Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1680: Gu Yi Police

Xue Yanting wondered, "Didn't Xiaoyi rescue Xiaobao? How did Xiaobao hurt his heart? Didn't Xiaoyi save Xiaobao?"

"Isn't it... Oh, what I mean is that Xiaoyi was the one who saved Xiaobao, but Yin Ruoya was the one who had the accident with Xiaobao. The stupid Xiaoyi saved the Yin family girl first! Alas!" When she wanted to get more angry, Mei Xiangwei got up from the sofa and was about to find Gu Yi.

Du Sixuan breathed a sigh of relief and continued to nibble the melon seeds, "What am I talking about! At the beginning, I was not optimistic about Si Xiaobao and Gu Yi, you have to agree! Check it out! People Ruoya is sick. In that case, Xiaobao still cares about this with Gu Yi. I really don’t think about it. Xiaoyi married Si Xiaobao who is like a child, and it’s really worrying. If Xiaoyi had been with Xining..." The words behind her disappeared into the deeply dissatisfied eyes of the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in front of her.

Because of Zhen Xining's affairs, Du Sixuan disliked Si Xiaobao very much. I hope that Si Xiaobao and Gu Yi are getting upset every day and divorce soon!

"Xining Xining! Do you know that Xining is breaking the law now? It has become the focus of the police arrest. You want Xiaoyi to marry this kind of woman. Du Sixuan, what is your heart?" Because in the anger, ancient In addition to her stern tone, the lady spoke a bit hard.

Seeing that the old lady was angry, Du Sixuan was angry and could only endure, "Mom, Xing Ning was framed by someone. Okay, I won't say anything, mom, don't be angry!"

Mei Xiangwei snorted and stood up from the sofa, "Xiao Song, let the driver take me to Yaocheng!"

"Yes, old lady!" Xiao Song replied and went to call the driver of the Gu family.

Xue Yanting is also very anxious about the happiness of her son. "Mom, should I go see Xiaobao first?" Her third son is dull and indifferent. She is a little worried if she can coax her daughter-in-law well...

Mei Xiangwei thought for a while and shook her head, "Xiaobao must be uncomfortable right now. Please let her be quiet first and don't disturb her. After these two days, let's go there."

"Okay, Mom." Xue Yanting sent the old lady to the car.

As soon as the car in front had left, she saw a Mercedes Benz stopped at the gate of Gu's house, and the couple who got out of the car were Zhen Jimao and his wife.

Du Fen saw Xue Yanting walk over immediately, and choked at Xue Yanting's hand, "Yanting, please... Save Xi Ning, she can't do something illegal... There must be some misunderstanding..." Du Fen I have searched for Gu Yi several times, but Gu Yi has been evasive. She has no way to find Gu Yi.

Because of Zhen Xining's affairs, Zhen Jimao and his wife can't eat well and sleep well every day. Both of them have lost a lot of weight and are much older.

Xue Yanting herself has a daughter, and of course she can understand their feelings. It’s just, "Du Fen, it’s not that I don’t help you. You know, I used to like Xi Ning very much, and I hope every day that she can be with Xiaoyi and be my daughter-in-law. But you have seen it too, yes She broke the law herself. It is the police who is going to arrest her now, not me, so it is useless for you to come to me."

Du Fen immediately panicked when she heard that she did not help herself, "Yan Ting, Yan Ting... is Gu Yi, the police from Gu Yi News, he also sued Xi Ning for harming Si Xiaobao. Not only that, but unfortunately. The wedding between Ning and Yihang was also destroyed by Gu Yi... Yanting, please beg Gu Yi for me to let him let my daughter go! I know his power can stop all current suppression of Xi Ning... ...I beg you!"

After Du Fen wept bitterly, and wanted to kneel down several times, Xue Yanting pulled him up.

"Du Fen, you should know the character of my third son. No one can stop him from what he wants to do. At the beginning, I was also very opposed to him being with Xiaobao, wouldn't he not listen? Alas! Now! When the children are older and have their own ideas, our old ones can't care about it..." Xue Yanting showed embarrassment and tactfully rejected Du Fen.

If Zhen Xining really committed a crime, Du Fen should be cruel and send Zhen Xining in for reflection. If she really has a good transformation, she can come out early...

Du Fen and Xue Yanting had a very good relationship before, and now it’s useless for her to come to Xue Yanting. Du Fen really doesn’t know who to look for...

Yaocheng Hospital

A luxurious black Bentley drove slowly into the hospital. When the staff in the hospital turned around, glanced at the license plate number, they knew whose car it was, "It's the car of the old lady from the ancient family, the old lady came to the hospital!"

"Really, she must have come to our dean."

"I heard that Yaocheng is the place where the old lady and her husband laid down! It's a pity that the old man left early."

"Yes, look at the car and drive directly to the office building of the hospital, and at first glance, you are looking for Dean Gu!"


Yaocheng Office Building

Mei Xiangwei was helped by the driver and walked into the building sternly on crutches.

People passing by, up to the deputy dean, down to the cleaning, all bowed their heads to greet her, Mei Xiangwei nodded in response to them, and entered the elevator.

On the floor of the dean's office, in the corridor, Gu Yi just got off the operating table and was talking with the deputy dean and two or three attending physicians.

"Gu Yi!" The sound was like Hong Zhong, and the few people who were talking about things, except for Gu Yi, all had a thump in their hearts.

Looking back, it turned out to be the old lady.

Mei Xiangwei ignored everyone's greetings, walked up to the front angrily, raised her crutches, and hit him **** the shoulder.

The grandson and daughter-in-law are about to run away, and she is even less concerned about saving Gu Yi's face.

However, Gu Yi didn't frown, and still greeted Mei Xiangwei respectfully as usual, "Grandma, you are here."

Chief Gu... was beaten? Everyone is surprised you look at me, I look at you, and I haven't come back for a long time.

"Do you know it's wrong?" Seeing Gu Yi's attitude, Mei Xiangwei's anger disappeared by three points.

This grandson of hers is a strong man! The moment she was just now was not light, he didn't even frown his brows, and his face didn't change a bit! It shows the capacity of mind and body.

Even though she stays in the hospital all year round, she usually has fitness every day, which is not inferior to her nephew who is a soldier!

"Grandma, what are you talking about?" Gu Yi looked at the old lady, perhaps guessing seven or eight points.

Sure enough, "What's the matter? You know better than anyone else in your own heart! I don't think you usually protect your shortcomings? Why did you lose the chain at a critical moment? Ah?! You tell me clearly!"

The old lady's crutches knocked **** the ground a few times, and several other people finally reacted. Seeing that the situation is not right, leave immediately...

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