Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 252: Standard military salute

So, what should his love with Li Xiaoluo look like?

The long arm moved, and the crystal watch on the wrist leaked out. Looking at the time above, he remembered that the woman didn't wear this on her wrist just now.

Let her go today, and if there is more time in the future, he will have fun with her.

seven in the morning

Li Laluo turned off the alarm in a daze, got up from the bed, looked at the presidential suite in front of him in confusion, remembering that he was going to a meeting today.

Immediately went into the bathroom to wash up, and ate some breakfast casually before rushing to the group headquarters.

After getting off the taxi, Li Xiaoluo looked at the SL Group in the bustling area. The towering and unique building should have 100 floors.

I couldn't help but marvel again. The man Si Jin Heng had strong financial resources, but he shook his head at the thought of last night, and Li Xiaoluo got rid of the messy thoughts.

Li Laluo is dressed in a white suit and trousers, with leather high-heel shoes of the same color on his feet, looking capable and elegant.

When she appeared on the first floor of the SL Group, the receptionist immediately recognized her.

"Mr. Li, hello!" The receptionist immediately greeted her respectfully. I heard that this is not only the acting president, but also Mr. Si's ex-wife!

The corner of Li Qianluo's mouth raised slightly, and he responded, "Hello, what floor is the meeting room on?"

The receptionist looked at Li Xiaoluo's smile, his eyes were obsessed for a moment.

Li Laluo is really beautiful, no wonder he used to be Mr. Si's wife.

"Huh?" Without a response, Li Qianluo glanced at the startled receptionist curiously.

The receptionist immediately returned to his senses, "Sorry, President Li, it's on the 18th floor."

Li Qianluo nodded, recovered expressionlessly, and walked to the elevator entrance.

There were a few people standing at the elevator entrance. She only met during a video conference with Si Jinheng, acting presidents of other companies.

Several people saw her behind and greeted immediately, "This is not Mr. Li from the country A, I have long looked up to her name!" A man in his fifties politely extended his hand.

"Oh, I didn't expect President Li himself to be so beautiful!"

"Yeah, the key is that he is still so young, President Li is a heroine!"


"Excuse me, I will show you more in the future." Li Qianluo smiled, stretched out his hand, and shook hands with a few people briefly.

"Mr. Li, too humble."

These men are all real old foxes, looking at their eyes, they know that there is something in their words.

The scandal between her and Si Jin Heng was not one or two. I guess they thought they were in charge of him!

Meeting room

Today there are dozens of acting presidents from the eastern region, 90% of whom are men, and only a few are female presidents. Although they are not young, they have very good temperaments.

When the young and temperamental Li Lianluo appeared, he passively accepted everyone's attention and had everything he wanted.

She picked a place far away from the position of the president and sat down. Waiting for the arrival of Si Jin Heng as quietly as everyone else.

Five minutes before the meeting began, the man was dressed in formal clothes and stepped into the meeting room with noble steps.

All the people stood up to say hello, and Si Jin Heng nodded blankly and motioned for everyone to sit down.

"Hello, presidents, let me first talk about the general content of today's meeting."

A female secretary next to him turned on the screen and played a slide show.

In the morning, I mainly talked about the development direction of the next six months, and the development of new high-tech software by important cooperative enterprises.

Country A

Early in the morning of the next day, after Yu had breakfast late in the evening, he obediently followed Li Youhan back to Li's house.

She sat by the bed, looking at the man changing clothes, "Li Youhan."

He rolled his eyes and glanced at her, "Yeah."

"I want to go to work." She had already thought about it and went to apply for a taekwondo personal trainer.

Li Youhan thought of Nuan Nuan, "No." She now has a heavy responsibility on her shoulders, and she can't make any mistakes.


"Li Youhan, I'm boring when I'm idle at home." She lay decadently on the big bed, thinking about how to move this man.

Li Youhan moved a few steps here, pressing on her body. "Bored? Then give me a cute child like Nuan Nuan."

Yu Wanwan quickly pushed him away and sat up with a blushing face, "I'm the one who has the final say, it's obviously yours."

Li Youhan buttoned the buttons on his clothes and looked at the woman's face, "No matter who is in charge, this matter must be put on the agenda. I will work harder in the future!"

With that said, he also gave a standard military salute to Yu Wanwan.


After more than three hours of the meeting in Country C, Si Jinheng announced the adjournment of the meeting and continued at 1:30 in the afternoon.

After Si Jin Heng took the lead out of the meeting room, other acting presidents filed out. Li Qianluo was in his position, quietly sorting out the information.

After everyone had gone, she left the meeting room with her notes.

Outside Si Jinheng and a small circle of presidents besieging the city were discussing exchanges and saw her coming out. Si Jinheng only stopped her eyes for a second, and then continued to explain the doubts of several acting presidents.

Li Qianluo lowered his head and walked past them, only to hear Si Jin Heng say, "In the afternoon I will talk about some rewards and punishments, among which country A will focus on..."

Li Qianluo stopped in confusion, what happened to the Group A she represented? It's good, nothing big happened.

"President Li, if you don't leave in a hurry, please come with me to my office and analyze the mistakes on your side." Si Jin Heng fixed his eyes on her back.

Li Qianluo took a deep breath and turned around, "Sir, I have something..."

Si Jinheng did not give her a chance to continue, "I will do something in the afternoon, and now we need to solve the problem in country A." When other presidents saw this situation, they probably understood what they meant.

All of them hurriedly said goodbye to Si Jin Heng and hurriedly left the 18th floor.

Li Xiaoluo looked at them with their own eyes, and Si Jin Heng would really help her!

"President Si, I don't think there is any mistake in country A, enough for you to use it as a teaching material for everyone." She turned her head and looked at the man not far away blankly, with a bad tone.

"Size is not the point, the point is to give everyone a warning." The man looked at her straightforwardly, and with just one glance, she could feel that she was getting more and more beautiful and more and more attracted his attention.

Li Xiaoluo sneered disdainfully when he heard his words, "If Siz always insists on looking for something, then I can't help it." Size is not the point? It is clear that she is going to be operated on?

how? Do you think she is sitting in this position too securely? Can't wait to get her off the stage and let his woman take the lead?

Oh! However, the woman Ye Lingling should have the ability to hold this position.

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