Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1695: A three-minute silence for you

"It goes without saying, because no one of you Xiaobao looks good!"


... laughter arose in the living room because of Aunt Gu Yi's words.

Si Xiaobao bit his lower lip and moved closer to them, standing in a standard posture, very ladylike and began to say hello to the elders, "Grandma, mom, sister-in-law, aunt..."

At Gu Yi's prompt, she greeted everyone in the living room.

After all, from a famous family, Si Xiaobao seemed to be a pretty lady when he was quiet. Even if she is pregnant, it doesn't affect her grace.

The three big aunts and eight big aunts I saw liked Si Xiaobao very much.

"Yanting, it's not that I said you, such a good wife, why don't you stay at home and take care of her? What's going on with her family for a long time?" An aunt's words brought down the atmosphere a bit.

This aunt is the daughter of Grandpa Gu Yi's brother's family. She doesn't speak very much, and she offends many people because of her words.

When Si Xiaobao saw this situation, he immediately put down the fruit in his hand and explained to everyone cleverly, "Auntie, it's me. I have been with Gu Yi before and haven't been home much. Recently I feel homesick, so I went back to live. It’s been a while. You guys know... Gu Yi loves me a lot and is pregnant again, so I’m not worried that I’m too far away... Grandma and Mom called me many times to get me back, Mom... Sorry, no Thought will bring you this kind of misunderstanding."

Feel guilty when you should be guilty, and feel ashamed when you should be ashamed. This answer can give Si Xiaobao full marks.

The corners of Gu Yi's lips twitched, and silently put Si Xiaobao in his arms, and kissed her on her hair with pity.

He can see Xiaobao's mind clearly, she still loves him.

If you don't love him, Xiaobao will not appear in the ancient house at this time.

Not to stop all the mistakes on oneself, all good people let grandma, mother and him do it.

Ugh! His lovely Xiaobao!

In places where everyone can't see, Si Xiaobao smiled and screwed on Gu Yi's waist fiercely...without any fat, he could only change the place.

Xue Yanting waved to everyone, "Xiaobao, this silly boy, is obviously the third child who made a mistake, you don't need to defend him. I have figured it out and agree with you to embarrass him, let him know what it means to cherish!"

Gu Yi nodded seriously.

"It turned out to be like this, Xiaobao don't be angry anymore, for the sake of the baby in the belly, it is not good for pregnant women to be angry! You know?"

"Gu Yi is more arrogant, he is also the dean. He is usually praised by everyone. If suddenly it might be difficult for him to chase someone, Xiaobao should stop embarrassing him."

"Xiaoyi grew up when we watched. This kid is really good. Last time he gave your cousin who just graduated a good job. If he made a mistake, it may be accidental, Xiaobao , Just forgive him! Ah!"

Si Xiaobao, "..."

The three big aunts and eight big aunts often have three inch tongues.

When Si Xiaobao was about to be brainwashed successfully, she saw Dong Guo Rou coming in from outside, and she immediately woke up from being brainwashed by everyone!


"Grandma, Auntie, how are you elders..." Dong Guo Rou knew that Si Xiaobao had returned to Jiuzhou City, and couldn't wait to let Su Xingyu send her over.

But I didn't expect that there were so many people in the ancient family, so I was a little embarrassed for a while.

"Rourou is here, my belly is so big, it's time to give birth!" Xue Yanting stood up from the sofa and pulled the potbellied Dong Guo Rou to sit beside her and Si Xiaobao.

Dong Guo Rou and Si Xiaobao came to a big hug before turning around to answer Xue Yanting's words, "Yes, auntie, there will be another month or so."

After chatting with the elders for a while, Si Xiaobao took Dong Guo Rou upstairs.

Su Xingyu and Gu Yi knew that the two little women had a whisper, so they went to the prospective bridegroom, Gu Jian.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Gu Yi pushed open the bedroom door, and the scene inside changed the expressions of the two men who walked in.

"What are you doing?" Su Xingyu looked at the woman who hugged, hugged and kissed his wife with a green face. After kissing Dong Guo Rou, Si Xiaobao actually put his ear on Dong Guo Rou's belly to listen. His son's fetal movement!

The actions of the two women are very close.

Si Xiaobao blinked and squatted on the ground, hugging Dong Guo Rou's waist, and suddenly shouted in surprise, "Rou Rou, he kicked me! Kicked me!" Si Xiaobao felt Dong Guo Rou's baby move. , As if feeling excited like a fetal movement.

Su Xingyu immediately picked up Si Xiaobao and threw him into Gu Yi's arms. He replaced Si Xiaobao's position and movements and felt his child's every move.

Although he felt the children's movements countless times, Su Xingyu couldn't feel enough.

Si Xiaobao puffed up his mouth in dissatisfaction and touched his belly, "Huh, Su Xingyu, you are so stingy! If you don't touch it, you won't touch it, I will touch myself in the future!"

Gu Yi wrapped her shoulders, "Don't hug Dong Guo Rou in the future!"

Si Xiaobao squinted at the man, "I won't hold her, hold you?"

Gu Yi heard this with a smile in his eyes, "This answer gives you 100 points, and I will add chicken legs tomorrow morning!"

Suddenly, Si Xiaobao looked at him with a smile, "How about adding another braised pork and celery?"

"..." Gu Yi's eyes flashed helplessly, "If his wife wants to eat, of course!"

"I don't want to eat, let you eat!" Knowing that Gu Yi's most annoying things are these two things, Si Xiaobao just wants to punish him.

The man held his forehead and offered his own terms, "Then how about you don't go back to country C after I eat it?"

For his wife, let alone eating braised pork, he is willing to eat raw meat! It depends on whether his wife accepts his love...

"The beauty of thinking!" Si Xiaobao refused unceremoniously.

Su Xingyu hugged Dong Guo Rou and walked towards them, and patted Gu Yi on the shoulder, "Brother, silently mourn you for three minutes!"

Si Xiaobao is not as easy to talk as Dong Guo Rou, Gu Yi chasing his wife...a bit hard.

However, it is better for Gu Yi to stay with Si Xiaobao at least.

Si Xiaobao took Dong Guorou's arm and leaned his head lightly on her shoulder, "Rourou, when I'm away, take care of yourself. When the baby is born, I will see you again."

Gu Yi did not let go of every opportunity to leave Xiaobao, "Why is it so troublesome, you can live here until Dong Guo Rou's child was born."

As long as she is willing, let alone the birth of a child who lives in Dong Guo Rou, she can live in until he and Xiao Bao's descendants are born!

For the happiness of her good friend, Dong Guo Rou sighed, "Yes, Xiaobao, I want you to be happy. Come back, I believe that Doctor Gu will definitely be better!"

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