Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1651: How did your husband leave?

Her sudden apology made Si Xiaobao a little surprised. When she looked at Gu Yi's eyes, she guessed that Gu Yi must have made Zhen Xining do this.

This... man, her husband, always moved her.

Tonight is Si Xiaobao's birthday, and Zhen Xining apologized in public, making everyone look down on her even more.

"Isn't Zhen Xining still inferior to others?"

"I didn't even see who Si Xiaobao is. The daughter of the Si family, Zhen Xining is really overwhelming!"

"Si Xiaobao don't forgive her best!"


acting? Who won't? Si Xiaobao is not stupid, she would not be naive to think that Zhen Xining really knew she was wrong.

Under the eyes of everyone, Si Xiaobao leaned in Gu Yi's arms. At the pollution-free smile of Zhen Xining, "You just promise me not to put poisonous snakes in my closet in the future, and I will forgive you!"

Si Xiaobao's words really drew a lot of anger, of course, almost all of them were scolding Zhen Xining for her snake heart.

Zhen Xining's smile froze on her face, this unsure thing! She adjusted her emotions, pretending to be confused, and said, "Xiaobao may have misunderstood, what kind of snake, I don't know! But in the future, shall we be good friends?"

Seeing her pretending to be crazy and stupid, Si Xiaobao didn't bother to continue talking to her, "I can't accept Miss Zhen's apology. Just be friends. I don't want to be friends with someone who misses my husband every day."

After finishing talking, she took Gu Yi and bypassed Zhen Xining.

"Look at other people, Si Xiaobao, who ignores her, Zhen Xining still finds embarrassment for herself!"

"Haha, dare to provoke Si Xiaobao? Zhen Xining doesn't weigh her own identity!"

"That's right, if I were Si Xiaobao, I wouldn't let Zhen Xining appear here, lest this **** woman would have her own pleasure!"


There are too many people talking about Zhen Xining. Zhen Xining wanted to go crazy and didn't know where to send it. In the end, she simply shouted to Du Fen, "I can't tell you, you have to let me come, let's do it! Seeing Si Xiaobao's appearance, do you really think you are Mrs. Gu?"

Du Fen looked at his daughter speechlessly, "People Si Xiaobao is now Mrs. Gu, and he has already obtained a certificate with Gu Yi..."

"I know, you don't need to remind you!" Zhen Xining dropped a word and walked aside.

I found a place with few people, took out my mobile phone and dialed a call.

"Let her take medicine, now I must let Gu Yi rush over!" Si Xiaobao's birthday party, his husband went to find his ex-fiancee, to see if Si Xiaobao could laugh!

"Yes, Miss Zhen."


There were a lot of people here tonight. Si Xiaobao was really soft when he received the gifts. The bodyguard moved the gifts back and forth many times before it was almost finished.

At dinner, Gu Yi and Si Xiaobao sat down at the long table. The gentleman opened the chair for Si Xiaobao and asked her to sit down, "The chef was invited by Italy. The dishes are cooked well. You can eat more. ."

"Good!" She is in a good mood tonight and will definitely eat more.

However, as soon as the first dish was served, Gu Yi received a call, "I'm not free, you can solve it."

There was something wrong with his tone, Si Xiaobao's puzzled eyes fell on Gu Yi's slightly frowning face, what happened?

"Let the deputy dean over and stop calling me!"

Even though Gu Yi said so, and the other party didn't know what else he said, Gu Yi finally closed his eyes and responded irritably, "I will go there now."

Ok? Gu Yi is leaving?

Gu Yi put away his mobile phone, hesitated for a moment and told Si Xiaobao, "My wife, there is an emergency at the hospital. I need to go to the hospital now. You should have a good meal first."

"But..." Her birthday party was not over yet... She didn't want him to go.

"The patient's condition is very dangerous, I need to rush over immediately, my wife, I will rush back as soon as possible!"

Life is a matter of life... Si Xiaobao had to nod his head, "Well, then drive slowly on the road, and I will send you out."

Gu Yi politely said goodbye to the elders. Si Xiaobao sent him to the car and watched him sit in the main driver, "Husband, you come back early."

Gu Yi put a kiss on her forehead, "Well, I will definitely, right..."

He took out something from his pocket and buttoned it on Si Xiaobao's wrist, "Happy birthday, wife!"

He gave her a watch and returned to the birthday party venue. Si Xiaobao could see that this was a customized watch.

The back of the watch is a photo of her and Gu Yi kissing on the shore of Luleng Country, and the abbreviation of her and Gu Yi is engraved on the back: G&S

Seeing this carefully prepared gift by him, Si Xiaobao was very happy.

Back on her seat, someone asked her, "Xiaobao, how did your husband leave?"

Si Xiaobao smiled slightly and told the person who asked the question, "An emergency patient has arrived in the hospital. He will come over and help."

"That's it, President Gu is really a good doctor, Xiaobao, you are so happy."

Si Xiaobao smiled at them and nodded in agreement, "I also feel I am very happy!"

After Gu Yi left, Xue Yanting, the mother-in-law, stayed with Si Xiaobao throughout the whole process and took care of her for fear of some gossip.

This trick worked very well. Xue Yanting was kind to Si Xiaobao. In everyone's eyes, it was too late to envy, and no one discussed about Gu Yi's sudden departure.

Nearly ten o'clock in the evening, Si Xiaobao's birthday party ended, and Gu Yi has not yet returned.

Zhen Xining, who should have disappeared a long time ago, suddenly appeared in front of Si Xiaobao, and smiled morbidly, "What are you waiting for in this stupid? I really thought your husband went to the hospital?"

Si Xiaobao looked at her without speaking.

Zhen Xining sighed pretentiously, "It's pitiful to see you being kept in the dark, let me tell you the truth! Ruoya was a little uncomfortable just now, Gu Yi went to see Yin Ruoya!"

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a dumb!" Si Xiaobao yelled at her coldly. This woman said just now that she wanted to be friends with her.

And if Zhen Xining doesn't add a blockage to her, will her heart be upset?

"Oh, are you angry? Still don't believe it? Come on, I will show you a video. Of course, this time it is definitely not P, and I did not deliberately choose the angle. If I tell lies, I will not die!"

Si Xiaobao, "..."

Clicking on a video, Gu Yi ran out of the Yin family holding Yin Ruoya, gently put Yin Ruoya in the car, and drove out of the Yin family whistling.

The driving speed is very fast, as if expressing that the main driving person is very anxious.

Si Xiaobao took Zhen Xining's cell phone, locked the cell phone lock expressionlessly, and threw it into the wine glass next to him.

Zhen Xining's mobile phone was immediately scrapped.

"Si Xiaobao, what are you doing!" Zhen Xining fished out her mobile phone in desperation, but it was too late, and the mobile phone shut down automatically within two seconds.

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