Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 245: Si Jinheng's attitude

Li Youwu intuitively wanted to speak for Si Jin Heng, after all, he received a lot of benefits!

However, he swallowed again when he reached his lips, and could only say, "Sister, ask her yourself, I don't know the details!"

Li Youhan glared at his equally irritable brother, "What do you want you to do, you won't protect Laluo?"

Li Youwu is really wronged. He is usually not in Country A. Only Si Jin Heng can hurt her sister's character.

What can he do to face Si Jin Heng? Eat people’s mouth softly, take people’s hands short. Taking someone’s car and taking someone’s house, it’s like being taken care of! The company he is now in is still Si Jinheng's company.

However, thinking about it now, why does he feel like a little white face?

However, Si Jin Heng must have a sister in his heart, and it is better for them not to interfere with emotional matters.

Li Youwu's mind is still in a mess now, his own affairs have not been settled, sister's affairs have come out again, he needs to be quiet now!

Ignoring the murderous eyes of my eldest brother, he shook out of the study and returned to his room.

Li Xiaoluo threw his wet clothes aside, took a shower in the bathroom, and his mood improved a lot.

Seeing Helian Yutuo's expensive suit jacket is soggy, it is estimated to be scrapped, forget it, buy him one tomorrow and pay him back!

Yu Wanwan sat on the bed and waited for Li Xiaoluo to come out, let her sit in front of the dressing table, picked up the prepared hair dryer and blew her hair gently.

The eldest sister-in-law is like a mother, and Palluo and her mother-in-law are so kind to her.

The room was very quiet, with only the buzzing sound of the hairdryer, Palluo didn't speak, and didn't ask her every night.

She knew that Palluo would speak on her own when she thought about it, and if she didn't want to say it, it would be useless if she asked.

When sleeping at night, Li Qianluo took Yu Wanwan's arm, looked sideways at Wanwan's whiter skin, and smiled softly, "Sister-in-law, marrying my brother, I am very happy?" The woman was happy. Happiness can be seen from her face.

Yu Wanwan thought of Li Youhan's face blushing, "What are you talking about? I feel happy when I have you and my mom at home!" She didn't want to care about that wooden bump!

It's just that she didn't expect her face to redden and become more lustrous, Li Qianluo suddenly a little envious of such a late night, it seems that her original insistence was right!

"Late night, he won't give me warmth." Li Qianluo finally began to open his heart, and said the first sentence of his own thoughts.

Yu Wanwan's small faces were also wrinkled together. This is really a tricky thing. The man Si Jin Heng is powerful, even if he can't grab it.

"Why don't you two remarry?" How nice it is to remarry, Nuannuan has a father and a mother, the best of both worlds.

Li Xiaoluo also thought about remarrying, but looking at his attitude, it makes people angry to think of it! "I don't know why he got involved with Ye Lingling." She seemed to be talking to herself.

As far as she knows, Ye Lingling had been in the Imperial City before, so how could he go to Country C now? It's really confusing.

"Ye Lingling?" Yu Wanwan seemed to know that a long time ago, she and Yuan Luo were the two most beautiful flowers in the upper-class society of the Imperial City.

I didn't know it later, but now it suddenly appeared, and was still involved with Si Jin Heng?

"Do you know how much I hate him now? Mo Yawei disappeared, and now there is another Ye Lingling." She didn't pay attention to the usual Peach Blossom, but Mo Yawei and Ye Lingling were obviously different.

Yu Wanwan comforted her, "This is also normal. How can a man such as Si Jinheng not have a few women around him who make his mind?" Mo Yawei and Ye Lingling knew about it, but she didn't. , It must have gone too much.

However, the most important thing depends on the attitude of Si Jin Heng.

"But, I feel so uncomfortable now. He really makes people angry. He is so good when he treats me well, and that goodness is by no means pretended."

"When I was merciless to me, it was so cold, and that badness was not pretended! What did he think?" It was said that the heart of a woman, the needle on the bottom of the sea, the heart of Si Jin Heng, is really the Mariana Trench. The needle!

Yu Wanwan turned to his side and faced Li Qianluo, "Do you think he is angry about your concealing Nuan Nuan, the deeper the love, the deeper the hatred, and then this anger turned into hatred!" That's why I was so cruel to her.

