Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1678: Do you dare to attack us!

"Okay, then it won't be too late to save them until you have everything together!" At this moment, the man who held the dagger against Si Xiaobao didn't see Gu Yi's movements and lay directly covering his eyes. On the ground.

Another gangster went to see the screaming man on the ground in shock. Gu Yi took advantage of this time and threw a scalpel out again. When the man turned his head, he hid, and the scalpel brushed his ear and the hair was nailed behind him. On the wall.

The broken hair fell on the ground, and the gangster was so frightened, the hand holding the dagger hardened, and Yin Ruoya's snow-white neck immediately showed a blood mark. "Grandma's, you dare to attack us!"

Yin Ruoya seemed to be frightened, without a trace of blood on her face, she kept panting.

Gu Yi cried awful! "Ruoya, they won't hurt you! Don't be afraid! Take a deep breath..."

Just when Gu Yi was about to save Si Xiaobao, the man on the ground suddenly stood up, covering his bleeding eyes with one hand, and stabbing Si Xiaobao's body with one...

Gu Yi threw a scalpel again, and the man lay on the ground with another scream, struggling in pain.

The gangster next to him seemed to realize that Yin Ruoya was abnormal, and was so scared that Dagger Capital almost fell to the ground.

Yin Ruoya was already dying, panting for breath, and fell to the ground.

There was the sound of the plane rumbling outside. Gu Yi first gave Yin Ruoya simple first aid measures, and comforted Si Xiaobao, "Xiaobao, don’t worry, Yin Ruoya is in very bad condition now, I will give her first aid. ..."

Si Xiaobao calmed down anxiously as he watched the man's sweat oozing out from his anxiety.

At this moment, the gangster who was struggling got up from the ground. Gu Yi couldn't get out and use the scalpel and told Si Xiaobao, "Xiaobao, his leg was scratched by me with a scalpel. You picked him. Attacked with his legs."

Si Xiaobao immediately lifted his foot in accordance with Gu Yi's instructions and kicked the bandit heavily.

After the gangster screamed, the dagger in her hand pierced Si Xiaobao's left arm forcefully, "Um..." She closed her eyes tightly in pain.

Because her left arm was on the side and her body was blocking, Gu Yi didn't see her left arm injured, and was still trying to give Yin Ruoya a cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

When Si Xiaobao opened his eyes again, Gu Yi was still giving Yin Ruoya first aid...

Suddenly she got cold, she was injured, he didn't care about it, and then rescued Yin Ruoya.

The rumbling sound of the plane was getting closer. Gu Yi suddenly picked up Yin Ruoya and took a look at the gangster who was kicked to the ground by Si Xiaobao. "Xiaobao, don’t be afraid! The rescuers are here, let me first Give Yin Ruoya to them and I will be back soon!"

In order to save Yin Ruoya, Xiaobao was wronged.

If Yin Ruoya is rescued this time, he and Yin Ruoya will be separated from now on, and there will be no guilt for her, and he will stay with Xiaobao in peace.

After her heart was cold, Si Xiaobao was a little disappointed. She remembered Zhen Xining's words: "Si Xiaobao, I advise you not to live in your dreams. I will show you whether you are important in Gu Yi's heart, or Yin Ruoya is in Gu Yi's heart. important!"

Si Xiaobao kept shaking his head, trying to shout loudly, "Gu Yi, I am injured and pregnant..."

But Gu Yi only heard the voice of "No", Yin Ruoya's situation was too dangerous, and he would not be given a chance to see Si Xiaobao at all. As a doctor, it is his duty to rescue patients. He can't sit back and ignore the people who are facing death and obviously still have rescuers.

Quickly hugged Yin Ruoya and ran to the people who came to the rescue, threw Yin Ruoya into their arms, and turned back to save Xiaobao.

At this moment, something unexpected happened to Gu Yi. A big fire suddenly broke out in a house tens of meters away from him. The fire was very fierce.

For the first time in his life, Gu Yi was completely panicked, "Xiaobao!" He roared and dashed towards the house where the fire started.

At this moment, there was only one thought in his heart, whether it was life or death, he would rescue Xiaobao and be with her forever.

When the rescuers saw that the house was on fire, Gu Yi was still running towards the fire, and immediately came up to hold him, "President Gu, the fire is too strong, don't go in..."

"Let go of me!" Gu Yi had scarlet eyes, and vigorously threw away the person who was holding him, ready to rush in.

"President Gu, wait here first, let's go in and save people!" The rescuers are still trying to convince Gu Yi.

Gu Yi punched the rescuer closest to him in the face, "I said let me go, my wife is still inside!" Freed from his hand, Gu Yi rushed into the fire scene alone.

However, the scene inside made him stand in place in astonishment.

Where Si Xiaobao was originally located, there is no longer her shadow...

I took a close look at the surrounding area. There was a small door in a place that was burned by the fire. He ran over and suddenly a piece of burning wood fell from the small door. Gu Yi was full of thoughts with Si Xiaobao. He didn't see the fallen wood. When he realized it, the wood had fallen on him. He raised his arm to block it, and his arm was immediately burned by the fire.

Gritting his teeth tightly, Gu Yi stepped out of the small door and found that it was the back door of the cemetery. When he went out, a car hurried away.


The next morning

The First People's Hospital of Jiuzhou City

A woman sat on the sofa in the ward with eyes blankly waiting for someone, her left arm was wound with gauze from a knife wound.

Within a few minutes, the door to the room was opened, and the man who came in was holding a few sheets in his hands, "Xiaobao, the discharge procedures are complete, let's go!"

Si Xiaobao stood up from the sofa blankly, and followed the man to the door.

Li Shaofeng still couldn't help repeating what he had said countless times, "Xiaobao, you are pregnant and your arms are not healthy. It is not too late to be discharged after two days of observation in the hospital..."

Li Shaofeng knew that Si Xiaobao had an accident because Li Zhengtao told him that the ancient family was secretly looking for Si Xiaobao.

Hearing that Si Xiaobao was missing, Li Shaofeng couldn't sit still, but Li Zhengtao wouldn't let him leave the Li family unless he surrendered his will.

Li Shaofeng did not immediately agree to Li Zhengtao. He used a computer to intrude into Zhen Xining's mobile phone and eavesdropped on her call, only to realize that Si Xiaobao had been caught in the cemetery.

Since the investigation revealed that Si Xiaobao had recently had a mismatch, only Zhen Xining was the next morning, so he and Gu Yi arrived at the cemetery at the same time.

He watched Gu Yi being taken to a house by Geng Chengjun, and accidentally found several people running out from the back of the house. Only then did he know that there was a back door in the cemetery house.

When he saw the fire burning, he found the very secret back door and ran into two injured men. Before he could think about it, he entered the room from where they came out.

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