Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 318: Had a fight

Si Jinheng got up from his chair and listened carefully to Yunqi's report.

Next, Yunqi said everything in detail.

At the beginning, the junior high school student didn't dare to say, for fear of causing trouble for himself. Later, I was able to talk and persuade, but I was relieved.

He was reviewing the text on the balcony that day and saw a masked man climb up the window on the second floor. The masked one had already attracted his attention, and then he took out something from his waist and pointed it at the room.

Then, he heard a loud noise, so scared that he threw all the books away, and quickly hid under the window sill, only daring to show his eyes and watch it all.

Immediately after that, a second sound was heard, and then the hooded man threw the weapon in, closed the window, and left immediately.


Next, the office was quiet for a long, long time, and Yunqi clearly saw the expression on Si Jin Heng's face.

Excitement, guilt, excitement, uncomfortable... all staged again.

Si Jinheng thought about her mother's actions that day, so that day, her mother was not referring to Li Xiaoluo, but the window behind her!

This fool, why not tell him!

However, even if Li Qianluo had said the situation at that time, he would only think she was quibbling!

"Assist the police in investigating the masked person, as well as the junior high school student, and send them to a key university. If he wants to, let him work in the company after graduation."

Yunqi seemed to see the bright future of that junior high school student, so envious...

Then the man asked lowly, "How can I make up for her?" I guess she won't forgive him!

Yunqi is also embarrassed, "Boss, this is hard to say, your woman is not an ordinary person!" It is not so difficult to get it!

Si Jinheng smiled, and Yunqi was right. Therefore, he has a tough battle to fight, first of all he must have enough patience and a thick skin!

Within two days, Si Jin Heng took Nuan Nuan to Li's house in country A.

Later, Li Qianluo heard from Yu Wanwan that Li Youhan had a fight with Si Jin Heng that day.

Then Nuan Nuan was stayed at Li's house for a few days, and then Si Jin Heng went to the coffee shop and went straight back to Country C.

Li Laluo returned to the villa as usual. When changing shoes, she seemed to hear a warm voice.


When I walked into the living room, the little figure who was teasing the baby was obviously warm!

"Nuan Nuan?" She still couldn't believe it, why did Nuan Nuan appear at home?

Si Nuannuan saw Li Qianluo who had come back, and immediately rushed over, "Mama, Mommy!" It's really Nuannuan!

"Baby, why are you back?" She excitedly picked up her already heavy daughter.

Snuan Nuan put her arms around her neck and said happily, "Daddy sent me here, and said that I will live with my grandma for a few days!"

After hearing her words, Li Qianluo was puzzled, and Si Jin Heng suddenly sent Nuan Nuan back.

Because of Si Jinheng's arrival, Li Hexiang and his wife, who came back early, saw their daughter wondering. It is estimated that Si Jin Heng has not contacted her yet. Gong Anqi, whose anger has disappeared halfway, said, "S Jin Heng came to the house today to apologize, and your brother also had a fight with him."


In other words, did Si Jin Heng find out the truth?

For a while, Li Xiaoluo's mood was very complicated, did she finally no longer have to carry the murder charge?

"How is my brother?"

Although Si Jinheng has practiced, his brother is also an elite of the army, and no one may suffer.

Gong Anqi remembered the scene in the study and sighed secretly, "Your brother is okay. Si Jin Heng didn't fight back the whole time, but he left with color on his face."

Seeing the boss's fist greet him, it was really relieved. However, after a few strokes, I couldn't bear it anymore, and quickly pulled the two people away.

Li Hexiang pulled his face and said solemnly, "No matter what Si Jin Heng said or did, I will not easily forgive him!" So hurt Laluo, he will definitely not forgive him!

Li Qianluo held her daughter and sat beside the cradle, her thoughts drifting away.

Of course she will not forgive him, she will never...

Snuannuan rubbed her body, and ran to play with the little baby in the cradle.

At this time, Li Youhan walked down from the upper floor and looked at Li Qianluo in a daze, but did not speak to her.

Hugging Nuannuan and began to tease his son to play.

In the evening, Li Qianluo and Gong Anqi hugged Nuannuan to sleep together. After Nuannuan fell asleep, the mother and daughter chatted for a long time.

The next day Li Qianluo thought for a while and sent a message to He Lianyu, "I finally cleared the stigma!"

He Lian Yutuo looked at her message and was silent for a long time. The man investigated the truth.

Then, it means that she is not his anymore.

"Congratulations, but you make some preparations. I will go to my uncle and aunt to propose marriage soon, and the wedding will be held as soon as possible."

This time, Li Xiaoluo was silent, and she found out the ring that Helian Yutuo in the bag proposed to her.

Replied with a word, "Okay."

Although knowing she was hesitating, He Lian Yutuo was still very happy to see the good word.

Nuannuan opened the door at this time and walked in, "Ma Ma, we are going to eat."

Li Qianluo put away the phone and ring, and then pulled her daughter to her side. There are some things she needs to tell her daughter first, so that she can be mentally prepared.

"Nuan Nuan, remember that Uncle Helian last year?" Li Qianluo looked at the daughter in his arms lovingly.

Si Nuannuan nodded, of course she remembered.

After hesitating for a while, Li Qianluo still said, "Mama is going to marry him, will you call him Baba in the future?"

Si Nuannuan shook his head immediately, she didn't want to, "I already have papa, I don't want uncle to make papa!"

Why did Ma Ma marry his uncle? No, she has to tell Baba quietly about this.

Li Qianluo looked at her daughter helplessly, then let's forget, "Go, let's go down for dinner."

After taking a shower at night, Si Nuannuan clamored to play with Li Laluo's mobile phone, and then Li Laluo specially downloaded a small game for her and let her play first.

Seeing Ma Ma enter the bathroom, Snuan Nuan immediately pressed a mobile phone number, and then clicked the call button.

When Si Jinheng saw this phone number, he knew it was Nuannuan, and she would not call him.

really! "Baba!" A warm and lovely voice came over.

"Nuannuan, want to make a cake?" Si Jin Heng squeezed out the cigarette **** and stood in the study to concentrate on answering the phone call from his daughter.

Because of the injuries on his face, he has not gone to the company for two days and has been doing official duties at home.

"Baba, it's okay, Ma Ma is getting married, she will find me another Baba!" She lowered her voice and said sneakily at the bathroom door, for fear that Li Qianluo would suddenly appear.

Si Jinheng was silent for a while, "Do you know who it is?"

Si Nuannuan nodded, and immediately reported a name, "Uncle Helian."

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