Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1482: What to do?

When approaching the inpatient department, she received a call from Dong Guo Rou, "Xiaobao, why haven't you come yet? Our meeting is over!"

"I'll be here soon!" In fact, she was late, not only to blame her, but also to Gu Yi's attractive R&D room!

Originally, when Gu Yi was in the bathroom in the morning, she wanted to go to another room to wash up. Who knew that she accidentally opened a door to be the R&D room!

"Well, where did you go?"

"Downstairs, in three minutes!"

"OK. Waiting for you!"

Hanging up Dong Guo Rou's phone, Si Xiaobao's cell phone rang again, this time it was Si Shaozhe!


"Xiaobao, the matter has been investigated. The person who posted the surveillance video was done by Bao Yujia, assistant to the director of the obstetrics and gynecology department of your hospital."

Bao Yujia? She has no impression of this person at all.

She is sure and sure that she doesn't know Bao Yujia, so she can ask her after get off work to see what kind of grudge she has with herself!

"Okay, brother, I see, goodbye!"

When I arrived at the VVIP inpatient department, Miao Nianyi inevitably had a reprimand. Si Xiaobao was in a good mood, and surprisingly did not talk to Miao Nianyi.

After his salary was deducted, Si Xiaobao went to the ward to help Dong Guo Rou indifferently.

The patients in the ward were pushed out by Wang Xixi to breathe fresh air. Dong Guo Rou was arranging the facilities that he needed for a while, and seeing Si Xiaobao, she was excited to come over, "Xiaobao, Xiaobao, feel like living with Gu how is it?"

Si Xiaobao blushed inexplicably, "Fortunately, his mother went there last night."

Dong Guo Rou became nervous in an instant, pushing the frame on the bridge of her nose, "Then his mother embarrassed you?"

"No, no, she didn't know it was me, but I was discovered by Gu Jian! I just don't know if Gu Jian will tell his mother it is me!" Si Xiaobao looked irresistible.

She guessed that Gu Jian would not be able to say it?

Dong Guo Rou didn't know if Gu Jian would tell Xue Yanting, but thought of another thing. She pulled Si Xiaobao to her side and leaned close to her ear with a wicked smile, "Then, do you and Doctor Gu...hmm...that that."

"That?" Si Xiaobao didn't react for a while, she didn't understand until she saw Dong Guo Rou's shy expression.

Si Xiaobao blushed and squeezed Dong Guo Rou who was not okay, "No, no, Xiao Ernv, what are you thinking about!"

Although Gu Yi hinted to her, neither of them...

"Huh?" Dong Guo Rou pushed the frame disappointedly, "Xiaobao, did you two sleep together?"

"Yes!" she answered truthfully.

"Yes? That's because the ancient doctor is a gentleman! Yes! It should be like this, after all, the ancient doctor is not a scumbag! Xiaobao, you have to cherish the ancient doctor!" Dong Guo Rou suddenly realized!

"What are you cherishing? The horoscopes haven't been written yet!" The two of them are not boyfriends and girlfriends, so it's hard to talk about cherishing or cherishing!

She knew she didn't hate Gu Yi, but she was not sure if she also liked Gu Yi!

Next, Si Xiaobao told Dong Guo Rou about the gift that Zhen Xining had given to Gu Yi. Dong Guo Rou was surprised to tell her, “I don’t see that Director Zhen actually likes Doctor Gu! Xiaobao, if it’s true, Zhen The director is a rival!"

"Ah? That's right, after all, Director Zhen is so good." On the contrary, she just came out of school, nothing, nothing.

So, does Gu Yi also like Zhen Xining?

Probably not. Gu Yi threw away all the gifts Zhen Xining gave him last night, didn't he?

A high-level meeting is being held in the conference room of Yaocheng Hospital.

The people sitting inside were all above the deputy director of the hospital. Just after Gu Yi finished speaking, the phone on the table began to vibrate.

Seeing the caller ID, he picked up the phone, stood up from the position, and left the conference room with little movement.

Why would Jiang Yan call this time?

"it's me."

"Um, Doctor Gu, the housekeeping side just called and said that many dolls were found in your apartment and I don't know what to do..."

doll? A smile flashed in Gu Yi's eyes, Jiang Yan forgot even if he didn't mention it, Si Xiaobao seemed to hide the dolls.

"Where are the dolls?"

Jiang Yan clenched his hand into a fist and coughed slightly on his mouth. "The housekeeper said yes, behind the TV, beside the sofa, under the wine rack... in several places, she didn't know what was going on, and she didn't dare to move. , Just call for instructions, what should I do?"

The man looked out the window and smiled at the corners of his lips. The naughty little girl even spread out and hid.

"Leave it where it is, as long as the hygiene is good!"

If he asked the housekeeper to dispose of those things, that little girl would surely turn his face on him?

Jiang Yan was surprised when he heard the words and didn't say anything for a long time. Doctor Gu seemed to like Si Xiaobao very much...

"What? Is there a problem?" Gu Yi said coldly without speaking for a long time.

The cold voice pulled back Jiang Yan's thoughts, and he shook his head quickly, "No, no, I will notify the housekeeping!"

After hanging up the phone, Gu Yi looked at the scenery outside the window, and a grieved little face appeared in his mind. He smiled, put away his phone, and returned to the meeting room.

When I sat down in the position, I received curious and surprised eyes from many people.

Gu Yi realized that his smile won't be put away yet...

At lunch, Si Xiaobao was sitting in the cafeteria listening to everyone talking about Gu Yi.

"Do you know? I found that Doctor Gu is super handsome in a white shirt and a white doctor uniform!" Si Xiaobao nodded.

"Of course I know! Doctor Gu looks good in a black shirt, okay?" Si Xiaobao nodded.

"I feel better in white!" Si Xiaobao nodded again.

Suddenly, the style of painting changed, Si Xiaobao only felt a few sharp sword-like gazes, "Si Xiaobao, is that the shirt you gave to Doctor Gu?"

Si Xiaobao gave Gu Yi's blessing, now she has become a celebrity in the hospital, and almost no one does not know her.

Hearing these questions, Si Xiaobao wanted to nod his head very much, but in order not to cause trouble to himself, "Go ask Doctor Gu! I don't know!"

"You! You did it on purpose! I don't even know the clothes I gave to Doctor Gu?" Nurse A was very angry.

Si Xiaobao took a bite of rice and nodded, "Yes, I don't know!"

Nurse A was so angry that she almost smashed her lunch on Si Xiaobao's calm face.

Nurse B quickly comforted nurse A, "Don't be angry, didn't you say that Doctor Gu gave the shirt to the gardener of the Gu family? It must not have been bought by Si Xiaobao!"

Nurse C, "Also, haven't you noticed that Doctor Gu walks close to Director Zhen every day?"

"I found out, isn't it discussing work?" Nurse A looked at nurse C in confusion.

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