Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1497: I don't want to take the exam

She really likes him calling her Xiaobao!

Climbing his arms around his neck, he said mischievously, "Call my name again."

The big palm grabbed her soft waist and looked at the girl in his arms like a lazy kitten. The smile in his eyes gradually deepened, "Xiaobao, Xiaobao girl..."

"Hmm..." She greedily enjoyed his tenderness.

She gave a gentle reminder, and instantly lifted the sleeping * in his body.

This time the action is no longer gentle, domineering and slightly rude to kiss her red lips...

Not only that, but also turned over and pressed her under her body to do whatever she wanted.

"Gu Yi..." Feeling his desire, she tremblingly called his name.

Gu Yi sounded like a fire dragon, constantly devouring Gu Yi's reason.

I don't know how long it took, when Si Xiaobao was so self-taught that he wanted to surrender, Gu Yi suddenly fell under her and stepped into the bathroom.



Si Xiaobao touched his hot face, quickly put on his pajamas, crawled out of the bed and ran to the cloakroom to change his clothes.

Putting on the bottoming shirt, Si Xiaobao tiptoedly walked a few steps towards the bathroom door, and heard the sound of water splashing inside.

Huh? Why is this ancient wing cleanliness worse than my father, and he actually has to take a shower twice a day!

She unscrewed the doorknob of the bathroom quietly, preparing to quietly take away the toiletries outside the bathroom.

However, she accidentally dropped the cleanser on the ground...

The sound of the water stopped abruptly, and she was so frightened that she did not dare to gasp. If Gu Yi was spotted here at this time, she would not be able to wash it out if she jumped into the Yellow River!

Fortunately, the sound of water rang again, and Si Xiaobao sighed in relief, bent down and picked up the cleanser from the ground.

He raised his head to get dental appliances, "Ah!"

In the scene before him, Si Xiaobao directly threw the cleanser in his hand.

"Gu... Gu... Gu..." Si Xiaobao found the voice for a long time, staring at the calm man in front of him in shock, " don't even wear clothes in the bath! Gu...the big gangster! "

Gu Yi looked at her suspiciously, "Are you still wearing clothes when you take a bath?"

Her head shook like a rattle.

Uh... it's not it! This is not the point! The point is, she...uuuu... saw something that shouldn't be seen.

"Ancient hooligan!" Si Xiaobao quickly picked up the cleanser on the ground, took his dental appliances and cleansing instrument, rushed out of the bathroom and closed the bathroom door, all his actions were done in one go!


At breakfast time, Gu Yi had been waiting for her ten minutes before sitting at the dining table and had not seen her come out yet.

Put down the tablet in his hand, stood up from the position, and walked to the bedroom.

In the bedroom, thoughtful Si Xiaobao took a bottle of cream and kept applying it to his face.

"Si Xiaobao!"

"Drink!" Si Xiaobao, who was meditating, was so scared that he threw away the cream in his hand...

The cream flew onto Gu Yi's...bed without being crooked.

All the creams were all buckled on his black sheets and bedding.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Si Xiaobao ran over in distress to try to save his face cream.

But she was disappointed, because she fell to the bottom of the cream! The remaining weight is not enough for half of her face.

Gu Yi looked at the mess on the bed and pinched his eyebrows.

Si Xiaobao felt sorry for the cream before realizing that he was in trouble!

She hurried to get the paper from the table, and when she came back, a big palm stopped her movement.

Removed the paper from her hand, "Stop getting it, housekeeping will come over later!"

"But..." She glanced embarrassedly. The 30ml cream was spread everywhere, and it wouldn't look good if it was not cleaned.

"Go to breakfast first." He put the paper aside, took her wrist, and walked to the dining room.

"No, I haven't put on makeup yet!" She wanted to withdraw her wrist.

Gu Yi turned around, raised her chin, and looked at her delicate little face, "That's good!"

Being praised by Gu Yi, Si Xiaobao lowered his head shyly when he heard the words, stirred his fingers helplessly, and replied in a low voice, "There is a little tease on his face that needs to be covered..."

"The acne is getting bigger and bigger. When I get to the hospital, I will ask Jiang Yan to send you some ointment." After finishing speaking, she could not refuse, and directly pressed her to the table.

It wasn't until Gu Yi sat down opposite that Si Xiaobao realized that the black shirt Gu Yi was wearing today was the one she gave him!

She was immediately excited, "Big wings! You..."

The man glanced over, Si Xiaobao immediately shut up, and then said three words strangely, "You can't speak!"

Gu Yi nodded in satisfaction and continued to eat breakfast.

Although Gu Yi always told Si Xiaobao when he said the first sentence, he could not speak. However, Si Xiaobao couldn't help but say a few words after dinner time.

Gu Yi opened one eye and closed one eye and listened to her talking to herself.

For example, now, "Big Wing, my internship period is about to end. Should I go to the exam? Or return to Chengyang Hospital to work?"

Rarely, Gu Yi swallowed the food in his mouth and replied, "Take the exam."

"But, I don't want to take the exam."

Gu Yi, "..."

Si Xiaobao seemed to have thought of something, and asked Gu Yi cautiously, "Or the internship is over, I will go back to Chengyang Hospital!"

After saying this, Si Xiaobao put down the milk cup nervously, there were traces of milk around his lips, and he forgot to lick it. Looking at Gu Yi expectantly, wondering if he will keep her.

With her appearance, Gu Yi almost couldn't help but laugh, "Are you going back to harm your father and your brother?"

She did not speak.

Gu Yi continued, "Your father needs to take care of your mother, and your brother needs to take care of your sister-in-law and two sons. Who is free to take care of you?"

"..." Seems nothing wrong!

Gu Yi wiped his mouth and Yun Danfeng told her gently, "So, you should stay here and let me stare at you."

Upon hearing this, Si Xiaobao raised a big smile, his chest full of happiness.

However, "You will run for the position of dean for a while, and you will be very busy every day. Are you sure I won't cause you trouble?"

"Not sure." He answered very positively.

Si Xiaobao, "..." She slammed her mouth unconvinced, she knew it!

After taking the last bite of greens, Gu Yi took the used tissues into the trash without hurriedly, "Then you will stay in the R&D room in the apartment, and I will let people look at you... don't stare at you. I eat breakfast!"

Si Xiaobao, "..." opened his mouth and took a bite of the sandwich in his hand, "What can I do for you?"

"Help me what?"

"Running for Dean!" She answered him vaguely.

Gu Yi didn't speak, and tapped her index and middle fingers on the table, and waited until she finished eating the sandwiches before telling her, "Yes!"

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