Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1600: Make two appetizers

The person who dared to release such dangerous things in his hospital to harm him, how could he let him go?

After hanging up, Gu Yi walked out of the R&D department with Si Xiaobao.

Along the way, I met one or two colleagues who worked overtime. While greeted Gu Yi respectfully, they looked at the two people who acted close together in surprise.

Si Xiaobao hadn't recovered yet, and let Gu Yi take her out of the R&D department.

Sitting in the car, when Si Xiaobao almost recovered, Gu Yi asked her, "What's the situation?"

Si Xiaobao told all the scenes he saw.

Just when the two people called, Si Xiaobao opened the cabinet and took out his mobile phone. He was about to pick up his white coat. As soon as he picked it up, he saw a snake right in her closet. Perhaps he suddenly stretched out his head when he saw the light and felt movement. Fortunately, Si Xiaobao stepped back several steps at the first sight of the snake to avoid the attack of the poisonous snake.

Gu Yi was silent and let Si Xiaobao leaned on his shoulders, gently touching her hair with his big palm.

When returning to Oujing's apartment, Si Xiaobao found Aunt Shu was busy in the kitchen.

Seeing the two people come back, greet them, "Master, Miss Si, the dinner is ready, and the Anshen soup may have to wait a while, shall you eat dinner first?"

Gu Yi nodded faintly, and took Si Xiaobao, who was still in fear, into the bathroom.

"Xiaobao, it's okay, no more, don't be afraid." Gu Yi held her in his arms distressedly, and kept kissing her long hair to comfort her.

Si Xiaobao nodded in his arms, "Big wings, I don't like you wearing a patterned tie."

It looks...a bit like snake skin.

In fact, she wanted to say it a long time ago, but she thought that if Gu Yi liked it, she could deliberately ignore it.

Unexpectedly, this incident happened again tonight, and Si Xiaobao really couldn't look directly at Gu Yi's several patterned ties.

Gu Yi nodded, "Well, I won't wear it if I don't like it."

As long as he can do things, he will promise her, let alone such trivial things?

When I came out of the bathroom after washing my hands, the dinner was already neatly arranged on the table.

Seeing a table of delicious food, Si Xiaobao was a little...had no appetite.

She moved the soup spoon and drank a little porridge, as if she had lost her sense of taste, she didn't know the sweet, salty, bitter and spicy food.

Stirring the porridge in the bowl boringly, the chopsticks didn't even move. Gu Yi saw this situation and told Aunt Shu, "Aunt Shu, make two appetizers."

Ok? "Are these dishes not enough for you?" Si Xiaobao asked him in a daze.

Gu Yi glanced at several dishes, "Enough, don't you like it? I'll let Aunt Shu make two more."

"No, no, I can just eat these!" Alas! Si Xiaobao had no choice but to pick up a piece of soft tofu and put it in his mouth.

Well, it's spicy, it's really delicious.

Next, Si Xiaobao tried his best not to let himself think about the scene at night, and ate the food hard.

However, it would still affect her. After only 1/3 of the porridge was drunk, she couldn't eat anymore.

Gu Yi was already full. After taking a tissue to wipe his mouth and hands, he dragged Si Xiaobao, who was hard to swallow, and took her away from the table.

The two finally sat down on the sofa, "It's okay if you don't want to eat, and later I have some soothing soup I asked Aunt Shu to make."

Si Xiaobao nodded, "Big Wing, you said that...where did the thing come from?"

This is something she has always wondered about, why there is such a thing in the research and development room, and it is on the tenth floor!

Gu Yi played with her fingers, "I'm asking Jiang Yan to investigate, and I will tell you when the time comes!"

"Yeah." She hugged his arms and leaned against his shoulder.

After the Anshen soup was made, Gu Yi personally fed Si Xiaobao and drank a bowl.

He didn't let her go until she was wailing and keeping her belly strong, and he gave the empty bowl in his hand to Aunt Shu.

Later, after Gu Yi went to the kitchen to explain some things to Aunt Shu, he took Si Xiaobao out of the Oujing Apartment.

"Where are we going?" Si Xiaobao sat in the co-pilot seat and watched Gu Yi fasten her seat belt.

Gu Yi smiled faintly, "You'll know when you get there!" Then he kissed her on the forehead and started the car and left the complex.

Forty minutes later, Si Xiaobao opened his bewildered eyes and looked at the dim night outside the car window in confusion.

After getting off the bus, they realized that they didn't know when they reached the top of a mountain.

Standing here, looking around, almost all of the night scenes of Jiuzhou City were seen, very beautiful.

After she was in a good mood, Gu Yi walked to the other side wearing her. After walking for about five minutes under the dim street light, she saw a few eye-catching characters: Glass Lake Yushui Hot Spring.

So, did Gu Yi bring her to the hot spring?

When they arrived at the hot spring reception room, there were already two private butlers waiting for them, "Mr. Gu, Miss Si, hello, welcome to Glass Lake Yushui Hot Spring."

Si Xiaobao smiled at them, Gu Yi nodded lightly.

"Mr. Gu, the check-in procedure has been completed, please follow me!"

Two personal butlers took them to the elevator and pressed the elevator button on the negative fifth floor.

The negative fifth floor is a section on the hillside.

The bamboo forest pool is in the depths of the bamboo forest, and the infinity swimming pool is instantaneous. You can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the bamboo forest and the city night view on the right side.

Dark night

In Tangchi, the woman was held in his arms by the man, looking at the distant scenery, they were in a good mood.

However, suddenly remembering one thing, the woman looked at the bamboo forest in horror and asked the man, "Will there be" in the bamboo forest. She couldn't say the word.

Gu Yi held her long arms and tightened a little, "No, it's safe here."

Oh! Ok! She believes him!

after awhile.

"Aren't we going back today?" Si Xiaobao raised his head and looked at the staunch silhouette of the man's face.

"Well, I will go back tomorrow." Feeling her gaze, Gu Yi dropped his head and pecked on her red lips.

"Oh! Why would you want to come to the hot springs?" She didn't have any preparations, but fortunately the housekeeper here prepared all the swimsuits.

Gu Yi's long arm moved twice, allowing Si Xiaobao to straddle his body, and the two of them faced each other.

Si Xiaobao was flushed with the ambiguous posture in the water, "Rogue, let me down!"

"I want to know how you are now?" If it's good, they can settle the bill.

Si Xiaobao didn't know that the crisis was coming, "Okay, I'm done!" With him by his side, her heart was very calm.

"But, I'm not good!" Gu Yi squeezed her waist, his palms began to be presumptuous.

"What's wrong with you?" She twisted uncomfortably.

"What's wrong with me? Si Xiaobao, let Li Shaofeng take you to his house as a guest. Do we have to make a good calculation?"

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