Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1528: We can't do anything wrong

There was also the Guyi Apartment. Later, someone really adjusted the surveillance. Fortunately, she erased the evidence in advance...

Her retreat made Xue Yanting think she could not bear to force Gu Yi, and patted her hand with satisfaction, "Xining, you know that auntie is on your side. Also, alas! Take this medicine first. ! You know, Xiaoyi was only after taking Chinese medicine... If she is really pregnant, she won't need to say anything about the result, you also know."

How could Zhen Xining not know? If something really happened to her and Gu Yi, the chance of fetal malformation would be very high if she became pregnant in that situation!

"I see, auntie, I will eat now!" Zhen Xining closed her eyes tightly, and finally nodded in agreement.

Seeing her begging for everything, Xue Yanting felt even more sorry for her, and she promised repeatedly, "Don't worry, I will let Xiaoyi give you an explanation when I go back. Don't think about anything, rest early."

Zhen Xining didn't speak any more, because she knew that she would lose if she said too much.

Du Fen sent Xue Yanting away and went directly to Zhen Xining's room.

Du Fen knew the truth of this matter. It was Zhen Jimao who had just returned from a business trip in the afternoon and didn't know anything, thinking that her daughter was really bullied by Gu Yi.

"Xining, don't worry now, don't push Gu Yi into a hurry." Du Fen was scared when he saw Gu Yi's gaze, and almost revealed his stuff several times.

I really don't know where my daughter's courage comes from, dare to use this kind of thing to deceive Gu Yi.

Zhen Xining threw the contraceptive pill into the trash can and returned to her usual capable and strong appearance, "Mom, I know, now that the Yin family is pressing Gu Yi with us, he will definitely not be with Si Xiaobao!"

If Yin Ruoya hasn't returned yet, don't worry about it. Now let's get rid of Si Xiaobao who is obstructing her.

Si Xiaobao is really an idiot. He forgot to close the door when he came out of Gu Yi's apartment. God is really helping her!

"Well, be careful yourself, Gu Yi is not easy to fool, what if he asks you to check your body?" Du Fen knew that his daughter had never had a boyfriend before, and she was still a big girl.

"Impossible!" Zhen Xiening replied affirmatively. They all could see the color on the sheets clearly.

Also, if she and Gu Yi really get married in the future, wouldn't it be easy to destroy that layer?

It's just that Gu Yi hasn't given her time to speak, she doesn't need to be so anxious to destroy the things that represent her innocence...

It's the identity of Si Xiaobao...

No wonder she couldn't find out, it turned out to be Si Chengyang's daughter.

Family background is many times more prominent than her Zhen family, and it is still a bit difficult to start with Si Xiaobao.

Si Xiaobao, who didn't know all of this, was still in the apartment with the roses that Gu Yi gave her while lying on the bed.

These roses, she will buy a vase tomorrow, put them in the vase, and put them in her bedroom to watch every day!

After making up his mind, Si Xiaobao carefully put the gift box on a side table and sent a WeChat message to Gu Yi: Good night, Big Wing.

It's just that there has been no reply to her over there.

The first thing I opened my eyes the next morning was to look at the phone. WeChat Shangguyi still didn't reply to any messages from her.

Maybe Gu Yi didn't see it... She comforted herself silently.

In the following days, many people discovered that Si Xiaobao had changed.

Hmm... According to Wang Xixi's words, Si Xiaobao has become more feminine, and it feels like a sudden transformation overnight...

Regarding her analysis, Si Xiaobao smiled with a guilty conscience, "How can there be so many things, it must be the clothes I wear."

Possibly, today's Si Xiaobao is wearing a long red windbreaker with a waist and a pair of half-high heel shoes staring at his feet.

Thinking that this might be the reason, everyone automatically let go of Si Xiaobao who went to see Dong Guo Rou.

In Ward 3

With Su Xingyu's support, Dong Guo Rou was getting out of bed and trying to walk.

Si Xiaobao didn’t expect Su Xingyu to be there. He was taken aback, and put the soup in his hand to Dong Guo Rou, telling them jokingly, “Su Xingyu, these soups have quick effects on wound healing. You must watch Rou Drink it softly! If she doesn't drink it, I don't mind if you feed her to it!"

When she told Su Xingyu to feed her soup, Dong Guo Rou's cheeks blushed, "Xiaobao, what are you talking about! Why don't I drink it if I drink it?"

Su Xingyu assured Si Xiaobao, "Don't worry, I will definitely look at her."

Si Xiaobao smiled and waved to Dong Guo Rou, "I won't make light bulbs anymore, you continue!"

After speaking, she left the ward without giving Dong Guo Rou a chance to speak.

Not long before she left, Dong Guo Rou was taken back to the hospital bed by Su Xingyu, and according to Si Xiaobao, she personally fed Dong Guo Rou and drink soup.

"Don't, I'll do it myself." It was her abdomen that was injured, and her arms and hands were not able to drink by herself. Dong Guo Rou wanted to pick up the soup bowl.

But let Su Xingyu escape, "Si Xiaobao said, let me feed you, and I also agreed, we can't do justice to the evil!"

Dong Guo Rou, "..." Is this a violation of Yang Feng Yin?

After drinking a bowl of soup, Dong Guo Rou seemed to think of something and asked Su Xingyu, "Have you noticed that Xiaobao has changed in the past few days."

Become... uh... better looking, more feminine, and a happy smile on his face.

Su Xingyu raised her eyelids and glanced at her, "Well, yes."

"Su Xingyu, otherwise you can help me with the discharge procedures. I don't worry that Xiaobao will be outside alone." Dong Guo Rou couldn't tell what it was like for Si Xiaobao's change, and he was more worried.

Su Xingyu glanced at her again, "She has Gu Yi to worry about, so don't worry about it. Also, you didn't promise me to go to my place after leaving the hospital!"

Si Xiaobao went to Gu Yi's place, and Dong Guo Rou was living alone, so he was worried.

Dong Guo Rou's face turned red, and he took another sip of the soup he fed, "But, over there Xiaobao..."

"I think she's fine. I'll go find Ah Yi later. If Si Xiaobao is okay with him, you can go to me." In order to reassure her, Su Xingyu decided to find Gu Yi and ask clearly. The current situation of Si Xiaobao.

Of course this is good, Dong Guo Rou softly responded, "Okay."

It was not only the people in the VVIP ward who found that Si Xiaobao had changed, but also Gu Yi.

On the third day without contact with Si Xiaobao, the two met in Gu Yi's office.

No, to be precise, Si Xiaobao couldn't help but sneak into Gu Yi's office.

With just a glance, Gu Yi discovered that Si Xiaobao had changed.

It feels the same as everyone, but he can't figure out why.

"Big wings!" Seeing Gu Yi, Si Xiaobao threw over excitedly as usual.

Unexpectedly, the hugged Gu Yi didn't react at all, and looked at her coldly, "Why are you here?"

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