Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1661: Gu Yi sleeping under the sky bridge?

He wanted to hear her say, and she missed him too.

However, the woman is still angry, saying nothing, and irritating him with some cruel words, "I don't want you, I don't want to!"

I only dream of him in the middle of the night, dream of his handsome appearance, dream of his embrace, dream of his kiss...

"I don't want to?" Gu Yi's big palm gradually reached down. With a slight movement, Si Xiaobao closed his eyes and bit his lower lip tightly, his face flushed.

This **** stinky man! Stinking rogue!

"Gu Yi...I warn you, you let me go...or I will..."

"So what? Huh?" The man kissed her long hair, and the hot breath sprayed on her ears, itchy and itchy.

The familiar feeling, the familiar voice, and the familiar body made Si Xiaobao, who had been flustered for a long time, a sense of security inexplicably.

I couldn't control myself, stretched out her arms, hugged his neck, pressed her face to his ear, and said tremblingly, "I hate you..." After saying these four words, she choked up. She couldn't tell.

He clasped her slender waist tightly with big palms, and brought her into his arms.

Two people hold each other tightly, if they can, they want to merge into one and blend into each other's body.

"Good." His beloved...lightly followed her long hair and kissed her tears that she couldn't help but fall in love.

Si Xiaobao completely fell into the love network he had compiled, and couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

Let the man kiss her lips, her body, and finally staged a charming scene.

Little don't win over newlyweds, the truth that remains unchanged through the ages From the bed, to the living room, the balcony, the sofa, and finally to the bathroom, the two people hugged each other for most of the night.

I woke up again, it was noon, and the man who slept next to her last night was gone.

She sat up from the bed and suddenly felt a little pain in her lower abdomen...

what happened? Is it going to be a period?

When did her last period come? How did she forget...

I went to the bathroom and saw the red liquid.

Ugh! Lost sitting on the toilet, was in a daze for a long time before tidying up and going out of the bathroom.

As soon as she walked out of the bathroom door, her stomach ached again, and Si Xiaobao immediately lay back on the bed.

Has she been so depressed recently that she has dysmenorrhea?

When he woke up again, Gu Yi didn't know when he had already returned, and was working outside with the computer.

Hearing the movement behind him, he closed the computer and got up from the chair, "Come and eat."

Si Xiaobao glanced at the sky outside and realized that it was already dark.

Sitting silently at the table, letting Gu Yi prepare dishes for herself, she ate with relish.

I was really hungry and gobbled up a bit.

"Eat slowly, don't choke." He handed her a glass of juice, and Si Xiaobao naturally took over and drank two sips of juice and continued to eat the food on the plate.

Her reaction made Gu Yi's deep pupils become deep.

The dinner ended in the silence of the two people. Si Xiaobao went directly to the balcony. At this moment, her stomach was not uncomfortable. She hugged her phone and nested on a chair on the balcony to scan Weibo.

Regardless of Gu Yi, let alone ignore him.

This gave Gu Yi a feeling of being left out. He pulled the woman up from the chair, sat on it by himself, and then let her sit on his lap, gently speaking, "She can't go to America, Xiaobao, this It’s a matter of life, understand?"

Si Xiaobao paused while swiping the phone without speaking. However, Gu Yi saw the sneer from the corner of her lips.

"Si Xiaobao, who is the person I love, can't you really feel it?" He thought it was obvious that he had expressed it.

"For me, Yin Ruoya has absolutely no feelings between men and women except for a little guilt towards her." After all, Yin Ruoya was imprisoned by Zhen Xining for seven years because of him.

And seven years later, she came back, and he waited for her not to persist until the end.

"I won't see her in the future, unless she gets sick again and enters the operating room. I really need me. When I need my medical skills, I will come over again." He said this, just hoping that she would no longer be angry.

Si Xiaobao's thoughts had long since been on Weibo on his mobile phone, so he closed the screen of his mobile phone and looked at Gu Yi, "But she loves you."

Her words made Gu Yi stunned and answered her affirmatively, "She loves me and has nothing to do with me. And I am married, and I have the woman she loves most. I am no longer the one she can love."

"It's useless to tell me, tell her!" Si Xiaobao guessed again whether Gu Yi would say these things to hurt Yin Ruoya.

The next moment Gu Yi nodded, "I will tell her if I have a chance."

"Have a chance? When will there be a chance?" She looked straight into his eyes, aggressively.

Gu Yi touched her head, "Fool, wouldn't it be better if we didn't have a chance?" The opportunity will definitely come after meeting Yin Ruoya, so don't have the opportunity, otherwise they won't have to meet. Up.

"It sounds very good, but is Doctor Gu willing?" She touched his cheek and asked gently.

Gu Yi lowered his head and touched her forehead, "Xiaobao, I love your heart, you shouldn't doubt it."


Leaning on his shoulder and looking at the moonlight, Si Xiaobao finally felt better.

Sure enough, the heart disease needs a heart medicine doctor, and the person who needs to tie the bell to relieve the bell, Gu Yi evacuated her depression for so long in a few words.

"How do you know I am here?" Si Xiaobao asked stupidly.

Gu Yi laughed blankly, "There are four bodyguards around you, three of whom are mine." So, he knew where she went.

He also knew she went to see Luo Yihang.


"If you get angry in the future, go back to Ou Jing or Shengfeng, don't live outside, you know?"

"But what if I don't want to see you for the time being?"

Gu Yi pinched her cheek, "Don't let you have this kind of thought again!"

"I mean if!" He pinched her lips into an O shape, and her voice changed.

"If... if you don't want to see me for the time being, I sleep under the sky bridge!"

Gu Yi sleeping under the sky bridge? Si Xiaobao thinks about that scene, and it feels very unrealistic.

She had to take a step back, "Well, I try not to let myself have the thought of not wanting to see you!"

"Really good."

In the evening, when Gu Yi wanted to take any further action, Si Xiaobao stopped him, "I... the official holiday is here."

A few simple words changed Gu Yi's face slightly, and she clearly saw that there was a touch of loss in Gu Yi's eyes.

He was disappointed and she was also uncomfortable. She hugged his neck and said gently, "When my period is over, I will go to the hospital for a check-up to see if there is a problem with my body and I will not get pregnant..."

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