Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1654: Otherwise, Brother 3 will hack me

Si Xiaobao chuckled and took the initiative to hold Gu Yi's arms, "Ms. Ruoya, there really is no if, I have a very good time with my husband, please don't bother my husband if nothing happens in the future. Okay?"

Knowing that she was acting, Gu Yi still took the opportunity to stop the woman in his arms and kissed her on the forehead, "It won't be next time, be good, let's go home."

Si Xiaobao moved his right foot, and Gu Yi's expression suddenly changed. In a place that Yin Ruoya couldn't see, Si Xiaobao, wearing high heels, twisted his foot heavily on Gu Yi's leather shoes.

In the end, Gu Yi reluctantly picked up the woman, and the pain in her feet disappeared a little, "Wife, let's go!"

Si Xiaobao hugged his neck and giggled, "Why are you so anxious, Miss Yin is still uncomfortable. You don't want to check her anymore?"

"There are other doctors here, don't need me!"


The voices of the two people got farther and farther away, and Yin Ruoya was silently rolling back and forth on the bed, clutching her chest.

I'm sorry Gu Yi, I'm sorry... Si Xiaobao.

As soon as he stepped out of the elevator in the hospital, Si Xiaobao immediately jumped out of Gu Yi's arms regardless of his high heels.

Gu Yi was slightly shocked by her actions. In order to avoid him, she dared to jump off him directly! Reluctantly took her hand, "Slow down, it's awkward to ankle."

Si Xiaobao shook his hand heavily and strode to the parking lot.

"Xiaobao, stop!"

Si Xiaobao was silent and did not speak, and the high heels slammed and slammed to vent the anger in her heart.

When she got to the car, she opened the door and sat in the car to step on the accelerator to leave, only to find that Gu Yi was standing in front of the car blocking her way.

Si Xiaobao gritted his teeth silently, put the car in reverse gear, and backed up a bit, "Bang!" Unsure of the distance, Si Xiaobao's car hit the wall.

CR super running... Her heart was bleeding, but she couldn't be shown.

Gu Yi helplessly patted the hood of the car and motioned her to get out of the car first.

Si Xiaobao couldn't leave, so he glared at him like this. The two stared at each other for ten minutes before Si Xiaobao unfastened his seat belt and got out of the car.

She stopped driving!

It just didn't take two steps, and the whole person suddenly rose into the air. Gu Yi hugged her and walked quickly to the CR super sports car, opened the co-pilot's door, and tucked her in and fastened her seat belt.

Si Xiaobao resisted, and he couldn't help blocking her mouth. After a long time, he told her in a hoarse voice, "Xiaobao, don't behave anymore, I will do you here!"


The woman looked at the man angrily, she knew better than anyone else, since Gu Yi could do it...

When he returned to the ancient house, Si Xiaobao took advantage of Gu Yi to stop, and ran to the second floor with a thud, knocked on Gu Lu's door, and before Gu Lu agreed, he went in and locked Gu Lu's room. door.

Her actions made Gu Lu who was putting on the mask look dazed, "What's the situation, sister-in-law."

Si Xiaobao angrily sat down on her bed, "I will sleep with you tonight!"

After speaking, the whole person lay back, regardless of whether Gu Lu agreed with him, he occupied most of Gu Lu's bed.

Gu Lu ran over and pulled her up, "Don't, don't, sister-in-law, you should go to bed with your third brother, or your third brother will kill me!" Today is Si Xiaobao's birthday. You should not spend the first month with your third brother on your birthday. Down?

"I'm not going." She didn't want to sleep with a man who was thinking of other women in his heart.

"Sister-in-law, what's the matter with you? Isn't it your birthday today?" Gu Lu finally felt something was wrong with Si Xiaobao, but wasn't it okay at night? Why are you arguing now?

When the two of them were talking, the door of the room was knocked from outside, "Wife. It's time to go to bed!" The voice was loud.

Si Xiaobao, "..." He must be deliberate!

Gu Lu panicked and wanted to open the door, but was pulled by Si Xiaobao, "Don't go, I'll borrow half of your bed, don't be so stingy!"

She will live with Duan Minjia in Xinhe Garden tomorrow.

Gu Lu waved her hand desperately, "It's not the problem of the bed, it's the problem of my third brother!"

"Xiaobao, Gu Lu, open the door, it's time to go to bed!" This time the voice was louder, and Si Xiaobao had even heard the sound of other rooms opening doors.

Soon outside, Xue Yanting said, "Little Wing, what are you doing?"

"My wife is playing games for me in it, and I will catch her!" Gu Yi replied, his face was not flushed or breathless.

Gu Lu, "..." My brother really wants to save face. It's obviously his wife who is angry, okay?

Si Xiaobao, "..." Who is in the mood to play games with him!

In the end, Si Xiaobao still did not stop Gu Lu and opened the door, "Third brother, Sansao doesn't want to play games anymore, take her back to the room!"

Si Xiaobao, "..."

Gu Yi strode in and nodded very cooperatively, "My wife, it's time to rest!"

A wife at a mouthful, so affectionate.

Si Xiaobao knew he could not hide, so he simply avoided Gu Yi's touch. As he approached himself, he hurried to the door.

However, Gu Lu's room was covered with carpets, her sharp high-heeled shoes were tripped for some reason, and she rushed forward.

Gu Yiyan quickly caught the little woman who was lying on the ground, and successfully hugged her, "Wife, just can't wait to hug her?"

Si Xiaobao shook his head and just wanted to say no, but Gu Yi gave her a warning, and Si Xiaobao closed his mouth reflexively.

"Lulu, you should rest early, Mom, my wife and I have returned to the room, and you should go to bed early!"

Xue Yanting looked at their backs interestingly, and muttered to herself, "Xiaobao is really a kid, and he still plays games." Si Xiaobao looks like a minor...I don't know that his son is holding her. No sense of crime...

After the farce was over, Si Xiaobao was still trapped in the bedroom by Gu Yi, unable to move.

"Boa, I held her tonight because she fell off the bed..."

"Is it related to me?"

"Of course it is, you are Mrs. Gu! Mrs. Gu!"

"If I didn't show up at the beginning and didn't go to Yaocheng, then Mrs. Gu's seat is now Yin Ruoya, right?"

Gu Yi took a deep look at the woman under him, "No." Even if Si Xiaobao didn't come to the hospital, they would be able to be together in the end due to their fate!

"Gu Yi, I am tired now, let me go and let me sleep!"

Realizing that she is tired today, Gu Yi kissed her forehead and touched the watch on her wrist, "Do you like it?"

In fact, this is a couple's watch, and there is also a men's watch, but it hasn't been built yet.

Si Xiaobao stubbornly shook his head, "I don't like it."

He obviously liked it to death, but denied it.

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