Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1658: Miss Si admits it

I don't know, the phone is in Gu Yi's ear, and the voice inside can be heard by both people. Gu Yi suddenly said, "Where is it hidden?"

Jia Mengmen over there suddenly heard Gu Yi's voice, and was so scared that he almost didn't throw the phone away, "Gu Dean, no, I was joking with Xiaobao, ha ha ha ha..."

The laughter was embarrassing.

Hearing Jia Meng's call to Xiaobao, the woman who was pushed by him on the door, Gu Yi's eyes became darker, and his torturing Si Xiaobao's actions became more rude.

Si Xiaobao gritted his teeth and randomly clicked on the phone with his right hand. She wanted to hang up, but Gu Yi would not give her a chance.

In the end, Jia Mengmeng heard the abnormal sound and ended the call with a stunned expression.

Nima! Are these two bullying him for a long time without a woman?

From the office to the lounge, Si Xiaobao seemed to go from heaven to hell, and then from **** to heaven.

After waking up, looking at the marks on her body, her red lips tightened, Gu Yi, this beast!

Walking out of the lounge, the office was quiet and there was no one.

Moving feebly, Jia Mengmeng, who had been waiting for her, stood outside and opened the door of the office.

"Si...Oh, Mrs. Gu." Jia Mengmeng had been warned by a certain vinegar jar about calling Si Xiaobao's name.

Si Xiaobao raised his eyelids and asked him, "What about things?"

Jia Mengmeng told him embarrassedly, "Your husband took it away!"

"What about others?"

"President Gu is on a business trip."


I dimly remembered what Gu Yi had said in her ear, "There is an emergency over there in the Imperial City. You will be waiting for me at home for a few days on a business trip!"

She thought she was a dream, but it turned out to be true.

Coming out of the hospital, Si Xiaobao received a strange call, "Si Xiaobao, come out and talk."

The man’s voice was strange, and Si Xiaobao asked suspiciously, "Who are you?"

"Luo Yihang."


Si Xiaobao ate the tiramisu on the plate, next to the iced caramel macchiato, and two bodyguards stood behind him, watching the man sitting opposite her vigilantly.

Their position makes other customers unable to help but look back frequently.

The first sentence was said in Luo Yihang’s disdain, “I’m not afraid of getting fat and becoming a pig. Gu Yi doesn’t want you? Look at Yin Ruoya. There is a reason why Gu Yi can’t forget it.”

Si Xiaobao looked at his figure without changing his face, raised his head and looked at Luo Yihang in confusion, "I eat all day long, do you see that I am fat?"

Luo Yihang looked at Si Xiaobao's good figure with a gloomy expression. She... is indeed not fat. On the contrary, the figure is very good.

Although she is not as tall as Zhen Xining, all those who should develop are well developed.

"Xining can't play with you, let her go!"

Si Xiaobao swallowed the cake in his mouth and asked him more confused, "Who did I put?"

Her reaction and attitude made Luo Yihang a little angry, and told her angrily, "Zhen Xining, my girlfriend! Miss Si, don't pretend to be stupid."

Zhen Xining disappeared from yesterday to the present, the place where she last appeared is Si Xiaobao's birthday party venue.

I heard that he had a positive argument with Si Xiaobao, but who would Si Xiaobao be?

"Mr. Luo, please return my husband to me! He hasn't seen him since the afternoon until now." Yes, Gu Yi went straight to the Imperial City after she slept.

"How do I know where your husband is? My husband is not good, what do you find someone else?" Luo Yihang was furious.

Si Xiaobao put down the fork in his hand and wiped his mouth. His movements were slow and graceful. Luo Yihang was startled as he watched.

"Yeah, how do I know where your girlfriend is? My girlfriend doesn't look good. What are you going to do with me?" Si Xiaobao returned this sentence to him unhurriedly.

Luo Yihang loosened his tie irritably. This Si Xiaobao was really difficult to handle. I really don't know how Gu Yi would like such a weird woman. It must be to make Yaocheng stronger, and the two were politically married.

Si Xiaobao saw Gu Yi do it many times when he loosened his tie, and every time he was so handsome that he couldn't breathe.

But now looking at other men, Si Xiaobao didn't feel anything about doing this action. Although Luo Yihang was a mature uncle in the hearts of many young girls, Si Xiaobao didn't like it.

"Let's talk about it, how can you let Xi Ning go." Si Xiaobao lacks anything. This is the most troublesome thing for Luo Yihang.

Si Xiaobao didn't like to listen to these words anymore. He pierced the cake fork in his hand slightly on the remaining one-third of the tiramisu, and looked at Luo Yihang coldly, "This big brother, go ask. Zhen Xining, how can she let me go!"

From the beginning to now, hasn't Zhen Xining killed her first? Now this man asked her shamelessly, how can she let Zhen Xining go?

No wonder he likes Zhen Xining. It turns out that things are like things together. There is a mental problem!

"Si Xiaobao, you were born in a family as big as the Si family. You must have gone through various open and secret fights. You can still make Si Chengyang and Si Shaozhe pamper you so much. Not only that, you also stepped on Si Shaozhe and owned Chengyang Hospital. You can still marry into the ancient family, and become the third wife of the ancient family, Si Xiaobao, do you dare to say that you don’t use any tricks?"

In Luo Yihang's cognition, every big family will have some shameful things.

What's more, Si Xiaobao must be very clever in marrying Gu Yi, the thousand-year ice cube, and Zhen Xining is not her opponent at all.

When Si Xiaobao heard the words, he began to laugh, until the end of the laugh, tears were about to come out. Before Luo Yihang went crazy, he told him, "Mr. Luo, I am so happy. It turns out that I am so powerful in your heart! The Si family is so mixed up, and can still marry into the ancient family, um...I admit, I will play tricks."

Let Si Chengyang, Si Shaozhe and his mother listen, what Mr. Luo said, it seems that Si Chengyang has an illegitimate child!

It turns out that Dad’s reputation in the outside world is like this! Si Xiaobao can really hold back for his father.

She took out her mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Si Shaozhe, "Brother, someone said, I stepped you down, and then got the inheritance right of Chengyang Hospital! Brother, why do you say I am so powerful!" A proud expression, click to send.

Hearing Si Xiaobao's confession of his methods, Luo Yihang's expression only improved, "Miss Si admits it."

"My tricks, Zhen Xining can't afford to do tricks! Otherwise, how could I get Gu Yi locked up, right?"

Luo Yihang nodded.

Si Xiaobao smiled sarcastically, "The result is that I got Gu Yi locked up, but Zhen Xining didn't get Gu Yi, why? Do you have any comments?"

Luo Yihang frowned slightly when he heard the words, and glanced at the smiling harmless woman in disgust, "I asked you to release Xi Ning today, not for you to share your victory!"

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