Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1610: I'm already at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau

Professor Cheng looked silently at Si Xiaobao, who was dancing and dancing, "Come on, isn't it just to get the certificate? When the wedding is held, dare you not ask me to have a wedding wine, and don't call me Master in the future!"

Si Xiaobao smiled and joked with him, "Okay! If you are a few dozen years younger, you can also be the best man! Hahahaha..."

Professor Cheng used her ring knuckle to tap on her head, "It's not big or small! Work! See if the formula you added is beyond the standard..."


The next day, the wind was sunny, and the sun was shining warmly on Si Xiaobao's body.

She squinted her eyes, looked at the account book and ID card in her hand, opened her mouth and smiled silly.

Gu Yi is still in the operating room, and according to Jiang Yan, it is almost over.

But she couldn't wait a long time, and came to the Civil Affairs Bureau in advance.

After waiting for nearly half an hour, Gu Yi finally called.

"Hey, are you finished with the operation?" Si Xiaobao asked sweetly after answering the phone.

"Well, where? Come and find me, let's go together." Back in the office, Gu Yi replaced his white coat.

Si Xiaobao smiled and told Gu Yi embarrassedly, "I'm already at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau!"

After hearing the words, Gu Yi chuckled lightly, eyes filled with soft light, and told her, "Wait for me!"


After finishing the call, Si Xiaobao called Dong Guo Rou, "Hi, my godson and his mother!"

This kind of recognition of children as godmothers must exist!

"Xiaobao, you are in such a good mood? What are you doing?" Dong Guo Rou could not only hear Si Xiaobao's joy, but also feel it.

Si Xiaobao shook his legs humbly, "Listen well! I am now, cough cough... at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau!"

"Wow! Xiaobao, are you going to get the certificate from Dean Gu?!" Dong Guo Rou shouted in surprise over there.

There was a male voice immediately beside him, "Calm, calm, soft, sit down!"

This voice is Su Xingyu who is feeding Dong Guo Rou fruit!

Knowing that Dong Guo Rou was pregnant, she took a week off specially to accompany Dong Guo Rou at home.

"Yeah! Hey, Rourou, I found one thing!" Si Xiaobao looked up at the sky, the sun shone on her face, and she closed her eyes slightly.

"What? What? Are you pregnant too?"

Dong Guo Rou's guessing made Si Xiaobao blush, "What is it! How can it be! It's not it!" Speaking of pregnancy, Si Xiaobao touched her lower abdomen unconsciously.

How does it feel to be pregnant? She also wants to have a baby with Gu Yi!

"what is that?"

"I found that getting married with a person I love is a super, super happy thing!" Si Xiaobao trembled happily.

"Of course! You just know!" Dong Guo Rou knew it a long time ago, at the moment when Su Xingyu proposed to her at her birthday party. She burst into tears with excitement and happiness!

Si Xiaobao shook her head. After getting married, she must do less research and development, and spend more time to be Gu Yi's good wife and mother. It is best to have a baby. Gu Yi seems to like the baby very much too. After that, he didn't allow her to take medicine... Hey, thinking of this, Si Xiaobao shyly covered his hot face.

"Xiaobao?" Dong Guorou called Si Xiaobao several times over there, but no one responded to her, "Xiaobao, what are you doing? Can't you hear me?"

Dong Guo Rou finally raised the decibel and pulled back Si Xiaobao's thoughts, "Oh! I'm listening, I won't tell you anymore, wait until we get the certificate, and take my godson out to go shopping!" This good news, She wants to share it with others!

"Well, no problem, call me after the procedures are completed!"

"Bye, dear Rourou!"

"Bye bye, my lovely Xiaobao, what is it!"


After the two people got in touch with each other as usual, they ended the call. Si Xiaobao couldn't wait to dial Shao Jiayi's number, "Hello, sister Mianmian!"

"Xiaobao! Knowing that you called me, I thought you fell into the river of love and couldn't get it out!" Shao Jiayi teased her.

Si Xiaobao smiled, "Why, I just want to tell you good news!"

"Good news? Say it, say it!"

"That, I'm going to get the certificate with Gu Yi!" Si Xiaobao shared his happiness and joy to his best friends one by one.

"Wow! The speed is so fast! Xiaobao, you can do it! The big iceberg of Gu Yi was also taken down by you! Well done!" Shao Jiayi was excited, and the dessert just made with his right hand was accidentally thrown away !

Si Xiaobao smiled stupidly for a long time, and for a while, he didn't hear Shao Jiayi say anything else.

Finally, she called Bosino again, thinking about calling her sister-in-law too, but her parents knew it, and her sister-in-law must have known it, so she didn't say anything.

After calling the three people, Si Xiaobao checked the time. She waited for Gu Yi for another twenty minutes.

Yaocheng Hospital

Gu Yi tidied his suit jacket and started the car. Pagani drove out of Yaocheng Hospital.

Thinking that Si Xiaobao was already in the Civil Affairs Bureau, Gu Yi speeded up the throttle.

At this moment, his cell phone rang, it was Gu Hongzhen. "Dad, something?"

"Well, come back now."

"Dad, I have something right now."

"Little Wing, Ruoya is back."

"Squeak!" A harsh brake sound rang from the side of the road.

Gu Yi fixedly looked at the unknown distance, why is it today?

The person on the phone was quickly changed, "Gu Yi, it's me..."

He hadn't seen this voice for seven years, and he could hear who it was.

after an hour

Si Xiaobao was anxious to call Gu Yi to urge him, and the familiar Pagani finally appeared in her sight.

From the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau, trotting all the way to the side of the car, Gu Yi stepped off the main driver.

Si Xiaobao rushed into his arms accurately and hugged his waist, acting like a baby in dissatisfaction, "Why did you come here? I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Gu Yi glanced at the woman in his arms with complicated eyes, "There is something wrong, I went home."

"Go home?" After the doubt, Si Xiaobao suddenly realized, he laughed, "Did you forget to bring your household registration book?"

Gu Yi shook his head with a gloomy expression, "No."

Ok? Is not it? Si Xiaobao took a step back, only then did he see that something was wrong with Gu Yi.

Just when she wanted to ask Gu Yi what was wrong, the door of the co-pilot next to her was opened, and a woman got out of it.

The woman's long black hair was neatly draped over her shoulders and back, her palm-sized face, a pair of nice eyes exuding a gentle light, and a standard lady's smile hung on the corner of her lips.

She was wearing the smallest lotus-colored long skirt with a long white coat outside. She was very thin, very thin, so thin that she couldn't help but feel weak.

Her every move is gentle, and she feels a bit like to Si Xiaobao... well... the big sister next door.

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