Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1628: Because of the wild flowers outside

A dozen delicate and valuable dishes were placed before his eyes, but Si Xiaobao had no appetite. Does Gu Yi really think that the matter is over without a single explanation?

In fact, Gu Yi didn't think that way.

It's just that he is relatively calm and Si Xiaobao is more anxious. Gu Yi looked at her without even thinking about eating, and put the cut cowboy bones in front of her. "Nothing happened to Ruoya and I that day. She just had a heart attack. Zhen Xining took advantage of this incident. To provoke our relationship, understand?"

What he said was calm and gentle, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Si Xiaobao didn't move his knife and fork, so he looked at him quietly. However, there is no more...

On the contrary, Gu Yi asked her suspiciously, "What are you still angry about?" He could explain to her.

Si Xiaobao, "..."

One thing that might be *, let Gu Yi send a few words, she...isn’t she too good to talk? "How can you prove that you are innocent? I won't believe it with just a mouthful, unless you can show evidence like Su Xingyu!"

Gu Yi put down the knife and fork in his hand, and looked at her seriously, "If I show evidence, you will listen to me tonight, how about it?"

Isn't it just to make her obedient? What is so difficult about this? Only if he can prove his innocence, it will be no problem for her to go to the knife mountain! "No problem!" Si Xiaobao promised very refreshingly!

There was a glint in Gu Yi's eyes, he dialed the phone and contacted Jiang Yan, "Give me the surveillance video on the 6th at Jianqiao Garden. I passed by around 7 o'clock."

In Si Xiaobao’s doubts, Gu Yi called Jia Mengmeng again, “The emergency room in the hospital will be monitored at about 7:30 in the evening on the 6th, within five minutes.”


After finishing the call, Gu Yi said to Si Xiaobao, “I left Jianqiao Garden at 7 o’clock, and I will leave ten minutes later. You know my time. If something happens to her, ten minutes. ……enough?"

Time, ten minutes, is that enough?

Si Xiaobao's face blushed instantly.

This stinky rascal is really straightforward... It took Si Xiaobao for a long time to suffocate a few words, "What's wrong with ten minutes? In case Yin Ruoya has a heart attack in 18 minutes, you have to pause?"

Gu Yi silently supported her forehead, and patiently explained to her, "Si Xiaobao, if I want to sleep with Yin Ruoya, I had N opportunities seven years ago. Why should I wait until now after I marry you?"

"Because of the fragrance of wild flowers outside!"

Gu Yi, "...Where is the fallacy?"

"Also, who knows if it's your first time..." Speaking of this question, Si Xiaobao remembered that for the first time, a certain aspect of a man's technique is not like... a novice.

Gu Yi stared at the blushing little woman with a very interested expression. "I think it's better not to explain this question. I can tell you when I go back next time on the battlefield."

"..." This smelly man, did he take the wrong medicine tonight? Why did you keep thinking about taking her to bed the moment you came out of the Yin family?

The monitoring of Jianqiao Garden and the monitoring in the hospital were soon sent over. Gu Yi didn't even look at it. He put his mobile phone in front of Si Xiaobao, "Look carefully."

Si Xiaobao swallowed the cowboy bones in his mouth, without even looking at it, directly locked his phone and ate dinner silently.

After this happened, from Gu Yi's appearance in the Yin family to this moment. His appearance was too... magnanimous, magnanimous enough to make Si Xiaobao believe him unconditionally.

Her actions made Gu Yi stunned for a moment, and then smiled, "Remember to be obedient later!"

The result of waiting to be obedient is...

The CR supercar stopped at the bridge where Gu Yi took Si Xiaobao to cross last time. After getting off the car, the man did not intend to walk on the bridge. Instead, he pulled Si Xiaobao into the back seat.

"Why, what's wrong..." Si Xiaobao's words were intermittent when he was nervous... At this moment, she looked at the man sitting leisurely in the car with a very bad premonition.

Gu Yi locked the door and smiled at Si Xiaobao, "Kiss me."

"...Here... here?" Is it as simple as kissing him? Si Xiaobao was still not stupid, and didn't think of Gu Yi as a big satyr too simply.

It turns out that she is still very smart.

Gu Yi did not let her go so easily. After a deep kiss, he adjusted his position and pressed the woman's small head with the ball head...

Si Xiaobao's "coax" exploded and his entire head went blank.


In the dead of night, the CR Supercar drove into the underground parking lot of Shengfeng Mansion.

After Gu Yi got out of the car, he was in a good mood and asked the slightly shaking woman next to him, "Should I hold you?"

Si Xiaobao, who was still slightly flushed on his face, gave him a fierce look, "No need!" She just had a mouth...not so good, and it wasn't that her legs were bad.

Gu Yi laughed when he heard the words, strode over, and involuntarily beat the woman up and ran to the elevator.

His body suddenly rose into the air, and Si Xiaobao was so scared that he almost screamed. It wasn't until he put his arms around his neck that a beating heart calmed down.

"Gu Yi, you big pervert, ignore me!" Si Xiaobao didn't know how many times he said this sentence tonight, but the two seemed to be communicating.

From entering the elevator to entering the apartment, Gu Yi kept holding her without letting go, closing the door of the apartment, and Si Xiaobao suddenly seemed to be a different person.

She stood on tiptoe, put her arms around Gu Yi's neck, and called out his name softly, "Gu Yi...husband..."

Gu Yi's eyes immediately became a little deeper, and his arms around her slender waist tightened for a third.

Si Xiaobao suppressed his nervousness, untied Gu Yi's tie with both hands, "It's late, husband, we should go to bed."

"Hmm." It's indeed time to sleep.

She threw the tie on one side of the sofa, and then Gu Yi's shirt button.

After the last button was released, Si Xiaobao was beaten up and hugged again. Gu Yi kicked open the bedroom door and pressed her onto the soft big bed.

She already felt the man's breathing a little bit hasty, and the hot kiss fell on her cheek and red lips...

The temperature in the room rose extremely fast, his shirt was thrown on the ground by Si Xiaobao, and his belt was skillfully opened.

A few minutes later, Si Xiaobao murmured, "It hurts to press me down, I want to change my position!"

Gu Yi turned over and Si Xiaobao sat on him.

Observing his expression carefully, it seems that it's time... "Oh, my feet hurt a little, let me see what's going on first?"

Si Xiaobao slid down the bed and rushed to the door when he was about to touch his ankle.

Before Gu Yi followed, panting heavily and locked himself in the next bedroom.


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