Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 301: have you had enough

Half of your body is outside? If he remembers correctly, the hospital in Chengyang Hospital is 32 floors high.

And Li Xiaoluo also has a fear of heights. If it hadn't come for real, she wouldn't have made trouble there.

After Si Jinheng hung up, he finally left the office.

When he arrived at Chengyang Hospital, there were a lot of people around the entrance of the hospital, pointing to the roof of the building, and the firefighters had already laid air cushions.

He raised his head and looked like a figure, sitting on the edge.

The feeling of losing a loved one, surrounded him again. Worry, fear, and anger made him speed up and run into the hospital.

When he reached the top of the building, Li Qianluo had already stood up, stretched out his arms, feeling the freshness of the air.

Even if she doesn't jump down, she is likely to stumble and fall.

Li Youwu's trembling voice kept persuading her, "Sister, you give up your family for a man, you are not stupid! If you are alive, you can still see Nuan Nuan, if you jump down, Nuan Nuan will be numb, you Don't you have pity on her?"

When Si Jinheng heard Li Youwu's words, there was a touch of complexity in his eyes, and he took a few steps forward and stood still.

"Li Xiaoluo." He called her.

She turned her head, but, looking at him with a very ordinary gaze, as if she was looking at an insignificant person.

"Have you had enough trouble!" His accusation still made her feel painful.

Raising a bright smile, he said to him, "Sijin Heng, don't take good care of the company, why come here to join in the fun?" Is it ugly to see how ugly she will leave later?

Li Xiaoluo stopped looking at him, and took two steps forward, scaring the three men's hearts.

The bright smile hurt Si Jin Heng's eyes, "Stand there and don't move, I will let Nuan Nuan come over!" He still relieved.

Li Qianluo looked at him disdainfully, "No, I can rest assured that you and Jiao Qingwan will take good care of my daughter in the future." His dad is very qualified, and she is relieved.

Sitting on the edge of the building indifferently again, she didn't hesitate, but just waited. She didn't know what to wait.

"Don't you think about those who are worried about you?" The man's tone was harsh.

The woman asked, "Then are you worried about me?"

The man hesitated, Li Qianluo smiled and stood up again.

"Enough of you! Si Jin Heng, whether I am alive or dead today, I will never appear in front of you again." Even a man who is reluctant to listen to her explanation, what can she miss?

It's just a pity that those good memories.

Well, there is no need to talk about it anymore, goodbye to her dear baby and relatives! Forgive Palo for his unfilial piety!

She took a deep look at the man not far away, and remembered his appearance in her mind.

At last, Si Jin Heng, who felt that her eyes were not right, ran over here.

However, the woman stretched out her arms and threw down like a butterfly...


"Li Laluo!" The man's heart-piercing voice was the last voice Li Laluo heard after jumping off.

Whether it is heaven or hell, she is here!

Following the screams of the people downstairs, the light and fluttering body fell heavily on the hospital. Yuda was hit directly, and Li Qianluo was still falling down quickly.

Another rain was broken, and Li Qianluo's body finally fell on the paved air cushion.

All the personnel who were ready to lift her to the stretcher as soon as possible.

Then began to do some emergency rescue measures.

emergency room

Si Chengyang was immediately ready, entered the operating room, and began to rescue.

Si Jinheng and Li Youwu only saw Li Qianluo once and were isolated outside the emergency room.

Li Youwu sat on a chair and prayed for Li Qianluo.

But Si Jinheng looked at the woman entering the operating room, resisting the pain in her heart, and left the hospital without looking back.

It took three full hours before the lights in the operating room went out.

Si Chengyang walked out first, and Li Youwu greeted him immediately, too scared to speak.

Seeing his appearance, Si Chengyang took off his mask, "Your sister has no life worry at the moment." After hearing these words, Li Youwu almost knelt.

Si Chengyang continued to say, "But there are two cases of intracranial hemorrhage leading to a moderate coma and a fracture of the left leg."

Li Youwu only cared, "Moderate coma, is it serious? What are the consequences?"

Fortunately, Si Chengyang shook his head, "I have already performed intracranial decompression surgery on her, and it is not a major problem. Generally, she will wake up in about a week. Fractures, such as fractures, require a period of recuperation."

Li Youwu breathed a sigh of relief and jumped down from the 32nd floor. He was only in a moderate coma and fractured. He was very lucky.

"I should be grateful to the two Yucai who were smashed by her, and let her cushion twice, or even if there is an air cushion, she will definitely die!" After Si Chengyang finished this, he glanced at the unconscious The woman left the emergency room.

At this time, Li Qianluo's trachea was inserted all over his body and was pushed out of the emergency room by the nurse. He was immediately transferred to the intensive care unit and got on a ventilator before the nurse left.

Li Youwu looked at the unconscious Li Qianluo outside the ward, with complicated thoughts.

Take out the mobile phone and dial the phone number of Brother.

Li Youhan has arrived in Country C and is rushing to the hospital.

After receiving a call from Li Youwu, she jumped off after learning about her sister. However, there is no life-threatening danger now, and he is being monitored in the intensive care unit.

He called Yu Wanwan again, concealed that she was in a moderate coma, and told her that Palluo had only broken a bone, so she was relieved.

Yu Wanwan was really relieved, and then he dared to eat and sleep at ease.

However, regarding this matter, Li Youhan still explained that she would temporarily conceal the elders first, and when Yuanluo got better, she was transferred to country A after she was in a coma.

Then tell the family that this will reduce a lot of worries, especially grandpa.

Since Palluo's wedding went on a business trip, no one can sleep well at night. Therefore, in order not to worry his family, he must hide it.

However, Li Qianluo shot and killed Mu Ruoyan, the wedding was unsuccessful and the news of her jumping off the building was all suppressed.

Everyone knows who the person behind him is, except for him, there is no other person who has the ability to cover the sky with one hand.

On the third day when Li Qianluo was in a coma, all the indicators had gradually recovered and he was transferred to the advanced ward.

at night

Because there was a nurse, there was no need to watch the night, and Li Youhan returned to the next ward to rest soon.

Not ten minutes after he left, a man with noble temperament and wearing a black woolen coat appeared outside the ward.

Wearing sunglasses at night, covering his tired eyes.

I stood outside the ward for a while, smoked a cigarette, then opened the ward and walked in.

The woman on the hospital bed lost her former elegance, her face and body were much thinner, and she lay there quietly and lifelessly, motionless.

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