Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1676: Gu Jian, why are you crazy?

Here, Gu Jian was still calling Gu Yi non-stop, seeing Si Xiaobao entering the Yin family's door. If Gu Yi is really doing something at this time, even if the phone gets through, Gu Yi will not have time to cover it...

Si Xiaobao coldly ordered the maid who was frightened by him, "Take me to Yin Ruoya's room!"

The little maid immediately walked upstairs and led them directly to the door of the innermost room, ""

Si Xiaobao went over to unscrew the doorknob, thinking that if the door was locked, he would let the bodyguard kick it open, who knew the door was unlocked...

Opening the door, Si Xiaobao almost suffocated the scene inside.

A man and a woman lay in bed embracing and sleeping, their upper bodies covered by a thin blanket...

The blood on Si Xiaobao's face faded away, and he took a step back in disbelief, holding the door beside him with his hand to barely stand firm.

She really saw Gu Yi wrong... Gu Yi really loves Yin Ruoya...

The love words of the past have all become the most disgusting lie...

Forgetting that he still had a child in his stomach, Si Xiaobao wanted to escape this sordid place.

I met Yin Qingsong and Ye Xifeng on the road. Ignoring their shock, Si Xiaobao rushed to the top of the stairs.

He also ran into Gu Jian who had just gone upstairs. Si Xiaobao did not give Gu Jian a chance to react, so he pushed him away and left the Yin family.

"Brother sister!" Gu Jian called Xiaobao, who didn't look back. He wanted to keep up, but seeing that the four bodyguards had already followed him, he decided to go upstairs and talk.

In the dimness, Gu Yi heard a roar, "Lao San, what are you doing?!"

He tried to open his eyes, and Gu Jian's angry expression came into view. He closed his eyes and rubbed his painful temples, "Gu Jian, why are you crazy?"

"What am I going crazy? Look at what good things you have done!" Gu Jian sneered.

If he hadn't seen two people hugging each other with his own eyes, he would never believe that the third child would cheat!

Feeling that something was wrong, Gu Yi suddenly sat up from the bed, and Bo slid down his naked upper body, revealing the neat pants he was wearing...

Gu Jian looked at Yin Ruoya, who was also drowsy, as if he understood something. His tone of voice improved by two points, "The third child, you have been calculated."

Gu Yi put on his clothes with a gloomy expression, and Gu Yi tidyed himself up without saying a word.

Yin Ruoya on the bed was still asleep, he walked over, gave Yin Ruoya a pulse, and asked the maid to bring up a cup of salt water for the two to drink separately.

Under Gu Yi's terrifying eyes, Yin Ruoya said weakly, "Zhen must be Zhen Xining...before you came, she forced me to eat...cough cough cough, I didn’t know what to eat before I got sick... …"

Gu Yi calmly said, "You'd better explain it honestly! Yin Ruoya, or I will let you not see the sun tomorrow!" His face was expressionless, but the words that came out of his mouth were the cruelest...

Yin Ruoya was so scared that she began to tremble again, "It must be her. Before she left, she said that she must let Si Xiaobao leave you..."

A few words clear away the responsibility.

Si Xiaobao? !

After Yin Ruoya's reminder, Gu Jian patted his head heavily, "The third child, go find Xiaobao!"

On Gu Yi's expressionless face, panic appeared. He asked Gu Jian, "She..." Did you see it?

Knowing what he wanted to ask, Gu Jian nodded, "Well, just ran out, you call her quickly! I saw some bodyguards chasing after him, but I didn't follow."


That night, the ancient family did not sleep. It was because Si Xiaobao was gone, and within a few minutes of rushing out of the Yin's house, he disappeared before the bodyguard could follow her.

In the middle of the night, Jiang Yan called Gu Yi and told him that Yin Ruoya was gone...

Gu Yi contacted Su Xingyu and asked him to lead people on the move, looking around for Si Xiaobao, Yin Ruoya, Zhen Xining and Geng Chengjun.

When Su Xingyu went out of the house, he didn't dare to tell Dong Guo Rou that Si Xiaobao was missing, only that he had an urgent task to deal with.

Because this situation was so normal, Dong Guo Rou didn't have any doubts, so she believed in Su Xingyu, and when she left, she told him to confess, "Be careful and remember to call me when you have time!"

"Well, yes, my wife sleeps well."

It was dawn and there was still no news from Si Xiaobao. The phone she was turned off was quickly located by force. When Gu Yi and the others rushed over, it was on the grass by the roadside, and there was no person around.

Gu Yi searched all possible places Si Xiaobao could go overnight, but there were none. At this moment he sat in the car with a tired face, closed his eyes and meditated.

Zhen Xining must have taken Si Xiaobao and Yin Ruoya away! If Zhen Xining is caught, his Gu Yi will definitely make Zhen Xining better than dead!

At noon, Gu Yi received an unknown call. The other party used a voice changer with a very strange tone. "Si Xiaobao and Yin Ruoya are in my hands. They are in the cemetery next to the West Park at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Bring the police, the two of them...dead!"

Without giving Gu Yi any chance to speak, the other party cut off the call.

When Gu Yi called back again, it was already empty.

...Western Cemetery! So, this is a kidnapping!

Except for Zhen Xining, the two of them first made Yin Ruoya take the contraindications to get sick, and then led him to put sleeping pills in the juice. After he fell asleep, he led Xiaobao to the Yin family again, and let Xiaobao see him cheating on Yin Ruoya... Xiaobao would definitely be heartbroken and leave the Yin family impulsively, and then Zhen Xing would send someone to guard at the gate of the Yin family and find Chance to kidnap Xiaobao...

He hammered the steering wheel hard, **** woman! The woman who dared to kidnap him!

It was only 12:30 noon, and Gu Yi hadn't waited until three o'clock. After contacting Su Xingyu first, Gu Yi drove to the west.

When Si Xiaobao woke up, his eyes were completely dark. Because her eyes were covered by rags.

Not only the eyes, but also the mouth, hands and feet...all under control.

Only a pair of ears were left to listen to the movement around her. She only moved slightly, and someone noticed her subtle movement.

After a while, the rags from her eyes were untied, and she blinked before seeing everything in front of her.

Several people were staring at her on a four-legged table not far away. There are Zhen Xining, Geng Chengjun, Yin Ruoya, and Rong Yue...

Seeing Yin Ruoya, Si Xiaobao's eyes filled with anger, and she remembered what happened last night.

This is the woman who slept with Gu Yi...

As if knowing what she was thinking, Yin Ruoya smiled slightly, got up from the chair, and came to her, "You fooled? Gu Yi and I didn't happen at all last night." Said this, Si Xiaobao's eyes stared. It was big, but his mouth was sealed with tape and he couldn't speak.

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