Li Laluo shook her head in confusion. She had never thought that Si Jinheng would be so angry. "Then he is too stingy! Didn't I tell him?" She curled her lips in dissatisfaction.

The two women murmured into the middle of the night and did not discuss why.

But Yu Wanwan's words are still good, find someone to stimulate him every day. If he really loves her, Si Jin Heng will definitely not be at peace.

If Si Jinheng has such a strong control, will he let himself be upset every day?

If she implemented the plan she had thought of before, if Si Jinheng refused her. Then, she gave up again.

But he shouldn't blame her for looking for other men, even if they get married, it's none of his business.

Well, let's start interacting!

The next day, it rained and the weather was fine, and it was another good weather.

Li Xiaoluo took advantage of his brother's car and went to the company.

She started to work so busy, taking advantage of her lunch at noon, she dialed Du's phone and asked some things.

Sister Du was very embarrassed at first, but thinking that the young master didn't explain her anything, she truthfully confessed the address of the warm kindergarten.

Within two days, Li Qianluo took a flight to country C.

She and Si Jin Heng have not been in contact for several days, nor have they spoken to Nuannuan, and her heart is like a cat scratching, thinking about her daughter.

I really saw Nuannuan in the kindergarten Du Sister said. The moment Li Qianluo saw her daughter, she almost cried with excitement.

Her warmth, her little baby!

Li Qianluo explained to the teacher that she was Nuannuan's mother, and Nuannuan was also very happy to hold Li Qianluo, the teacher believed.

As soon as she took her daughter out of kindergarten, the kindergarten teacher later called Si Jin Heng to explain the situation here.

Si Jinheng was silent for a while, and said faintly, "I see."

It ended the call.

Let them get along for a while first, but Li Qianluo can't take the warmth.

And Li Qianluo did secretly take Nuannuan away. After eating, Li Qianluo originally thought of taking Nuannuan directly to the airport.

However, halfway through, Si Jin Heng's car suddenly appeared in front of her out of thin air, blocking her taxi.

The cold and sulky eyes almost scared her to death!

... Then, she and Nuannuan were taken back to the manor.

Inside the manor

I don't know when the manor gate was replaced with two flat and tall sandalwood gates.

Si Jinheng confessed that the security should not let anyone out, and then he returned to the company to handle the remaining official duties.

Of course, Li Qingluo did not miss any opportunity to take her daughter away, but just walked to the entrance of the manor and was blocked by the security guard.

In frustration, she hugged her daughter back to the castle, played with her daughter for a while, then bathed her and put her to sleep.

Looking at her daughter's sleeping face, she really cherishes every minute and every second of being together.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, just as Li Qianluo was about to fall asleep by the bed, he suddenly felt a cold air around him.

She immediately opened her eyes, and Si Jin Heng stood beside her, looking at her facelessly.

Li Xiaoluo's eyes were still a little confused, but he reacted within a few seconds.

She was in Si Jin Heng's manor and was forcibly brought back by him.

Looking at the sleeping daughter again, she took something out of her pocket, then took the man's hand and went out of the bedroom.

On the balcony

With the stars in the sky and the sea breeze blowing, Li Qianluo shuddered, but thinking of her next move, she still sweated for herself.

The man was wearing a gray shirt, leaning lazily on the balcony chair.

Li Qianluo held the things in her hands tightly, and she gave it up for her daughter! Suddenly she knelt on one knee, "Sin Heng, I want to propose to you! Please marry me!"

... Si Jinheng looked at the woman who was kneeling in front of him with black lines on his forehead, really wanting to greet her with a slap.

He Si Jin Heng lived in his 20s and 30s, and he was actually proposed by a woman!

Li Xiaoluo looked at the man's mournful expression and cried out in secret!

Sure enough, Si Jin Heng pulled her up and controlled her on the wall, "Li Laluo, are you tired of living?"

But Li Laluo took the initiative to ignore his anger, and involuntarily pulled the man's palm, and put the plastic ring bought from the store in front of the elementary school on the man's ring finger.

It's just that the ring is a little small, and I can't get it down as soon as I wear the first knuckle.

Si Jin Heng looked at the plastic ring on his finger, his face completely black.

Apart from anything else, take off the plastic ring and throw it into the endless sea!

Li Xiaoluo looked at the thrown ring disappointedly, and as expected, he failed.

