Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1638: Are Gu Yi and Zimei friends?

He came to coax? Is he coaxing a man? The picture is too beautiful to think about... Li Shaofeng's head was shaking like a rattle, and his whole body got goose bumps.

"It's okay, we don't need to tell your husband!" Li Shaofeng patted the back seat of the locomotive, "Come on! Sit down!"

Si Xiaobao is not sitting! "Li Shaofeng, my husband..."

"Well, don't take a bite of your husband anymore, my ears are all calluses. Let me tell you the truth, today is my birthday, are you going?"

...It turned out to be Li Shaofeng's birthday, and Si Xiaobao hesitated in an instant.

"But... I didn't prepare any gifts."

Li Shaofeng shook his head, "It doesn't matter, you are the best gift when you arrive!"

"But, my husband..." Will be jealous!

"Please, elder sister, stop mentioning that your husband abuses my single dog, okay? You are married, but you still have the freedom to make friends, okay? We are just friends... Oh, could it be that you Have different feelings for me?" Li Shaofeng said here, looking at her ill-intentionally.

Si Xiaobao gave him a blank look, "How is it possible! Go and go!"

Si Xiaobao regretted it the moment she got on Li Shaofeng's locomotive. How could she be tricked by Li Shaofeng's agitation...

I hope the jealous master of her family will not find out...

Li Shaofeng's birthday party was held at his home. After Si Xiaobao went in, he discovered that there were really many people.

After decoration, colorful lights, six-layer cakes, imported red wine, white wine, beer and champagne... Various beverages are placed in a shape in the middle of the venue...

After they saw Li Shaofeng, they immediately greeted him, "Hey, buddy, your old birthday star is finally back! The girl next to you is right, is it your girlfriend? Why does it look familiar?"

"Girlfriend? I never heard that Zi Mei has women!" The speaker was a woman with a sour tone, and her eyes were full of jealousy looking at Si Xiaobao.

Li Shaofeng put Si Xiaobao in his arms, "Yes, my temporary girlfriend!"

Si Xiaobao's eyes widened when he heard the words, "Hey, Li Shaofeng..."

"Shhh, don't talk, just tonight, okay? Look at the woman who spoke just now, I hate her, but if she keeps chasing me, you will block her back for me, OK?" Li Shaofeng lowered his head slightly. There was a whisper in Si Xiaobao's ear.

"But, I have a husband, you do this..."

"I do this, your husband won't know! Don't worry!" Li Shaofeng raised an eyebrow at her, then patted her shoulder comfortably.

Si Xiaobao was really depressed, and would have stopped coming if he knew it. Let her be a married woman as someone else's girlfriend, Gu Yi knows, still not peeling her?

Sullenly, he followed Li Shaofeng to the middle of the venue, and someone immediately handed them two bottles of beer.

Fortunately, Li Shaofeng blocked Si Xiaobao directly, "She doesn't know how to drink, just let her have a drink, bachelor, come, get a bottle of drink here!"

Soon, a bottle of drink arrived in Si Xiaobao's hands.

However, Li Shaofeng is willing to stop her from drinking, everyone is not willing! They started booing, "Oh, girlfriend is so tightly guarded? Dude, drink it for your girlfriend!"

"Yes! Two bottles of beer or one bottle of liquor, choose yourself!"

"Beer!" Li Shaofeng happily opened two bottles of beer, and poured into his abdomen amidst the screams and whistles of everyone.

However, Li Shaofeng's friends are very good. They are all about the same age, and Si Xiaobao, who is very popular, quickly became one with them.

When it came time to cut the cake, everyone had a great time! Young people, it’s just wasteful and extravagant. They took the whole cake and went to war...

During this period, Si Xiaobao couldn't push some people to let him drink, and after taking a few sips, he dared not drink any more. -*---

As the night got deeper, Si Xiaobao shook his head and walked out of the castle with everyone.

Li Shaofeng grabbed his wrist and repeatedly kept him, "Xiaobao, you drank too much, I will send you back tomorrow morning."

In fact, Si Xiaobao didn't drink much. He probably drank like this without a glass of red wine.

Si Xiaobao shook her head. She has worked hard to wake herself up again, and stretched out her ring finger wearing a ring, "I am a married woman, I want to go home!"

Big Wing will be angry if she doesn't go back. Although she wants to sleep now, she can still make it home.

Li Shaofeng shook his head helplessly. When he was about to let the butler take his helmet over, he overheard someone discussing again, "CR super run! Oh my god, who did it?"

"I heard that Dean Gu gave it to his wife. Could it be that Dean Gu's wife is also there?"


Li Shaofeng's happiness flew away without a trace. He patted the confused woman, "Who do you think is here!"

Si Xiaobao also slapped him on the shoulder, "What are you doing with me?"

Li Shaofeng said, "...The husband you have been thinking about all night is here."

"What! Who are you lying to!" Si Xiaobao thought he would fight himself again, and gently twisted Li Shaofeng's arm.

Who knows, that Li Shaofeng jumped back exaggeratedly, "Huhuhu, it hurts, Xiaobao, you made a heavy move!"

His reaction made Si Xiaobao laugh, and the scene looked very much in the eyes of the man in the car... flirting.

"Isn't it Gu Yi's assistant Jiang Yan who got off the car?"

"Are Gu Yi and Zimei friends?"

"who knows……"

I only heard Si Xiaobao screaming and rushing to the CR supercar. When everyone heard her running, they immediately gave way.

No matter how angry the men in the car were, the moment they saw the woman rushing over, they immediately opened the door and got out of the car to catch the swaying little woman steadily.

"My God, isn't this Gu Yi!"

"Yes! But why does Gu Yi hold Zimei's girlfriend?"

"Really... Is this woman pedaling two boats?"

When everyone was talking about it, Li Shaofeng asked all friends who watched the excitement to be driven away.

Gu Yi's expression was gloomy and he hugged the woman who was constantly rubbing his arms, his sharp gaze fell on Li Shaofeng's face, "It seems that you really want to return to Li's house."

Li Shaofeng's eyes quickly flashed anger, and then he smiled abruptly, "I feel sorry for Xiaobao. I don’t even have any freedom to make friends after getting married. Don’t you know how happy Xiaobao was just now, I Speaking of Dean Gu, you are a busy man, surely you have no time to play crazy with Xiaobao, right?"

He only heard him say again, "Xiaobao just married you in her early twenties. Before marrying you, Xiaobao went all over the world to have fun. After marrying you, I think she stays in Jiuzhou every day. The city revolves around you, I really feel sad for her." In fact, he also feels distressed for himself, the woman he loves will love other men so madly.

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