was a man standing in front of her.

After a moment of confusion, Si Xiaobao realized that the man who was smiling at him was Gu Yi's assistant-Jiang Yan.

"Si Xiaobao, are you awake?" Si Xiaobao looked dazed, so cute, Jiang Yan didn't hold back his chuckle.

She nodded quickly, trying to make her eyes wide open, "Assistant Jiang, hello!"

Jiang Yan remembered his purpose, put away his smile, took out a delicate handbag and handed it to Si Xiaobao, "Doctor Gu asked me to pass it on to you."

Si Xiaobao didn't pick up the handbag, she probably guessed what was inside.

Didn't the two sentences Gu Yi said on WeChat last night meant to keep her away from her in the future?

"Thank you, Assistant Jiang, help me return this to Doctor Gu."

Jiang Yan gave Gu Yi a thumbs up in his heart, and he guessed that Si Xiaobao would refuse, "Miss Si, a man wants to do what he says. Doctor Gu said, if you don’t want it, it’s okay. You do it yourself."

Don't even give her room for rejection?

Si Xiaobao got angry, took the handbag and threw it into the trash can beside Jiang Yan in front of Jiang Yan.

"Okay, I have handled it, Assistant Jiang, please come back!"

Jiang Yan glanced at the handbag in the trash can with complicated eyes, and couldn't help but remind, "Miss Si, the contents inside are priceless..."

"I know, but this lady is not uncommon, otherwise you will bring him back!"

Si Xiaobao pinched the corner of his clothes tightly, trying to suppress the urge to pick it up.

Jiang Yan shook his head, "Okay, Miss Si, I'm leaving now!"

"Well, goodbye Assistant Jiang!"


The nurse's station was quiet again. Si Xiaobao was no longer sleepy this time, his eyes kept staring at the handbag in the trash can.

Is she too much? After all, she agreed to accept the ancient wing pearl.

When he was about to get off work, Si Xiaobao picked up his handbag and opened the dark blue brocade box. There were two huge black pearls lying quietly inside.

The appearance is round and the color is bright, which is a good thing at first glance.

She gently touched the two pearls, hesitating whether to return them to Gu Yi.

After Dong Guo Rou returned from home the next day, Si Xiaobao asked Dong Guo Rou and accepted two pearls.

When they were on the morning shift, the two went to the mall together, and Dong Guo Rou helped Si Xiaobao choose a shirt for Gu Yi.

Returning to the apartment at night, Si Xiaobao received a call from Rong Yue again, asking her to come out for dinner.

Si Xiaobao did not refuse, because she wanted to break up with Rong Yue again.

However, Rong Yue performed very well this time, completely looking like a good boyfriend and a warm boy. Si Xiaobao wanted to break up without a chance.

In the end, Si Xiaobao had to part with boredom and Rong Yue.

Watching Si Xiaobao's car leave, Rong Yue's white face was full of dissatisfaction. This Si Xiaobao is not as cute as Zhang Suwei, nor does Zhang Suwei have a girlfriend. If she hadn't seen her rich, she would have been thrown away!

Later on Sunday night, Gu Yi did not really show up with Mei Xiangwei, and Si Xiaobao felt a strong sense of loss. In fact, she also changed shifts and went to the supermarket to buy a lot of food suitable for the elderly.


Sure enough, she thought too much, and it seemed that Gu Yi really wanted to draw a line with her.

That being the case, so be it! She doesn't care...

On Monday, Si Xiaobao sneaked into the deputy dean's office and knocked on the door of Gu Yi's office.

Si Xiaobao did not expect that the one who opened the door was a woman, a very pretty and tall woman, with long black hair that had not been dyed in any color and was curled on her shoulders.

She wears off-white designer clothes and the most popular pointed high heels. If you only see Zhen Xining in this way, you will definitely think that she is just a celebrity daughter.

The image has nothing to do with the doctors in obstetrics and gynecology.

The woman said steadily, "Hello, what's the matter?"

Si Xiaobao remembered that this woman is the authoritative doctor in obstetrics and gynecology that everyone said some time ago—Zhen Xining.

she is back? Are you really going to work in the hospital? "Hello, I'm here to find Gu Yi!"

The word Gu Yi in Si Xiaobao's mouth made Zhen Xining look at her more.

Wearing a nurse's uniform, not named Doctor Gu, but Gu Yi...

Zhen Xining smiled and looked into the office, "Ying, a little nurse is looking for you!"


Little nurse...

The identity between the two women was instantly opened, and Si Xiaobao felt that Zhen Xining's tone made her very uncomfortable.

"Come in." Gu Yi knew who it was when he heard the voice.

Zhen Xining stepped aside, Si Xiaobao walked into the office, Gu Yi was sitting at the desk, looking at her.

His gaze was faint, as if looking at a stranger again...

Si Xiaobao suddenly became nervous, and Haw didn't pass the handbag in his hand for a long time. She was very courageous before coming. What happened now? A little scared seeing Gu Yi?

Gu Yi didn't urge her either, so he watched Si Xiaobao struggle in place.

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