Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 334: murderer

"Forcing her or not, I know it in my heart, but Secretary Helian, if you insist on pestering her, then don't blame me for making another move." Not that you can only kill him, there can be other ways.

The contest between the two men is going on all the time, but which one is more dominant is clear at a glance.

"Si Jin Heng, a good method, can get me from Country A to Yunbei. Why do I want to get it now?" The SL Group of Si Jin Heng is too influential. In order not to offend him or to please him, many people obey him.

"If you have nothing one day, can you afford her happiness?" Si Jin Heng threw a word and left Qian Nuan.

So, what he meant was that he not only wanted to take his position, but also left him with nothing, to the point where he couldn't even support a woman?

Seeing his back confidently leaving, He Lian Yutuo clenched his fists secretly. Self-deprecating, is it robbing a woman with Si Jin Heng, or seeking a dead end!

When Li Qianluo came to an intersection, the phone rang, and it was Si Jin Heng who hung up without hesitation.

Now no one cares about her, let her be alone!

A red BMW on the side of the road, seeing Li Laluo on the side of the road, showed resentment.

Li Qianluo, I finally saw you, because of you, I only went to prison for three months!

If this grudge is not reported, I will not be called Wu Yun!

The green light was on, and the woman left the intersection with resentment, Li Qianluo didn't know anything about it.

She stopped a taxi and returned home.

Just when it was time for lunch, Li Qianluo smiled and teased his little nephew, and started eating lunch.

Ye Lingling has not returned from country C, and the others are busy in the army. On the dining table, only Li Langnian, Yu Wanwan and Li Qianluo.

"Laluo, how's the coffee shop business?" Yu Wanwan looked at the absent-minded Li Laluo, knowing that she had something to do again.

It is also related to Si Jin Heng, who didn't come back all night last night. Yu Wanwan asked her husband curiously, and Li Youhan said that she was with Si Jin Heng.

Li Qianluo recovered his mind and nodded, "It's okay, take the kids to my place when I have time." The coffee shop business has improved a lot because of frequent celebrities.

Such as Li Youwu, Helian Yutuo, Si Jinheng and so on.

"Go out in the afternoon?" Yu Wanwan asked cautiously.

She thought about it for a while, and then she could relax, "Okay, does Grandpa have anything to bring?" She asked Li Langnian who was silently eating.

"I don't need anything, I don't need anything. Just go out and play. If you don't want to bring children, just let Auntie Yuan watch." Li Langnian looked at his granddaughter kindly.

He didn't ask many things about Laluo. I am old, and some things have lingering fears and lack of energy. It is better to solve the young people's affairs by themselves.

Taking a look at his son in the cradle, Yu Wanwan decided, "Take the child, go out and just turn around, just push him."

After the discussion, Li Qianluo drove the car to the mall with the mother and son.

When he arrived at the mall, Li Qianluo looked at the time and remembered that his mobile phone was turned off.

Turn on the phone, and within a minute, dozens of SMS notifications come in, all of which are call reminders.

There are three Helian Yutuo, and all of them belong to Si Jin Heng, which is more than thirty.

Li Xiaoluo felt uncomfortable, but still didn't call any of them back.

Locked the screen lock of the phone and asked her to hold her bag later. She pushed her nephew and went to the baby supplies area first.

Baby area

Li Xiaoluo looked at the children's clothes and liked it very much. Her warmth came from such a young age.

Not far away, a small coat with a teddy bear printed on it attracted her attention.

Immediately pushed the nephew and walked over, but one step faster than her, took away the dress.

Take a closer look, it turned out to be the woman who made trouble at the big brother's wedding!

Forget it, let her, they are not bad for this dress.

However, Qiao Wushan had already seen Yu Wanwan behind her, thinking of the previous events, and was not angry.

Looking at Li Liaoluo next to her, pushing a small baby, it is probably her and Li Youhan's child.

She handed her child to the young man with tattoos next to him, and walked in front of them.

"Who did I say, it turned out that it was a murderer and Xiao San who came to go shopping!"

Hearing these words, the two women turned their heads at the same time and looked at Qiao Wushan who had died.

"Who did you say the murderer! Who did you say to the mistress!" Li Qianluo looked at her sharply, she is no longer allowed, and no one is allowed to slander her!

Qiao Wushan had arms around her chest, and contemptuously looked at the pair of aunts in front of her, "It's just you two, and still have the face to go shopping?" On the day of Li Qianluo's wedding, she shot and killed Si Jin Heng's mother. I don't know.

"You speak with respect!" Li Qianluo warned her.

Qiao Wushan ignored her warning, looked at the little boy in the trolley, this is the woman and Li Youhan's child!

There was a touch of jealousy in his heart, and the hand with colorful nails was placed on the child's kicking calf, and Li Yang immediately began to cry.

Li Qianluo saw this scene clearly, and Yu Wanwan hurried over to coax the child.

Li Qaluo walked around the trolley and walked to Qiao Wushan, "pop!" She slapped her face with delicate makeup.

This slap stunned everyone, and even the shopping guide surrounded them.

Qiao Wushan was covering her face, angrily, and the shrew seemed to rush towards Li Qianluo.

When Yu Wanwan, who was holding the child, saw this scene, he immediately kicked Qiao Wushan's belly, allowing Li Qianluo to escape her attack.

Qiao Wushan clutched her aching belly and squatted on the ground for a long time without getting up.

Yu Wanwan has practiced Taekwondo, and it's really not easy to get down.

After a long while, Qiao Wushan relieved the pain, and took over the child in the arms of the man not far away, "Teach me to teach these two women, dare to kick the old lady! I'm impatient to live!" Qiao Wushan is a big sister. She dared to kick as a junior, she must be taught!

The man with the tattoo, who has also practiced, moved his neck and said, "Which one should I teach first?"

The child Qiao Wushan is holding is the two of them. At first, in order to fool Li Youhan, Qiao Wushan chose to sleep with him.

She pointed to Yu Wanwan, who was holding the child, "Teach her first!"

Yu Wanwan watched her pointing at herself and handing the child to Laluo, "I want to fight out."

Then several people moved the venue to the outside of the maternity and infant shop, and Yu Wanwan moved his bones and joints, ready to fight.

Li Xiaoluo put his little nephew in the cart, took out his mobile phone, and prepared to call his eldest brother.

Si Jinheng’s mobile phone number called her just now. She pulled down the call record and found the phone number of her elder brother.

Who knew that he was anxious and called Si Jin Heng again.

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