Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1682: You are jealous of my wife

After she shouted, she felt that the whole world was quiet.

Si Xiaobao looked at them in shock when he saw the nurses and doctors coming and going around.

She regretted it immediately, Gu Yi was a dean anyway, and she made him so shameless...

And Gu Yi just faintly told her, "Xiaobao, pregnant women can't lose their temper, pay attention to prenatal education!"

His voice was particularly pronounced in the quiet corridor, so when Si Xiaobao hadn't walked out of Yaocheng Hospital, the whole hospital knew that the president's wife was happy!

prenatal education? The child has just been seven weeks old and hasn't formed yet, so talk to her about prenatal education? Is she a fool?

Si Xiaobao angrily threw him away, "If you follow me again, I will make this kid!" Of course! Of course she was just joking again.

Gu Yi took it seriously... His footsteps stopped immediately. "Okay, wife, don't be angry, you are what you say!"

From now on, Gu Yi could imagine what life he was like, and it must be spent coaxing his wife and then coaxing the children.

It's just that he seems to think too beautiful...

Si Xiaobao successfully bluffed Gu Yi and left the hospital.

Not long after leaving the hospital, Si Xiaobao immediately went to Shengfeng Mansion to pack his luggage, threw the signed divorce agreement on the table, and pulled the suitcase downstairs.

Downstairs, Si Xiaobao told the bodyguard Gu Yi had sent her, "Go find Gu Yi, and don't follow me anymore!"

After the three bodyguards looked at each other, they shook their heads at the same time, "Madam, what happened last time was our fault, please punish you!"

Si Xiaobao, "...No, it's because I and your dean are going to divorce, so please go back!"

After that, despite everyone's surprise, Si Shaozhe sent her bodyguard to carry his suitcase and went to the airport.

When Gu Yi knew that Si Xiaobao had gone to the airport, he had just finished the meeting and was being told by Xue Yanting.

He immediately left Xue Yanting behind and hurried out of the hospital, without changing his clothes, and drove to the airport hurriedly.

Along the way, he prayed silently, hoping that this time, like the last time, he could bring back the woman who was about to leave...

When he rushed to the airport, Gu Yi, who was wearing a white uniform, running nonstop, caused quite a stir.

Many people even recognized him. Watching him rush to the terminal, many women chased him unconsciously.

Looking at the crowd coming and going in the terminal, Gu Yi did not see Si Xiaobao's figure like last time.

When I called Si Xiaobao again, it was already turned off.

The latest flight to Country C has taken off, and his Xiaobao has also flown away...

Gu Yi sat down on a chair beside him in frustration, and raked his short hair irritably.

When Si Xiaobao returned to Si's house, just after noon, the house was quiet, I guess his parents are not at home!

She dragged her luggage up the stairs, but the scene at the end of the corridor on the second floor made her blush... "Brother, when you get older, you need to know temperance."

Si Xiaobao's faint voice scared Si Nuannuan, he quickly pushed away the man who was kissing him, tidied his clothes, and muttered quietly, "I said, stop here, you won't listen, okay Come on! Xiaobao saw it..."

She just came back with Si Shaozhe to get a file, but she didn't expect Si Shaozhe to get a beast...

Si Shaozhe squinted at his younger sister, and said without blushing or breathing, "Leave aside, isn't Gu Yi about the same age as me? I'm at most two years older than him. Why didn't I see him temperate?"

When Si Xiaobao heard Si Shaozhe mention Gu Yi, his expression was darkened.

Si Shaozhe only looked at his wife, but didn't notice that his sister was abnormal. I didn't hear Si Xiaobao speaking, and thought she was speechless, and continued to tease her, "You are jealous that I have a wife! My wife is being held in my arms!"

Upon hearing this, Si Xiaobao gave Si Shaozhe a roll of contempt. Then, still silently carrying his luggage into his room, and slammed the door vigorously, this vented his dissatisfaction.

"Shaozhe, that's not right, Xiaobao looks a bit abnormal!" Si Xiaobao's abnormal face was noticed by Si Xiaobao when he entered the room.

Si Shaozhe twisted his eyebrows slightly when he heard the words, as if, how could my sister be so quiet?

By the way, "Why did Xiaobao come back suddenly? Or is she alone? Where is my handsome brother-in-law?"

When Si Xiaobao's accident happened, Gu Yi blocked the news in order to avoid the Si family's worries, so the Si family did not know what happened to Xiaobao.

"Hey, Si Xiaobao, open the door! Xiaobao, open the door!" But there was no response inside, and Si Shaozhe continued to knock on the door unwillingly, "Baby, open the door..."

Still nothing happened, the couple outside looked at each other, and this time she knocked on the door for Swan Nuan, her voice was soft, "Xiaobao, I'm my sister-in-law, open the door."

This time, the door opened quickly.

Si Shaozhe's mouth twitched, Si Xiaobao, this unscrupulous! He couldn't help muttering the younger sister inside, "I said Si Xiaobao, what do you mean? I knocked on the door for a long time and you didn't open it. Your sister-in-law opened the door as soon as I knocked. Why? Does it discriminate against gender?"

"Yeah!" Si Xiaobao replied simply.

Si Shaozhe was speechless, with only two words.

This Si Xiaobao not only grew up and got married, but he also grew up to be able!

"What's the matter? I ate gunpowder? I quarreled with Gu Yi?" Si Shaozhe guessed wildly, carrying his suitcase and going home silently. This was the same as Nuannuan's reaction when he quarreled with Nuannuan. ...

Si Xiaobao irritably told him, "No, Si Shaozhe, are you okay? After molesting your sister-in-law at home, knocking on my door again, go out for a stroll if there is nothing wrong, don't bother me!"

The couple at the door, "..."

Si Xiaobao lost his temper, and Si Shaozhe unfortunately became a cannon fodder...

In fact, it is not surprising that Si Xiaobao loses his temper, but it is still rare to lose his temper in front of his brother and sister-in-law.

Normally Si Shaozhe and Si Nuannuan treat her very well. She is also sensible and listens to what they say very much. Never before have Si Shaozhe looked so calm as ever!

Seeing this situation, Snuannuan winked at Si Shaozhe and pushed him out, "Husband, Xiaobao and I have something to say, you go to the courtyard first!"

Si Shaozhe nodded, and when he was about to turn around and leave, his cell phone rang. He took out his cell phone and saw that it was Gu Yi. He held his cell phone to his sister as if offering a treasure, "Gu Yi called me..."

"No answer!" Si Xiaobao grabbed Si Shaozhe's phone and pressed the hangup button.

... He thought Xiaobao would be very happy to hear Gu Yi call.

Si Shaozhe was sure and must be awkward. On the surface, he followed Si Xiaobao's words, "Okay, I won't pick him up, I will blacklist him, you talk to your sister-in-law, I went to the hospital. "

"Brother, don't go!" Si Xiaobao called the man who raised his footsteps.

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