Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 269: You are going to be grandma

Li Youhan patted Qiao Wushan on the back, "It's okay if you are fine!" For a moment, he was really frightened.

However, all he was thinking about was his wife, where did she go?

A familiar figure not far away caught Li Youhan's gaze.

He immediately put down the woman in his arms and ran towards her with his coat.

As soon as he took a step, his hand was caught.

"Li Youhan, don't go, can you accompany me?" Qiao Wushan looked at him pitifully, he was not so cruel to her!

Li Youhan stubbornly pulled his hand out of her restraint, and chased after Yu Wanwan disappeared.

Qiao Wushan looked at the direction Li Youhan had left with hatred. She wouldn't just give up like that, she must chase his man back!

Yu Wanwan walked aimlessly on the street, she didn't know where to go. I dare not go back to my mother because I don't want her to worry.

I don’t want to go back to Li’s house, because there is him...

There was a fast and steady running sound behind her, and she immediately accelerated her pace.

Li Youhan also speeded up and caught up with her in three or two steps.

Pulling her wrist, she broke free again.

"Yu Wanwan!" He called the angry woman solemnly.

It's tricky, I didn't know how to coax a woman, but now my wife is angry again.

He simply lifted her up sideways, ignoring the gaze of passers-by, and walked in the direction of his car.

"You let me go!" Yu Wanwan's fist hit him, not painful or itchy.

Li Youhan no matter how she beat herself, he just didn't let go, and just stuffed her into the co-pilot in the car.

Then locked the door, sat in the main driver, and drove out of here.

Both people were silent along the way, and Li Youhan didn't know how to coax her. And Yu Wanwan was very angry and didn't want to care about him.

However, when I think of a baby in my belly now, the corners of my mouth smile again.

Li Youhan accidentally saw the smile on her face. It was a bit strange. Why did she suddenly smile again?

really! A woman's heart, a needle on the bottom of the sea!

Back at Li's house, the living room was empty, Li Youhan was wearing wet clothes, and Yu Wanwan was still in his hands. He took her hand and went into the bathroom together, but in the end, Yu Wanwan broke free and escaped.

Pat the fast beating heart, let it calm down slowly.

Then he shook his phone to the little garden and called Li Qianluo.

When receiving a call from Yu Wanwan, Nuan Nuan went to kindergarten, and Li Qianluo was looking at the pair of ligers entangled in front of him.

"Dear sister-in-law." Li Qianluo happily connected the evening call.

Listening to Yuan Luo's happy voice, Yu Wanwan hesitated what he wanted to tell her. She didn't want Li Qianluo who was in the sweet period to worry about her.

Listening to the silence over there, Li Qianluo had a bad feeling, "Yu Wanwan, tell me something, if you dare to hide it from me, I will be angry!" There is this shortcoming in the night and night. Bored in my heart.

Yu Wan sighed good night, still Yuan Luo understood her, "I'm pregnant, but..."

She suddenly added a but, so that Li Lianluo, who almost jumped up, pulled her face down again.

Just listen, Yu Wanwan said in a low voice, "There is a woman who is also pregnant with your brother's child. I don't know what to do now." The woman leaning on the tree has red eyes.

Li Xiaoluo's violent temper came up instantly, "What are you talking about? Which woman is pregnant with my brother's child!" See if she doesn't teach her personally!

"That's the woman who came to the scene when we got married."

Qiao Wushan! Li Xiaoluo gritted his teeth, how come there are so many shameless women in the world besides Mo Yawei! "Did you tell my brother?"

Yu Wanwan shook his head, "No, I don't even have the mood to tell him now." All the excitement, anticipation, and excitement disappeared after hearing the words of both of them.

The wind was blowing slowly, but her worries could not be cleared away.

Li Laluo walked slowly to the castle, thinking as he walked, "Don't be angry for the night, my brother is not that kind of person, you have to trust him, and I will let Si Jin Heng help you investigate this matter."

Say Cao Cao is here! Si Jinheng went around the castle and didn't find her, he knew she must have come to see the liger.

Sure enough, she was here, but her face was a bit ugly when answering the phone. Suddenly, his face was not so good, who caused his little lady!

Yu Wanwan didn't know whether to give Li Youhan any more trust now, but once Luo had said so, she would believe him again.

"Okay, Lola, I'll wait for your message." Hanging up, Yu Wanwan looked at the clouds in the distance, still not in a good mood.

Looking back, and walking to the villa, Gong Anqi had already returned first. Seeing her entering the door, she immediately greeted her.

"Late night, where did you go?" Gong Anqi happily stopped Wan Wan's shoulder and walked to the living room. Palluo is about to get engaged and will marry away in the future, so she has only one daughter.

Yu Wanwan watched Gong Anqi treat her so nicely, and then remembered Li Youhan's affairs. He couldn't hold back any of them, and tears fell.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" Gong Anqi was shocked as she watched the sudden night of crying, and quickly wiped her tears with a tissue.

Yu Wanwan hesitated to tell her about the pregnancy, Gong Anqi spoke again, "Is the boss that stinky kid annoyed you! I'll go to him to settle the account!"

Gong Anqi was about to get up from the sofa and went upstairs angrily.

She saw her son spinning upstairs just now, and Yu Wanwan held the going away Gong Anqi, "Mom, there is a bad news, a good news, which one do you want to hear first?"

She wiped her tears and decided to tell Gong Anqi.

Gong Anqi sat down again, watching the aggrieved night in doubt, it must have something to do with her dull gourd son! "Then listen to the bad news first!"

"The bad news is that you are going to be grandma." She had just finished speaking, and Gong Anqi's face was surprised, but she realized that something was wrong.

"say clearly."

"The other woman is pregnant with Li Youhan's child." She said bitterly.

When Gong Anqi heard this, she stood up from the sofa and looked for things everywhere.

"Mom, what are you looking for?" Yu Wanwan looked at Gong Anqi who turned around inexplicably.

"I'll find a stick or something to kill that rebellious son!" She walked into the kitchen angrily, grabbed the broom, and rushed upstairs.

Yu Wanwan quickly grabbed her, "Mom, don't be impulsive!"

"Late night, don't stop me, I have to kill that rebellious son, Li Youhan, get out of here!"

Gong Anqi took the broom and shouted upstairs.

Yu Wanwan was infinitely moved in her heart, her mother-in-law really treated her as kindly as her mother. She quickly grabbed the broom in her hand and comforted her, "Mom, didn't you say that there is another good news?"

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