Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 294: Wife, you have a message

Just two steps, a woman with long fluttering hair stood beside Si Jin Heng.

Someone is more proactive than her, and it's better to save her.

Li Qianluo sat back down again, and there was a new barbecue on the table. She picked up a bunch of enoki mushrooms and began to eat with relish.

Shao Mian and Si Chengyang glanced at each other, "Sister-in-law, haven't you seen the woman, are you close to Ah Heng? Oh, look! Another one passed!"

Really, the two women were all around Si Jin Heng.

However, she also saw that Si Jinheng ignored them at all. "Does Si Jinheng see those wild flowers and weeds?"

If it was Mo Yawei, maybe she would be jealous or something.

After all, they are his former fiancee.

Shao Mian laughed when he heard the words, and he had already heard Yunqi say that these two people are a pair of strange flowers, they look alike!

At this time, Yunqi, who didn't know where he was just now, walked over.

Sit down in Bo Yiyang's position and start eating skewers.

"Yunqi, your boss is already surrounded by four women, don't you want to share it with him?" Shao Mian joked with Yunqi.

Yunqi glanced at the calm Li Qaluo, "My boss, Mrs. Boss, is still not moving, I will save it!"

Yes, Li Qianluo is a bit weird tonight, isn't she jealous? Yunqi looked at Li Liaoluo, who was still calm.

At this moment Si Jin Heng came over with a plate, "Come on, taste this skewers."

Si Jinheng picked up a string and placed it on Li Qingluo's lips.

Li Xiaoluo smiled and took a bite of the meat skewers, chewed and nodded, it was delicious! Just delicious! Marrying Si Jin Heng, an all-round man, she really found a treasure!

Shao Mian and the others looked at the two Xiu Enai, dumbfounded, and then Yunqi took the lead in picking up a meat skewers cooked by Si Jin Heng and ate it.

Then, Si Jinheng grilled the meat skewers, and all of them disappeared in less than three seconds.

Another griller carried a plate of grilled oysters on their table. Shao Mian immediately put the plate in front of Si Jin Heng, "Brother, it's hard to get pregnant!"

Si Jinheng glanced at the oysters, but did not refuse, "Thanks, brother!"

Then he added another sentence, "Go back at night for a nosebleed or something, you wait for me to make a claim from you."

Shao Mian's face turned dark, "You profiteer!"

"Thanks for the compliment!" Si Jin Heng said indifferently, and then continued to feed Li Qianluo to the skewers.

"Puff!" Li Qianluo avoided the meat skewers, turned his head aside, and began to laugh, his eyes turned into crescents.

Si Jinheng picked up a tissue and wiped his mouth, then wrapped Li Laluo's neck and kissed her on the cheek, "My wife laughs, it looks so good."


Everyone looked at Si Jin Heng in a daze. The gentle man in front of him who had been showing affection was sure to be the cold and cold Si Jin Heng?

When Bo Yiyang sat back here, Mo Yawei walked over, "Bo handsome boy, today for your birthday, I toast you a glass!"

Without lifting his head, Li Qianluo picked up the roasted eggplant on the plate and placed it next to Si Jin Heng's mouth, "I don't want to eat this anymore." With a coquettish voice, Si Jin Heng immediately opened his mouth and ate the eggplant.

"Drink some juice." Si Jin Heng handed her a glass of freshly squeezed juice he had drunk.

Mo Yawei looked at the two loved ones, and more and more jealousy emerged from her heart.

This man who was supposed to be hers is now lovingly lingering with other women.

Li Xiaoluo, this **** woman!

The atmosphere is a bit awkward.

Bo Yiyang gave a light cough, stood up and talked to Mo Yawei, "Thank you." The two clinked their glasses and drank at the same time.

After the cup, Mo Yawei picked up the liquor bottle on the table and poured it on herself.

A few people were dumbfounded at the cup that was getting fuller. What is Mo Yawei going to do? Drinking a whole glass is dying!

A cup was poured full, she picked it up and held it to the young couple next to her.

"A Heng, Li Qianluo, this glass of wine is used to apologize to you. The previous thing was my fault. A Heng, can you forgive me?"

Li Qianluo leaned on Si Jin Heng's shoulder and sneered when he heard the last sentence.

This scheming bitch, came to hit her husband's idea again.

Si Jin Heng glanced at the little woman on his shoulder, "Wife, you have a message."

Everyone's jaw dropped to the ground, and they had never seen such a Si Jin Heng. Need to ask others before doing something?

Mo Yawei's lips were about to be bitten, and Si Jin Heng was now fascinated by the vixen Li Qaluo!

Li Qianluo smiled and said lightly, "Forgive you? Are you worthy?"

...Mo Yawei closed her eyes, looking very painful, but in her heart she wanted to divide Li Qianluo into five horses.

Opening his eyes, he looked pitiful again, "A Heng, I really know that I was wrong. To express my sincerity, I did this glass of wine."

With that said, Mo Yawei held the wine glass and started pouring it into her mouth.

Except for Bo Yiyang who wanted to stop, everyone else did not move and watched the scene calmly.

Mo Yawei held back the tears and just poured a glass of white wine in twos and threes.

"Papa!" Li Qianluo applauded, but there was a mocking smile on his face.

Putting his arm on Si Jin Heng's shoulder, he slowly opened his mouth, "Husband, if you don't forgive her, what if she drank to death?"

Drink to death? Mo Yawei held the wine glass in her hand tightly. You will drink to death, **** woman!

"What does it have to do with me?" The words in the man's mouth were cold and merciless, but a bit of minced scallop meat was pinched in his eyes and fed into the woman's mouth.

"A Heng!" Mo Yawei's voice was grief, so pitiful, and Si Jin Hengsi didn't take it seriously.

Li Qianluo became unhappy, and ridiculed mercilessly, "Mo Yawei, you are interesting and boring, pretending to be pitiful here?"

Mo Yawei ignored Li Xialuo, and saw that Si Jin Heng completely ignored her and poured a full glass of liquor into her glass.

"Aheng, I know that I was wrong in the past. If you insist on not forgiving me, then I will die here today!"

After hearing these words, Li Qianluo became angry, slapped the table vigorously and stood up, "Mo Yawei, who are you threatening here!"

Then he took the white wine from her hand and poured it all on her face.

This action is too cheap for her compared to the things Mo Yawei did to her.

Therefore, Li Qianluo ignored everyone's gaze and Mo Yawei's scream and embarrassment, grabbing her wrist and walking towards the railing.

The two people pulled to the bow of the boat, and the people on the other tables followed along to watch.

Only Si Jin Heng sat there calmly, picking the minced meat from the scallops to Li Qianluo.

I only heard Li Qianluo say again, "Mo Yawei, four years ago, you said I was going to push you into the sea, today I want to make what you say, in front of everyone!"

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