Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1656: Gurulu

Gu Yi saw that she was so stubborn, and with a big palm, he rudely tore the silk nightdress she had just put on, and an evil voice rang in her ears, "Xiaobao, there is a price to pay for being disobedient!"

"Gu Yi, if you dare to touch me tonight, I'll...ah!" Her pajamas were just scrapped in his hands...

"That's it? Wife, you know I love you, why are you angry with me, good..."

"You don't need to be rhetorical... Uh-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)

With a hard effort, Si Xiaobao frowned in pain, "Um..." Damn it!

If Si Xiaobao is disobedient, he will tame her. His rudeness and savageness make her beg for mercy from gritted teeth.

The night is getting deeper and deeper, and the bedroom is beautiful.

In the next room next door

Gu Lu kept staring at her mobile phone, and the name of the person who sent her WeChat to her was Bo Shengxiang.

The content is: Gululu, did you say happy birthday to Xiaobao for me.

She opened WeChat, then closed WeChat, then opened WeChat, and typed: Um.

However, she deleted it again.

Since he has a girlfriend, she should keep a distance from him.

Bo Shengxiang, who was far away in the UK, absently looked at the clothing design in his hand, and kept his eyes swept back and forth on the phone.

What's wrong with Gu Lu, a little girl? Aren't you happily pestering him when you saw him some time ago? Why during this period of time, it deliberately break up with him?

Even when he returned to Jiuzhou City to attend Xiaobao's wedding, he didn't tell him, but he saw her Weibo and he took the initiative to contact her.

The previous Gu Lu was not like that, she always pestered him to say all kinds of things, whether it was gossip or her own affairs.

And now, he looked through the chat records of the most recent period of time, no matter what he said, there was always an um on her side, at most it was no, no, no.

He thought about it carefully, he didn't offend her anywhere? Which link went wrong?

Could it be...she has a boyfriend?

Thinking of this possibility, Bo Shengxiang's brows furrowed. Gu Lu, the little girl, actually has a boyfriend, so he didn't tell him!


Thinking of this, Bo Shengxiang picked up the phone and dialed Gu Lu's number.

The phone rang for a long time before someone connected over there, "Hey, what's the matter?"

Problems? Bo Shengxiang got angry for no reason, she had never asked him so much before making so many calls.

"If something happens, why don't you return to my WeChat...I mean, if you didn't bring it, I'm going to call Xiaobao." Bo Shengxiang thought that such a sentence suddenly appeared inappropriate, and he quickly justified himself.

"Oh, I didn't see it, the words have already arrived."

Her coldness stimulated Bo Shengxiang's nerves.

"Are you with Ji Chaoyang?" The **** Ji Chaoyang is the most diligent man after Gu Lu.

Ji Chaoyang? Gu Lu tried hard to think of this person, oh! It turned out to be her junior high school classmate, how could she be with that fat man? "No, what's the matter?"

Hearing her denial, Bo Shengxiang breathed a sigh of relief, but, "Are you busy lately?"

"No." What can she do as a student?

nor? Bo Shengxiang was depressed, "Then have you come for a period?"

I heard that during the period of women's official holidays, her temper was uncertain and weird. This phenomenon fits Gu Lu's recent situation!

The topic suddenly jumped to the period, Gu Lu flushed, "What nonsense! I didn't..." She didn't have time yet.

Neither this nor that, what is going on with her?

At this moment, the door of his office was pushed open, "Sheng Xiang..."

Seeing the incoming person, Bo Shengxiang immediately covered the phone's microphone, but it was too late, and Gu Lu had already heard the woman's voice coming from there.

He... Sure enough, he has a girlfriend.

Pulling the corners of her slightly stiff lips, Gu Lu said lightly, "If it's okay, I'm going to sleep, goodbye!"

That's the end of the call.

Bo Shengxiang looked at the end of the call with a confused expression.

"Shengxiang, what's the matter?" The charming and revealing woman blinked her eyes and stopped at Bo Shengxiang's desk, not forgetting to discharge him!

Bo Shengxiang locked the phone screen lock, gritted his teeth and looked at the people coming in, "Who let you in? Also, did you see me talking on the phone?"

The woman grinned, "What's the matter, is it your girlfriend?"

Bo Shengxiang glared at her and said irritably, "Go out, I am not off work now."

She called his name just now, I wonder if Gu Lu heard it. If you hear it, how can you misunderstand that he has a girlfriend or messing with him?

Also, what kind of work does a single dog work? Move bricks to chase his wife! My mother has given him an ultimatum. There is no stable girlfriend before the age of 25, and he will not get married before the age of 27. Dad's company is handed over to Lou Muxi!

I thought that whether it was the three brothers and sisters of the Si family, the two brothers and sisters of the Si family or the two brothers and sisters of the Shao family, they were all married. Even his sister is married, and now he is the only single dog.

It's not right. They get married as soon as they get married. Si Xiaobao is a little bit big, so why did he join in the fun and married Gu Yi?

My mother saw Si Xiaobao getting the certificate and wanted to take him off for a blind date...

Ugh! He is just in his early twenties, and he doesn't want to be like that fool Xiaobao can't think about it!

When Si Xiaobao got up the next morning, Gu Yi had no idea when he left.

She looked at the empty room, remembered what happened last night, and felt lost.

After eating breakfast in a horrible way, he greeted Mei Xiangwei who was playing with herbs in the garden, and Si Xiaobao went to the hospital.

Remembering the video of Li Shaofeng yesterday, she went to the mail room to find her courier. As soon as she arrived at the door, the old man in the mail room told her, "Xiaobao, your assistant to the courier dean took it away."

Si Xiaobao usually takes delivery in the mail room, and he has a good relationship with the old man, so the old man calls her so kindly.

Si Xiaobao was slightly startled when he heard the words, "Okay, I'll go find him." Gu Yi really saw the video feed Li Shaofeng had made for her.

When he came to the dean's office, Gu Yi was talking to a director. After greeting each other with the director, Si Xiaobao ignored Gu Yi and went straight to find the courier in his office.

The courier was quickly found. It was an oversized box, more than 1.6 meters long, and was placed by Gu Yi next to his desk.

Si Xiaobao flipped out an ancient wing scalpel, put the box down and cut open, the contents inside made Si Xiaobao grin.

Using Gu Yi's customized scalpel to dismantle the express delivery, it was the first time Gu Yi encountered...

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