Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 215: Liger

Li Xiaoluo woke up again, it was already after noon, she was the only person in the huge and luxurious room.

Dragging his exhausted body to the bathroom, the bathroom is an ensuite with light brown hand-painted tiles on the wall inside and out.

The suite is separated by a large mirror, and outside are two side-by-side wash basins and a round table, on which are placed various baths and toiletries.

Inside is an expensive automatic toilet, a two-meter rest bed, and a round bathtub that can accommodate a dozen people at the same time, designed in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass windows.

A short distance outside is the sea, and you can enjoy the sea view in a bath. I have to say that Si Jin Heng really knows how to enjoy life.

Yuzu stepped on the steps and slowly stepped onto the bathtub, giving himself bath water. I didn't feel relieved to draw the curtains on the floor-to-ceiling windows and soaked in a milk bath comfortably.

Dry her hair, walk out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel, and step on the white soft carpet with bare feet.

She suddenly remembered that her clothes were torn off by the wolf directly by Si Jin Heng last night...

Walking into Si Jin Heng's cloakroom, the suits, shirts, pants, etc. are neatly hung in several cabinets. She saw the layer where the tie was placed. The tie was so familiar, it seemed that she bought him all of it last time!


He really fished them out of the sea, hehe.

Okay, it's almost the same, she smiled sweetly, took out a piece of his shirt and put it on.

... just enough to cover the legs, rolled up the sleeves, and walked out of the cloakroom.

Seeing the bag on the table, I took out the phone inside, and just opened the phone, the door of the room was knocked.

She put down the phone, ran to open the door, and unexpectedly allowed it!

Yunqi looked at Li Qianluo and quickly covered her eyes exaggeratedly.

Li Qianluo glanced at herself, and gave an exaggerated glance, "What's wrong?"

Yun lifted one hand to cover his eyes, and handed the paper bag he was carrying to Li Qianluo with one hand, "Mr. Li, BOSS let you give you clothes."

Passing the clothes to Li Laluo, he ran away quickly and exaggeratedly. !

Li Qingluo lowered his head and looked at himself speechlessly again, much more conservative than a miniskirt, let's allow it on purpose!

Putting on the beige dress sent by Yunqi, he walked out of the room.

Everywhere in the castle is quiet, and there is no one in the living room downstairs, only a few exquisite large plates on the dining table, covered with a white lid.

Open the lid, exquisite dishes, still slightly steaming.

Appetizing stir-fry with two meat and two vegetarian dishes, a steamed fish, a seafood soup, and rice. Li Laluo touched her hungry belly and sat down to eat.

After filling her stomach, Li Qianluo thought for a while, Si Jin Heng must be busy, she decided to go out and go around the manor.

Li Qianluo walked for a long, long time on a clean road before seeing the golf course and a garden.

She abandoned the golf course and walked to the transparent garden.

From a distance, although the weather has begun to be hot, the flowers in the flower room are blooming beautifully, and someone will take care of them.

But what stuff is the one next to him?

Li Xiaoluo looked curiously at a huge cage, holding a

Hey, she actually moved, so she leaned forward with her waist.

When Mo Yawei drove to find Li Laluo, Li Laluo was looking at the white liger curiously.

She parked the car on the side of the lawn, stepped on high heels, and walked to her side!

Sure enough, it was Li Xiaoluo that **** woman!

Mo Yawei, who was dazzled by anger, didn't notice the terrifying animal in front of them. She pulled up the woman who was cat-waisted, and, apart from anything, slapped her delicate face with a slap.

"Pop!" Li Qianluo was unprepared, and slapped him in the face...

Holding her aching face, she smiled when she saw that it was Mo Yawei.

Just as he was about to ridicule the woman, a loud roar suddenly came from the cage.

The animal that is standing up is like a combination of a lion and a tiger. It should be a liger!

Si Jinheng actually raised a liger!

Its cry fell, and Li Qianluo had tinnitus.

Later, Li Qianluo noticed a serious problem sharply, and the cage was not locked! She paled momentarily, and a sense of fear struck her.


The liger also looked at the two women who were arguing in front of him.

"White Lotus, run!"

Regardless of the pain on his face and the continued argument with Mo Yawei, Li Qianluo shouted and immediately began to run wildly away from the liger beast.

She raised her mobile phone while running and dialed Si Jin Heng's number.

Mo Yawei looked at Li Qianluo running wildly, then looked back at the animals in the cage.

This look made her eyes widened in horror. The liger's cage was actually unlocked, and it was walking towards the door of the cage.

She took two steps back in fright, and hurried to the car.

In this way, the manor was staged a scene of a liger beast and two running women.

Si Jinheng's cell phone was quickly connected. Li Qianluo shivered while listening to the roar of the liger beast, and stammered, "Lion...lion...lion...tiger...beast...beast...cage..."

Li Qianluo didn't dare to look back, running hard at the castle, still cursing in his heart, why is it so far away from the castle! Hurry up, this is a terrible thing!

Looking at the watch on his wrist, it was time for the liger to be free-range in one day. Si Jin Heng on the other end of the phone immediately raised his heart, and he drove to the manor faster!

Li Qianluo glanced back, screamed, slowed down, and continued to stutter, "Ah! Mo... Mo... Mo... Yawei... was thrown down... Ah!"

The repeated screams from there made Si Jin Heng frown, and Mo Yawei dared to enter his manor privately without her permission!

Before he could speak, Li Qaluo's scream came over there again, "Sin Heng! The liger actually... bit Mo Yawei's skirt..." She stared at the scene not far away in a daze. Sometimes I even forgot to run and report the situation here in real time.

Bit Mo Yawei's skirt? "Is there no administrator next to him?" Si Jin Heng turned the steering wheel skillfully before seeing the manor not far away.

Li Laluo shook his head, there was no one around, only Mo Yawei's screams, "No, no...I rely on!" Li Laluo suddenly cursed a swear word, making Si Jin Heng frown deeper. .

What happened over there that made her swear. Ligers are usually very docile, except in special periods, they will become manic! Special period... Si Jin Heng closed his eyes and probably knew what was going on there.

Sure enough, Li Laluo spoke again, confirming his guess.

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