Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1615: What right do i have to love him

"How many days to go back?"

"It depends on the situation, I want to accompany my parents more." On the phone call yesterday, my parents were protesting. She is very guilty of being a daughter!

"Well, when you come back, say it in advance." He will pick her up.

"Okay!" She obediently responded. By the way, there is one more thing. I originally planned to ask him last night, but he didn't give her a chance, "Why are you giving me so many gifts?"

"A lot?" He seemed puzzled.

"..." Si Xiaobao's heart! "Not much?"

"Not much. I still have some real estate and shares. I will sort them out the next day and transfer them under your name."

Mummy, Si Xiaobao clutched his heart that was about to jump out, "No, no, big wings, that's enough, really enough!" No, she said that she wanted to return this matter to Gu Yi. A little bit, why is it that he doesn't seem to feel enough until now, so he adds?

"Well, how do you tell Dad about the son-in-law coming to the door?"

Dad...their father. It sounds so happy.

Si Xiaobao opened his mouth and smiled, but thinking of his torture last night, his smile immediately closed, and he shuddered, "Just say...I am very happy in Jiuzhou City, so I won't take you back. Go home often when you have time."

She didn't dare to mention her son-in-law in front of Gu Yi again.

"Well, I barely passed the test, if Dad talks about this next time, Xiaobao, I will treat you well!"

"No! I will definitely try to persuade Dad to let him dispel this idea!" For the sake of his waist, Si Xiaobao also had to convince Dad.

Gu Yi nodded in satisfaction, "Hey, take a rest, and tell me when you get home."

"Okay, then don't be too tired." She will feel distressed.



Jiuzhou City Scrap Car Park

"Pop!" A slap was slapped heavily on the face of the weak woman, Yin Ruoya slapped twice in order to protect the child in her arms.

"Do you know? The appearance of your fiancée did not have any impact on Gu Yi. He still got the certificate from that nasty bitch! I got the certificate!" When I mentioned Si Xiaobao again today, Zhen Xining's face became thicker. Thick anger.

Yin Ruoya slapped the baby in her arms with two slaps, and said lightly, "He loves her, I can't intervene. After I went back that day, I still tried everything possible before he saw Si Xiaobao."

Si Xiaobao ran away on the spot, and Gu Yi was very angry and chased after him directly, not even taking care of her.

"What's the use of keeping you?" At this moment, Zhen Xining really wanted to kill Yin Ruoya.

She did the same, finding a surgical equipment that was usually used to rescue Yin Ruoya, and stabbing her body.

The silent man finally spoke, "Stop!"

The surgical equipment and Yin Ruoya's body were only a few centimeters apart, and they stopped abruptly.

Zhen Xining smashed the thing in her hand against the wall forcefully, "Damn it!"

The voice was close to rage and madness, and the baby in Yin Ruoya's arms was awakened and started to cry.

Zhen Xining yelled at her irritably, "Shut up!"

The man stood up from the chair and took the crying baby in Yin Ruoya's arms, "Instead of complaining here, it is better to find a way to avoid Gu Yi's investigation. Now he not only doubted you, but also me!"

"What are you talking about?" Zhen Xining looked at the man coaxing the child in disbelief.

"That's what you heard. Gu Yi is currently training Jia Mengmeng as an assistant, and at the same time he asked Jiang Yan to investigate me, and you, Zhen Xining." Geng Chengjun glanced at the opposite woman coldly.

"How could Gu Yi suddenly suspect us? It shouldn't be! In seven years, he has never doubted me!" To be precise, Gu Yi hadn't even doubted Geng Chengjun.

Geng Chengjun answered her without looking up, "It's not because of you, too much to target Si Xiaobao, let Gu Yi find someone to find a way to get you! Because you asked me to target Si Xiaobao, and he doubted my ability to do things. Gradually switch to me. Therefore, Zhen Xining, you don't have to treat Ruoya like this. If one day, Gu Yi will take us all together, it will all be because of you!"

"No, no, it's not because of me!" Zhen Xining shook her head in despair, "I can't let him find out!" Otherwise, she did it in vain for these seven years of hard work.

Geng Chengjun coaxed the child and handed it to Yin Ruoya. He took out the swelling potion from the medicine box and gently applied it to Yin Ruoya's already swollen face.

Yin Ruoya did not refuse, she just looked at the child with her eyes, and let Geng Chengjun rub the medicine on her.

"Ruoya, do you still love Gu Yi? Even if he is already married." Geng Chengjun asked the woman softly.

Yin Ruoya did not speak, but looked at the child. Just before the man trembled, she said, "What right do I have to love him?"

She has become Geng Chengjun's woman and gave birth to him. How can her broken body be worthy of the perfect Gu Yi?

Regardless of whether Geng Chengjun was satisfied with the answer, Yin Ruoya did not speak any more.

Listening to Zhen Xining's plan, Yin Ruoya thought of Si Xiaobao, the innocent girl, sorry.


After Si Xiaobao came back, he would either follow Si Chengyang to the hospital or Tang Dantong to the Taekwondo Gym every day.

Otherwise, I'm bringing two little nephews at home.

Anyway, no matter what you do during the day, you will inevitably talk to Gu Yi on the phone at night.

Just a few days after Si Xiaobao was in Country C, Si Chengyang urged her to return to Jiuzhou City.

"My mother and I thought about it carefully. You are newly married to Yan'er and it is not suitable for separation between the two places. You should go back!"

Si Xiaobao seemed to say, Dad! You finally figured it out!

However, she did not say.

Because she also wants to be at home, her parents, her brother, sister-in-law, and two little nephews.

Jianqiao Garden

When Gu Yi arrived, Yin Ruoya was playing the zither in the room, with her back facing the door, her back elegant and thin.

She played the tune, Gu Yi's favorite song when she was with Gu Yi.

Countless people have said that Yin Ruoya was born from Guzheng in her life.

For example, at this moment, for seven years, I haven't touched Guzheng again, and Yin Ruoya's technique has not been strange because of this.

After the song, as if she felt someone behind her, she slowly got up from the chair.

The moment I saw Gu Yi, there was a smile in his eyes, "Gu Yi, you are here."

As she was seven years ago, she is gentle and virtuous.

Her appearance made him think of that little woman.

Every time Si Xiaobao saw him, he always happily ran over to hug him, "Big wings! Big wings..."

In contrast, he still prefers the lively and lovely Xiaobao.

"Yeah." Gu Yi faintly responded to Yin Ruoya, and there was no other reaction.

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