Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 312: Dominance

In the end, the goose yellow coat fell on the ground.

He suddenly pulled her wrist and went into the next room.

The scene inside made her ignorant of the pain from her wrist. Except for a few more boxes, the room was completely the same as before.

The photos are still those, the piano is still in the middle of the room, but the confession in front of the French windows is gone.

Looking at her appearance, the man forced her to the piano step by step, turning her body back to him.

The wedding photo with the broken glass frame on the floor stung her eyes, "What? Now that you have a fiancee, no other women can enter your bedroom?"

Do something else in this room that is about to become a storage room?

"You are not worthy!" the man said coldly, placing his palm on his belt.

Not worthy? She sneered with her back to him, deliberately irritating him, "I am your mother-killing enemy, and Siz always entangled with the mother-killing enemy, won't my conscience be disturbed?"

Her words will only make him more angry and irritable!

"Then you use yourself to compensate!"

Then he pressed her **** the piano.

The sky gradually darkened, and the man opened the room door and left. Li Qianluo wrapped his arms and sat on the cold ground in the corner embarrassedly.

Looking at the pictures on the wall in a daze, tears blurred her vision.

After not knowing how long it took, the door of the room was opened again, and the man who had left walked in with a handbag.

Seeing her curled up in the corner, she felt a touch of irritation, threw the handbag in front of her, and slammed the door vigorously and left.

Inside the handbag is a new set of clothes. Her original clothes can no longer be worn.

She stood up against the wall, put on that suit, adjusted her long hair, and went out of the room door.

Open the door of the children's room, the little figure is indeed inside.

Si Nuannuan, who had just woke up, sat on the bed with a fever-reducing sticker on his forehead, next to the servant who was feeding her.

"Ma Ma!" Snuan Nuan yelled in surprise when seeing the people coming in at the door.

Li Xiaoluo walked quickly and held her daughter who got up from the bed in her arms.

The servant next to him put the porridge aside and voluntarily left the room.

"Baby, how's it going, is it still uncomfortable?" Li Qianluo was so happy that her eyes turned red when she saw her daughter.

All the grievances and dissatisfaction just now were wiped out, and she looked at her much taller daughter with joy.

Si Nuannuan shook her head, "Mama, I miss you so much." She hugged Li Qianluo's waist tightly and buried her face in her arms.

Li Xiaoluo touched her daughter's long hair, "Nuannuan, Ma Ma missed you too, this is not to come to see you." She kissed her forehead and said lovingly.

The time spent with her daughter is very short every time, so Li Qianluo cherishes such time.

She held her daughter for more than two hours without letting go.

Sinuannuan slowly fell asleep again, and it was estimated that it would be dawn.

Li Xiaoluo pulled her arm out of her neck, put her in place, and lay down, looking at Nuannuan's sleeping side face.

Time passed by, and she fell asleep by herself at some unknown time.

The room was opened from the outside, and the people who came in silently walked to the cathead-shaped bed and watched the sleeping mother and daughter.

Put your head together, pull your big hands and small hands together.

Li Qianluo was awakened by the cold water, opened her eyes, she was already in the bath filled with cold water.

And Si Jinheng stood neatly outside the bath, watching her trembling coldly.

She looked around. It was the bathroom in his bedroom.

"Want to sleep?" His voice was colder than cold water.

Li Qianluo closed his eyes, got up from the bath, and then stepped down the steps.

The man took her wrist and stopped her footsteps.

"Ignore my words, Li Laluo, you are bold enough!" Taking her to her arms, Li Laluo staggered and almost fell, and finally grabbed the corner of his clothes to barely stand firm.

"You let me go!" She screamed in disintegration, at the moment she really wanted to bite!

Si Jin Heng took a bath towel and wiped her with water, then opened the bathroom door and threw her onto the big bed.

Li Liaoluo, who was hit, barely sat up.

It's just that the man has walked to the bed and pressed it up.

She pushed him away fiercely, then slapped him on the face, and Si Jin Heng's beaten face was slightly twisted to the side.

Time flows and the air is still, Li Qianluo actually felt suffocated.

With a sullen expression, the man put his big palm on her neck and pinched it.

Li Xiaoluo was pressed **** the bed, unable to get any air.

She struggled and couldn't scream even if she wanted to.

At the very last moment when she felt like she was going to die, she got the air and breathed in the fresh air.

However, Si Jin Heng did not intend to let her go, and said quietly in her ear, "I let you know the price of beating me!"

Then let go of her and turn on the camera on the side. Li Qianluo was just uncomfortable and didn't see Si Jin Heng's action.

After slowing down the gods again, the man has already walked over, taking control of everything.


Fortunately, what made her more comforted was that when she woke up the next day, Nuan Nuan was in her arms.

Nuan Nuan looked at Ma Ma who finally woke up and kissed her on the cheek.

But Li Qianluo couldn't even lift his arm.

"Nuannuan, are you okay?" As soon as she opened her mouth, she realized that her throat was hoarse. She licked her thirsty lips, looking for some water to drink.

Si Nuannuan nodded, she was completely cured, "Mama, are you thirsty?" Ma Ma's lips are so dry.

Li Qianluo nodded slightly, and Si Nuannuan immediately got out of bed to give Ma Ma a drink.

Only then did Li Xiaoluo know that she didn't know when she was put in the warm children's room.

Li Qianluo felt much better after drinking the water sent by Nuan Nuan in one breath.

Get up from the bed hard, endure the discomfort and play with her daughter all morning.

Watching her daughter finish lunch at noon, Li Qianluo was sent away.

When he got home, Li Qianluo went back to the room quietly and slept all day and night.

When they showed up at the table the next morning, everyone was shocked.

Li Qianluo lovingly hugged his little nephew and told them that it was too late when they came back last night, so they didn't bother everyone.

After eating breakfast, Li Qianluo went to the hospital first and assigned the number of obstetrics and gynecology.

Then I went to the cafe, sat in the hanging basket and looked at the hospital's invoice, in a daze.

Today, no one can reimburse her for medical expenses.

Tearing off the invoice and throwing it into the trash can, Li Qianluo rubbed her long hair irritably. She was going to be with Helian Yutuo.

But how can she agree to someone like this!

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