Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 208: I don't interfere anymore

Then, I started to tell her about going to take wedding photos these days.

SL Group

In the president's office of more than 100 square meters, there is a symmetrical floor-to-ceiling glass on the north and south sides, and a white expensive desk is placed on the floor. There are white floor tiles on the floor.

On the grid bookshelf at the entrance of the eastern half of the lounge, there are many famous books on manager management and celebrities. The western half is a luxurious white sofa set with some valuable furnishings.

A noble man sitting at his desk with a cigarette in his hand, silently watching the headlines on his mobile phone, this is probably what the woman said that made him raise his expensive hand?

Now the whole world knows about the three of them. Can you really toss, the marriage certificate was issued by her, and you were forced to worry?

The next data on the computer is the stocks of SL Group A on the other side. Because of Li Liaoluo, it has grown substantially.

Yunqi knocked on the door and walked in. He bowed his head and reported to Si Jinheng respectfully, but he was actually guilty. He supported Ye Lingling and Li Liaoluo without the permission of the boss!

"BOSS, the stock price of country A has risen a lot now, don't you need to have a meeting to praise..." Si Jin Heng glanced over, Yun Qi closed his mouth.

Si Jinheng's legs crossed, he looked at Yunqi in front of him coldly, and said quietly, "I don't know when you were from Li Qianluo. How about transferring you to country A as her assistant?"

Yunqi immediately pulled down his face and put on a pitiful expression, "President, you are wronged, not at all, but I have all my heart on you, President!"

His loyalty can be verified by the sun and the moon!

Si Jinheng's index finger and **** knocked on the desk without a match, "I don't need to throw it on me. Since you are good at taking pictures and buy a camera, the company's publicity work will be implemented on you this month. ."

Damn, propaganda work...Such a big SL group, propaganda work can be exhausting!

Yunqi was crying, "Boss, can there be any way to make it up?" He asked weakly, undoubtedly looking for death, Yunqi and Yunqi, when the scar is over, forget the pain!

"Two months." Si Jin Heng's words caused him to slip out quickly holding the documents.

Only Si Jin Heng was left in the huge office. He stood up and walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking in the direction of the nameless.

Li Xiaoluo was using her own way to treat her body. Back then, she was not infamy as Xiaosan.

In fact, in this matter, Li Laluo may have suffered no less damage than Mo Yawei.

So, in that case, let her go!

At this time, the cell phone rang, it was an old house phone.

"Jin Heng, come back for dinner tonight!" Old man Si's majestic voice rang from the phone.

Scott Heng paused, and probably knew something, "I won't go back, the company is busy today." He didn't want to go back to that home because there were those two women.

"Jin Heng, are you not going to deal with this matter? Yawei is your fiancée after all, and her reputation is also related to you now." Old man Si did not force his grandson to come back, but the matter is to be resolved. of.

Si Jinheng remembered the woman's phone call, "Grandpa, I won't interfere with their women's affairs anymore."

When Grandpa Si heard these words, he sighed secretly. This time his grandson came back, he could clearly see his feelings for Mo Yawei.

There is also a daughter-in-law, these two women, grandsons seem not to be seen.

I can't go home without going home, my grandson was not like this before! Although it was a little bit colder, home still went home.

"You are the president of the group, you are in charge, and Yawei's parents are already very dissatisfied with you now!" He reminded him that he still has a couple of old father-in-law's mother-in-law to handle.

"They are bothering grandpa!" For the first time, Si Jin Heng pushed his own affairs onto others.

The angry old man Si didn't say anything for a long time, "Goodbye, grandpa!"

After all, he couldn't hold back a phone call with her. Li Qianluo looked at the caller ID, would he find himself? Also, can she bear his anger?

"Hello! President Si!" She said completely formulaically, making his brows frowned.

"I'm not good!"

See! At first the tone was so aggressive!

"I'm sorry, Mr. Si, I caused you trouble!" She sneered silently, now she is going to spoil her?

His appearance is not conducive to her future work!

"You come to Country C, I will ask Yunqi to pick you up." He did not answer her.

Go to country C? Li Xiaoluo's heart trembled, but he didn't expect the plan to go so smoothly.

However, "Do you love her that much?" She asked abruptly, making Si Jin Heng quite confused.

What does this have to do with whether you love Mo Yawei or not? What does this little woman think about every day?

"There is no relationship between the two. Give them the work these two days." He decided to meet and educate her personally.

She must confirm why Si Jin Heng asked her to go. If it is to retaliate against her, then she is not dead. "I'm not going!" She refused simply! And what if they ganged up and knocked her out, and then the corpse wilderness?

Si Jinheng closed his eyes, this woman just can't handle it! Are you obedient? "If you don't come, I'll find you, go to the company, go to Li's house!" He threatened coldly.


Son of a bitch!

but! These two days don't seem to work, just after the period, when she is ovulating...hehehehe.

"Go, go! Not in these two days!" My mind quickly thought of an excuse, "Tomorrow, the village chief of Xiangshuiwan will come over to discuss plans for the future!"

The man over there immediately agreed, "Okay, two days later, I will let Yunqi pick you up."

Where she could not see, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Headquarters of Country A

A female soldier in a white uniform carried a gun and walked on the wide training ground.

Anqi Gong, who was also in the same white uniform, was seriously carrying the Vice President of Country A during the military parade. At this time, her female soldier rushed over with her mobile phone, avoiding the Vice President, and whispered in her ear, , The kindergarten teacher’s phone."

Gong Anqi glanced at the vice president in front of him. This time the kindergarten is calling? "Go and call my eldest son and ask him to go there. If he is not available, come find me again!"

The female soldier's special assistant hurriedly returned to her temporary rest room, turned out Li Youhan's phone number, and called him.

Li Youhan, a soldier training here, received a call. He heard that his little niece had something wrong in the kindergarten and drove a military vehicle to the kindergarten.

Future Star Art Kindergarten

When Li Youhan arrived, Li Nuannuan, teacher, and a boy and his parents were waiting for him in the principal’s office. Through the windows, everyone saw Li Youhan in formal military uniform walking on the domineering military vehicle. When I came down, my heart came up.

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