In fact, she herself has no confidence that she will make a successful marriage proposal. However, in order not to waste the money to buy a diamond ring, she had to buy a random one to make do with it.

Thinking if Si Jin Heng really agreed and asked her to buy a 10-carat diamond ring, she wouldn't mind!

Looking at the slim sea, Li Qianluo stroked her long hair. Forget it, fail if you fail!

She knew it was such a result, anyway, as the two of them knew, she was not ashamed of it!

The woman walked slowly into the bedroom, and was pulled back by Si Jin Heng vigorously. He pushed her against the wall again and looked at her grimly, "Woman! I want to leave after insulting me?" There is no door. !

... She was so wronged, she never meant to insult him. It may be that the ring is too cheap, but isn't that afraid that he would not agree and wasted money?

She shook her head and said faintly, "S always misunderstood. I did this for warmth."

What she meant was that she wanted to remarry and wanted to get married and proposed, all for the sake of warmth?

Invisibly, the man became more angry, lowered his head and kissed Li Qianluo's red lips, slowly punishing her.

Li Xiaoluo pushed him away and ran out.

I don't want to marry her, but I want to soak him, can Si Jin Heng be more scumbag?

The man put the thing that should have been in the sea in his pocket without a trace.

Then two or three steps to catch up with the escaped woman, pull her back again, domineeringly press her onto the lounge chair on the balcony.

"Scumbag! Scumbag! Let go of me! Ah...well."

The sound disappeared, and Nuan Nuan, who was sleeping on the bed in the bedroom, turned over, grinning wide.

She dreamed of Baba and playing with Mama just now, so ashamed...


All night, except for a strange sound, there was no word.

The sky turned pale in the east, and Si Jin Heng carried the sleeping woman into the bathroom, and then ordered a private jet to wait at the manor.

An hour later, Li Qianluo was lying on the bed in the plane again in his sleep.

When she woke up, the surroundings were quiet. She looked at the familiar cabin, suddenly awake, and ran to the window.

really! The **** sent her back to country A, and the plane stopped at the Li family villa area at some unknown time.

Grandpa's figure with a cane gradually approached.

Regardless of his weak legs, Li Qianluo hurried out of the cabin lounge, then took the bag that the female bodyguard handed over last time and got off the plane.

"Grandpa!" Li Qianluo greeted him with a smile, and then involuntarily helped Li Langnian towards the villa.

Li Langnian looked at the slowly rising airplane curiously, concealing the light in his eyes, "Laluo, whose airplane was that, where did you go yesterday?"

Li Qianluo was a bit embarrassed, but remembered that he was using a business trip as an excuse, and quickly said, "I went to the head office in country C on a business trip. Because the company is in a hurry today and it’s too late to book air tickets, our president asks a private The machine took me back."

Li Langnian nodded as if suddenly realized, and let his granddaughter help him to walk towards the villa, "Isn't your president Si Jin Heng?"

... Li Qianluo looked at the grinning grandpa silently, she seemed to have dug a hole and jumped in.

"Grandpa, I just went to take a look at Nuannuan." She pouted and said in a low voice.

Li Langnian stopped, "Will Nuannuan come back?" In fact, what he wanted to ask was, when will the two of them be determined.

During this period of time, there were rumors in country C that Si Jin Heng was going to be engaged to the eldest daughter of the night family of country Z. If this were the case, even if he entered the coffin someday, he would not forgive the good boy Ah Heng!

Li Xiaoluo blinked, and comforted Li Langnian with a guilty conscience, "Yes, we will solve the current situation soon." This is just what she imagined, remembering the torture of her failed marriage proposal last night. Li Xiaoluo was heartbroken.

Li Langnian is almost a hundred years old, how can she not hear her guilty conscience, but she did not break it, "As soon as possible! Don't delay."

"Okay, grandpa." Li Qianluo sighed in relief.

Busy days always pass quickly, and four or five days passed in a blink of an eye.

Li Xiaoluo then remembered that she still owed Helian Yutuo a suit and still had a meal.

He took out his cell phone and dialed Helian Yutuo's phone. As soon as the cell phone rang, it was connected over there, "You finally remember me!"

Li Qianluo chuckled when he heard the words, "I'm sorry, I'm too busy every day, how about if I spare time to eat together today?"

"Of course no problem!" He waited for several days.

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