Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 314: I call him

She shook her head lonely. She didn't care about anything. The men who loved her didn't believe her. Who else did she expect to believe her?

"Go ahead, I can go by myself." It's troublesome to always send her off in person.

And when she said that, Helian Yutuo thought she was angry.

Stopped her in his arms, "Li Qianluo, I believe you, really."

Only then did Li Xiaoluo realize that he might think she was angry, "I'm not angry, just thinking about you so busy, and sending me personally every time, not good."

He shook his head, "There is nothing wrong with you, you are the woman I love, and I am willing to take care of you." If you can't do such a small thing to send her, you can talk about other things.

Li Xiaoluo did not dispute this question any more, and agreed to him.

The man kissed the woman's lips before pulling her out.

Li Xiaoluo looked at his gentle profile, and a trace of guilt was passed.

Wasn't he still president before? Why are they so stupid sometimes?

After returning home, Li Qianluo's coffee shop business was still half-dead. Li Youwu thought of reposting her Weibo and WeChat Moments, and he barely got better.

Country C New District Manor

When Si Jin Heng came back from the company, when he walked to the living room, he was blocked by Snuan Nuan.

Looking at him angrily, Si Jin Heng thought for a moment, he did not provoke his little princess.

"Baba, I want to protest!" Snuan Nuan was about to explode.

Si Jinheng squatted down, parallel to her, and asked gently, "What's wrong, Nuan Nuan."

"I want to see Ma Ma! If you don't want to see your mother, then I will fly to grandma's house by myself!" Snuan Nuan is not afraid of Si Jin Heng at all. If this succeeds, she will protest every day!

When Si Jinheng heard this, his eyes were cold, but in the end he said, "You wait, I will let her come."

Si Nuannuan immediately twisted her **** happily, and kissed Si Jin Heng happily, "I know that Baba is the best!"

Seeing his daughter happy, of course he is also very happy.

Therefore, Li Qianluo received a WeChat from Si Jin Heng in the evening, "Nuan Nuan wants to see you, and the plane will pick you up tomorrow morning."

Li Qianluo wondered, isn't he unwilling to let two people meet? What now...

Could it be that Si Jinheng found a new way to fix her? "Sin Heng, what are you doing again!"

Si Jin Heng really wanted to strangle this woman who didn't know what was good or bad, and sent her a photo directly using a screenshot of her mobile phone.

Seeing the photo, Li Qianluo's teeth were itchy, and she didn't say no to. If he didn't play tricks, she would certainly go to see his daughter!

the next day

The plane appeared in the backyard of Li's house on time. Gong Anqi looked at her daughter seriously, "Li Laluo, can you grow your own heart and mind!" Being framed for murder by others and still unable to see her own daughter, how could her daughter Gong Anqi mix So miserable?

Li Xiaoluo looked at her toes. This was the first time her mother spoke to her in such a heavy tone.

"I'm sorry, Mom, I'm worried about you."

Gong Anqi looked up at the ceiling angrily, "Mu Ruoyan is still framing you when she died. Now Si Jin Heng recognizes that you are a murderer, and he will definitely not treat you well, so you will die with him!" Listen He said that he had been close to Helian Yutuo recently, and I didn't know what to say.

Even her mother knew that Si Jin Heng would not treat her well, and Li Qianluo felt very uncomfortable. She was already trying to give up her heart.

Gong Anqi watched her not speak, and couldn't help but exhorted, "I think President Helian is waiting for you. Didn't you get along with him some time ago very well? If you can, you can give up quickly to Jin Heng. !" Stop entangled, always don't know to protect yourself, get hurt.

"Mom, Si Jinheng... don't allow me and Helian to be together." She said weakly, because this is also her trouble.

Gong Anqi glared at her daughter, "That **** kid won't be with you, and Helian Yutuo won't be together, do you want you to be alone for the rest of your life?"

Li Laluo was silent again, and continued to stare at the toes of his shoes, listening to his mother's teachings.

"You call him, I'll call him!" Gong Anqi is really angry, no matter what power he is or what power, dare to hurt her daughter, power is a fart in front of her!

Li Laluo looked at Gong Anqi in horror, and shook his head quickly, "Mom, no need, my own business..."

"You handle it yourself!" Gong Anqi interrupted her directly, "Just deal with your dad and me every day. Have you handled your affairs? If you handle it, you will not even see your daughter now?"

... Li Xiaoluo looked at Gong Anqi who was very angry, and sighed inwardly, "Mom, don't be angry, I will try my best to deal with it."

Gong Anqi couldn't hold back her words, and the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, "Don't think that I don't know how your leg broke, you three brothers and sisters, want to hide from the three of us? Tell you that you are still tender! I saw you were injured some time ago, and I can't bear to say you, the boss and the third, I have already greeted you with a broom!"

This stupid girl actually jumped off the building for that man and concealed their three elders. After Gong Anqi heard about it, he immediately called the boss and the third together to catch the two of them for a good fight.

Li Qianluo looked at her mother in surprise, how did she know, didn't she say it was concealed? However, many people outside know about it, and it is not surprising that parents know.

"Mom, I've been stupid, I won't be stupid again." Suicide for him once or twice, never again... He is not worth...

Gong Anqi looked at her uncomfortable, and she couldn't make it out even if she was angry, "Give me the phone." She must call Si Jin Heng today to not let him bully her daughter anymore.

Li Laluo shook his head again, "I really don't need Mom, I will tell him clearly when I go today!" Make it clear? What can she say? Tell him without proof that she didn't shoot? She didn't know when she lost her own gun!

However, I can't let my mother call him. This will only add to the conflict or he will torture himself even more severely.

Gong Anqi really hates iron but not steel, and finally warned her daughter, "If I come to you again because of him, not a human or a ghost, I will immediately go to the SL Group of C country to find him!" Gong Anqi was able to make trouble in the company. Luo, she can also make trouble for Si Jin Heng for her daughter! You can put aside your skin first!

Li Qianluo nodded obediently, not knowing how could Si Jin Heng let her go. Based on her knowledge of him, even if she went to country C today, she was looking for abuse by herself...

Three hours later

Li Qianluo really confirmed the thought in his heart. When he arrived at the castle, Si Jinheng appeared at the gate of the castle with a grim face.

I rolled my eyes infinitely in my heart, since I don't want to see her, why are I stuck here.

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