Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1646: Busy is not a reason

The bodyguard left, and Jiang Yan came in from outside, "President Gu, the island you are talking about has already been booked, but there is still some problem with the speedboat. The factory does not have so many finished products. It will take a while."

"how long?"

"About two months."

Two months? I hope Xiaobao is not in a hurry. "What about the wedding dress?"

"Several designers are participating in the world tour exhibition, which is about half a month away." The wedding dress designer, Gu Yi, is all the world's top talents. And this kind of talent is busy vomiting blood every day. Taking this list from Gu Yi really cut the queue.


He explored Xiaobao's tone last night, and Gu Yi used other people's things as an example. Si Xiaobao said, “If she is that woman, as long as she can marry the man she loves, it doesn’t matter when the wedding will be held. If the man is in trouble, there is no wedding. As long as it is legally recognized, the surrounding relatives and friends will recognize it. That's it."

... Xiaobao is his favorite woman, how could Gu Yi not give her a wedding? He not only gave her the wedding, but also the best wedding.

When Si Xiaobao woke up the next day, Jiang Yan brought a lot of things.

There are seabed corals, shells, seabed essence and skin care products, pictures of her and Gu Yi diving into the sea, and souvenirs of the places they walked... a lot.

There are two pairs of light corals, with different colors and upper layers. Si Xiaobao placed it on the strip machine in the living room, and the other pair was about to take it to the ancient home.

Forget that shell, she picked it up for Gu Yi on the bottom of the sea, let Gu Yi handle it herself!

There are some small souvenirs that she can bring to Rourou and Duan Minjia, especially small things. Duan Minjia has a daughter, which is very suitable for amusing children.

When she bought these, Gu Yi was still making fun of her whether to give their children something in advance.

Si Xiaobao blushed when he thought of Gu Yi's expression at the time. I touched my lower abdomen unconsciously and said to go to the hospital for an examination or ask Gu Yi to give her a pulse, but I always forgot.

She will go for a checkup these few days to make sure that she is not sick and can get pregnant normally, so she can rest assured.


When I went to find Duan Jiamin, Duan Jiamin went to work, and only the nanny took her daughter to play at home. Si Xiaobao teased the little guy for a while, and went to find Dong Guo Rou.

When the two women met, as before, they hugged each other intimately, and then they let each other go.

Put the gift that Dong Guo Rou had brought back on the table. I accidentally saw the embroidery placed next to him, and asked her curiously, "Did you embroider?"

Dong Guo Rou smiled softly, "Yes." Then there was no more text, and she put the embroidery away and let the servant put it in the room.

In fact, this was her birthday present to Si Xiaobao, but in order to give Xiaobao a surprise, she should not tell Xiaobao so much!

"How did you start embroidering? Is it too boring at home?" Dong Guo Rou didn't say much, and Si Xiaobao didn't ask much, thinking she embroidered Su Xingyu or the child.

"It's quite boring, Xiaobao, otherwise you accompany me to the mall to buy something for the child?" Although the child is only a few months old, Dong Guo Rou can't wait.

Si Xiaobao pursed his lips when he heard the words, "Of course there is no problem. By the way, when will you and Su Xingyu hold the wedding?"

"I want to wait until the child is born, but Xingyu is already preparing for the wedding. We made an appointment last week to take a wedding photo. Do you know what's wrong?" Dong Guo Rou was supported by Si Xiaobao and sat down on a chair. He gestured to the cautious Xiaobao with his eyes, she was not so delicate.

Su Xingyu is an orphan, and doesn't want to wait until Dong Guo Rou has given birth to the child, leaving the child unattended before preparing for the wedding.

However, the key is also to look at Rourou's body. Fortunately, the antifetal medicine given by the old lady Mei last time was very good. After Dong Guorou had eaten it, her fetal orientation became much more stable. This is one of the reasons why Su Xingyu wants to hold a wedding recently.

Si Xiaobao asked her nervously, "What's wrong? Have you filmed it?"

"Take it, halfway through the shoot, Su Xingyu is going to train, so we will go directly to the place where he trains to take pictures..." Dong Guo Rou looked helpless, but it's okay, the effect is said to be pretty good!

Si Xiaobao sighed, "Well, it's okay! The place where the wedding photos are taken is not important, what matters is who you take the wedding photos with!"

"Xiaobao, you are right, I am also very happy, Xiaobao, what about you and Doctor Gu? When will the wedding be held?"

Ah... Another person asked about her wedding to Gu Yi. Si Xiaobao has a snack, but he still replied indifferently, "I haven't said it yet, it doesn't matter. Anyway, we have already received the certificate."

She loves Gu Yi, and Gu Yi also loves her, that's enough.

Dong Guorou looked at Si Xiaobao's expression carefully, and did not miss the loss that was quickly drawn across her face, "Xiaobao, what is going on, didn't Doctor Gu tell you?"

Si Xiaobao couldn't hide from this topic, and shook his head helplessly, "No, he was too busy..." She was anxious to speak for Gu Yi.

"Xiaobao, there is no reason to be busy."

"How about I come to prepare for the wedding?" Si Xiaobao was naive and naive...

Dong Guo Rou immediately gave her a white look, "Have you ever seen a woman do things like arranging a wedding? If you are embarrassed to ask, I will help you ask!"

"No, you are pregnant! Just worry about my goddaughter and son."

"Then I will ask Su Xingyu to ask you!"

"Rourou, really don't need..." After thinking for a while, Si Xiaobao said again, "If he really really loves me, there will be a wedding!"

She believes in Gu Yi's love for her, and she is willing to wait!

Seeing Si Xiaobao's silly look, Dong Guo Rou shook her head helplessly. The woman who fell in love was really hopeless. However, is she also like this...

As night fell slowly, in the largest nightclub in Jiuzhou City, luxuriously dressed men and women entered and exited.

In room 666, several men drank the high-end liquor in their hands together.

Dong Guoxu glanced at the three brothers maliciously, and then began to sell miserably, "I am a lonely widow who really envy you. All of you fall in love. Either your wife is pregnant or you have a marriage certificate. Even if you don't have a certificate, you are stable It’s a relationship, alas, unlike me, who has been single for 30 years and will soon become a bachelor."

Luo Yihang frowned in no hurry, thinking that Dong Guo Xu had just returned from abroad and knew nothing, so he didn't say much about him.

Su Xingyu squinted at Dong Guoxu, "Then my brother-in-law, do I have an obligation to help you solve your lifelong affairs?"

Dong Guoxu poured one-third of the white wine in his hand into his abdomen and nodded repeatedly, "Yes, please introduce one of your sister papers to me, let me be savage!" Taming is absolutely exciting!

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