Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1630: Big brother and sister

If Xi Ning does not marry Luo Yihang, just relying on those photos, the upper-class son, who will marry her?

"I won't marry! Don't marry!" Zhen Xining screamed frantically, her eyes gradually blurred, this is a precursor to her illness!

Running upstairs madly, Du Fen and his wife hurriedly followed.

Zhen Xining went back to the room, locked the door, and dialed Yin Ruoya's phone, "Yin Ruoya! The plan failed! You must continue to work hard to separate them, or your child will lose a finger, maybe an arm is not necessarily..."


The door of the room was banged vigorously, and Du Fen was afraid that his daughter would fall ill again, screaming for Zhen Xining to open the door.

While Du Fen knocked on the door, Zhen Jimao asked the servant to bring the key and open the locked door.

In the room, Zhen Xining, who had finished the call, pulled her hair hard, and her whole body was shaking.

When Du Fen approached, she suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, frightening Zhen Jimao and his wife, and ordered the servants behind him, "Hurry up, get the medicine!"

Du Fen skillfully injected a liquid into her daughter's body, and Zhen Xining, who had been crazy, gradually calmed down.

The next day was the wedding of Li Bo and Ren Qian. Si Xiaobao appeared at the wedding of Li Bo and Ren Qian holding Gu Yi.

The two arrived neither early nor late. When they stepped into the hotel, many guests had already arrived to watch the wedding.

The appearance of Si Xiaobao holding Gu Yi attracted everyone's attention.

"Look, that's President Gu and his wife."

"Oh, isn't the third wife of the ancient family Si Chengyang's daughter? This girl is so destined to be reborn!" Don't want it if you are envious.

"Yes, one of the three genius doctors dotes on her, she is envious."

"Look! The ring in Mrs. Gu's hand, my goodness! With my years of experience in the jewelry industry, it is absolutely valuable!" A manager in the jewelry industry saw the dazzling diamond ring in Si Xiaobao's hand at a glance.

What he said, let everyone look at Si Xiaobao's hand holding Gu Yi, tusk tusk, this look is incredible!

When I entered just now, Si Xiaobao's hand was held by Gu Yi, and everyone did not see the ring on her hand. Just now because I saw an acquaintance, Si Xiaobao shook hands with an acquaintance, everyone saw the dazzling ring on her hand.

Now there are more people talking, "I, someone who is not interested in jewelry, can also see that the black pearl on the ancient lady's ring is absolutely expensive and scary!"

"It's necessary. I heard that Gu Yi once gave Madam Gu a Tahiti black pearl, worth more than one billion yuan. The wife of the president of Country C took a fancy to it and wanted that pearl explicitly and secretly. Mrs. Gu is not going to dump that Mrs. President!

"My God, isn't this black pearl more expensive?"

A woman wearing a black frame next to Si Xiaobao carefully stared at Si Xiaobao’s ring and slowly uttered some scary words, “Pearls are Tahiti black pearls that have been collected by the British royal family for many years, and diamonds are rare deep lake blue. Diamonds, these two things, plus workmanship and other expenses in the later period, at least... several billion!"


At this time Si Xiaobao accidentally saw that many people seemed to be frightened, and he was still wondering why.

Before the two people sat down, a soft voice behind them called Gu Yi, "Gu Yi."

Si Xiaobao turned his head, and a long and bare-toed pink silk skirt was standing not far away, looking at her husband affectionately.

Gu Yi glanced at Yin Ruoya lightly, without any emotion in his eyes. After nodding slightly at her, he took Xiaobao to sit in the front row of family members in the amazement of everyone.

Not long after Gu Zhenlang and his wife Lan Xia arrived, Si Xiaobao and Gu Yi sat next to them. Si Xiaobao sat down next to Lan Xia and greeted her politely, "Big Brother, Sister-in-law."

Lan Xia wore a dark blue knee-length dress today, with her hair neatly pulled into a lady's bun and she put it behind her head, and smiled at Xiaobao, "Well, Xiaobao is beautiful today! So young!"

Maybe it is the woman who fell in love, Si Xiaobao is really beautiful.

In addition to the radiance of happiness on her face, because she is here to attend the wedding, she specially selected a bright-colored skirt with a light pink long outfit to make her skin white and tender.

The whole style is trendy. Si Xiaobao rarely wears this style of clothes. Today, he also came to the wedding to change his casual style.

Actually... She was not wearing this skirt when she went out in the morning.

She was wearing an orange dress that Xue Yanting had just sent back to her for the spring.

The top is sleeveless and slightly tucked in the waist, and the skirt is a knee-length hip skirt. Because the weather was not too hot, Si Xiaobao went to find a pair of black stockings and put on himself.

But... after seeing her dressed up, Gu Yi didn't know which nerve was wrong, and directly blocked her in the cloakroom...

Not to mention the stockings, the hip skirt was ruined in his hands.

Fortunately, Gu Yi pushed all her work in the morning because she was going to attend Li Bo’s wedding, otherwise she would become a sinner of ‘the king did not reign early’...

Si Xiaobao shook his head slightly shyly, "No, sister-in-law, you are also very young, and those who don't know think you are in your twenties!"

In fact, Lan Xia was already running four, and Si Xiaobao did not lie, because she usually pays attention to maintenance, Lan Xia really looks like a person under thirty.

Good obedient, everyone loves to listen. Even though Lan Xia is tired of listening to the flattery of those outside, she couldn't help but smile when Si Xiaobao was sincerely praised. When will the wedding be held? My sister-in-law is waiting to drink your wedding wine. When the time comes, I will definitely give you a big red envelope."

Just as the two of them were chatting happily, a weak voice came in, "Gu Yi, can I sit here?"

When Si Xiaobao heard this voice, his smile froze slightly. This Yin Ruoya really stared at her husband all the time!

Because Si Xiaobao is next to Lan Xia, Gu Yi is on the right, and no one is sitting next to Gu Yi.

At this moment, Yin Ruoya was standing on the right side of Gu Yi, pointing to the empty space next to him, and asking Gu Yi with a gentle smile.

Maybe the person who came was the weak Yin Ruoya, not Zhen Xining. Gu Yi seemed unwilling to refuse directly, and indifferently threw two words, "Whatever."

Si Xiaobao is not happy, so Gu Yi can't treat Yin Ruoya with the attitude of dealing with Zhen Xining? He can't replace any two words with no?

Yin Ruoya didn't seem to see his indifference, and sat down beside him happily.

Then I greeted Lan Xia and Gu Zhenlang, "Big brother and sister-in-law, did you come early?"

Her name makes it a bit embarrassing for the two people who are brother and sister-in-law.

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