Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1672: My husband cheated

Gu Jian thinks about his brother, can he toss too? Who toss? Toss the blind date his mom introduced to him?

That woman with different appearances? If you think about it carefully, that woman with different appearances owes him to toss...

Back to the bedroom

Gu Yi hugged Si Xiaobao directly into the bathroom and put her in a corner, leaving her nowhere to escape.

Let her watch her take off her shirt and throw it directly into the trash can, "My wife, I will pay attention to it in the future, don't be angry, eh?"

Because of his **** behavior of undressing, Si Xiaobao, who almost screamed, was brought back to reality by his words, "Pay attention to what? Be careful next time you hug another woman, change your clothes in advance and come back?"

Hug another woman? He Gu Yi is not good at this, "In the future, except for my wife, I will never touch any woman! Except for surgery!"

It is impossible not to touch it during the operation.

"Huh, the operation is an exception? What if a woman gets sick just for you to touch her?"

Gu Yi "...I only perform operations on critically ill patients now."

Because he is too busy now, he is not a serious patient or a patient with a special condition, so he usually doesn't pick it up.

Si Xiaobao rolled his eyes and suddenly pushed him away, "Look at your performance!"

After speaking, he left the bathroom.

Gu Yi looked at her back and left like this? Not like her style!

Facts have proved that it is not Si Xiaobao's style to lose his temper so quickly.

When Gu Yi came out of the bathroom, Si Xiaobao was gone...

He closed his eyes and dialed Su Xingyu's phone, "Where is my wife?"

Su Xingyu cried out strangely, "How do I know you...someone is knocking on the door, wait a minute."

Is not it! Su Xingyu suddenly had a bad premonition. He opened the door of the apartment and found out that the one standing outside the door was Si Xiaobao, who was occupying his wife every day?

Su Xingyu has no love, and tells the person on the phone, "Your wife is here, and she will turn my wife and children right again, Gu Yi, can you take care of it?"

Hearing that Su Xingyu was calling Gu Yi, Si Xiaobao immediately grabbed his mobile phone, but... After all, Su Xingyu is an armed policeman. How could his skill be comparable to Si Xiaobao, and he escaped Si Xiaobao smoothly. The snatch.

"Well, I will pick her up now!"

"Okay, come here quickly. Your wife is too much. When she comes, she hugs my wife first, and her ears are still on my wife's belly. Why do you say she wants to do something against me?" , His wife was held by Si Xiaobao and smiled happily.

Hmm... well, his wife is happy.

"Su Xingyu, I won't go with Gu Yi, if he comes to me, I will go now!" Si Xiaobao's voice was loud, and Gu Yi could hear him clearly over there.

"Hey, Mrs. Gu, isn't it normal for your husband to come to pick you up? He has a husband, why do you want to hold my wife and children?" Su Xingyu refused!

Si Xiaobao leaned on Dong Guo Rou's shoulder, pretending to be distraught, "My husband cheated, and the colorful flags are fluttering outside. I'm alone, don't drive me away, okay?"

After finishing speaking, I also installed a little pitiful...

However, her little pity is useless to Su Xingyu! "Gu Yi will derail?" Su Xingyu glanced outside. "When you came, was it raining red?"

Gu Yi didn't hang up the phone, so he smiled helplessly, "If she wants to be with your wife, I will pick her up tomorrow, and you will let your wife do her homework."

Now that Si Xiaobao said, if he passes, she will run, then she will definitely run.


the next morning


Mei Xiangwei was eating breakfast, and saw Gu Yi coming down from upstairs alone, and glanced back, "Isn't Xiao Bao girl awake?"

Gu Jian, who was next to him, laughed and said gleefully, "Grandma, don't you know, your three grandsons cheated, and his wife ran away!"

When Si Xiaobao was running, he happened to be looking for food downstairs.

When he saw Si Xiaobao rushing towards the door, he wanted to ask her what happened, but Si Xiaobao didn't give him a chance at all, so he rushed out of the ancient house...

"What? Derailed?" Xue Yanting next to her fell into the soup bowl in shock.

At the dining table, everyone turned their eyes to Gu Yi.

Gu Yi ignored everyone's gaze, glanced at the gloating man with cold eyes, and said calmly, "Second brother, your lawyer hasn't told you how many years will you be sentenced for defamation and slander?"

Gu Jian shut his mouth immediately, but he asked again, fearing that the world would not be chaotic, "Where are my younger siblings?"

"Yes, where's Xiaobao?" Xue Yanting asked immediately, apparently still having dinner with Xiaobao last night.

The servant put the dinner in front of Gu Yi, and he habitually swallowed the egg yolk that Si Xiaobao hated the most. After realizing his special action, a smile flashed across Gu Yi's eyes, look! Si Xiaobao has become a habit in her life!

Usually the two of them eat together. If there is an egg yolk, Si Xiaobao always picks the egg yolk first. Therefore, he also habitually eats egg yolk first.

After everyone's anxious urging, he said lightly, "Xiao Bao was with Dong Guo Rou last night. Dong Guo Rou was pregnant. Miss Xiao Bao more so she passed by."

"Oh! It turned out to be like this!" Everyone was relieved.

"Tsk tut." Gu Jian tutted twice. He just learned that the third child was lying and not blushing.

Gu Yi came over with a sharp look again, and Gu Jian had a bad feeling inexplicably.

Sure enough, Gu Yi threw a blockbuster, "Mom, the blind date you introduced to the second brother last time is pregnant, and the child belongs to the second brother." After a pause, he continued, "But the second brother has made someone Go and do it."

The front is true, the back is...he made up.

Gu Jian can black him, saying he cheats, he can black Gu Jian, black into a scumbag...

The dining table exploded immediately. Gu Hongzhen put down the fork in his hand and patted it again on the table, "Presumptuous! Gu Jian, you are in your thirties! If you don’t get married, I won’t urge you. Now the girl has your child. , Let the family do it! It's a nonsense!"

Mei Xiangwei stared at the innocent Gu Jian, "Second, learn more from your eldest brother and third brother, get married early, don’t let us worry about the elders. If you dare to let girls beat you with your children. If you fall, grandma will dare to break your leg!" Look at Ren Qian, who was so badly injured by Li Bo, and the chance of pregnancy is zero if he has not been recuperated for several years!

Xue Yanting, "Second, it's not your fault that you don't like people! Why do you want to touch Meizhen? This is your fault! Alas! Second, you are really...excessive."

After Xue Yanting reminded everyone, then did everyone remember that Miss Ji's name is Ji Meizhen.

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