Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 375: My daughter's medical expenses

"Has Nasi Jin Heng stepped down?" she asked lightly. That man is so powerful, he has an extremely high IQ, and his various wrists are different from ordinary people. Would he step down so easily? She Li Xiaoluo was the first to not believe it.

If she only said there was a lot of trouble, she still believed...

"I haven't stepped down, my husband and they will soon pull him off the stage. How long will a man who is bewildered by femininity support him?" Jiang Jingjing did not find jealousy in her tone. Still thinking about the shock that he knew, Si Jinheng actually transferred so much of his equity and real estate to these two mother and daughter.

As a woman, Li Xiaoluo is not ordinary happiness.

"Confused by female sex? Although my husband is young, but has been in business for many years, what kind of big winds and waves have not been seen, can this little thing not defeat him." The pride and trust in Li Qianluo's tone hurt Jiang Jingjing's eyes .

At about the same age, why could Li Qianluo marry such a young and handsome Si Jin Heng, while she married an old man who was almost fifty years old!

The tone of speech became more impatient, "Isn't it divorced? Still a husband, Miss Li, shameless? Also, since you are your husband, why don't you hurry to move to your mother's house to rescue soldiers, and support your so-called husband? "

Si Jinheng and Li Qianluo have remarried, but they haven't gone public yet, so few people know about it.

"This is not something that Mrs. Xia should worry about. Mrs. Xia should be worried about what Mr. Xia Jun will do next!" An abrupt male voice broke in, and everyone looked at the door. The man in a dark suit, white shirt and dark blue tie, exuding an icy breath, appeared in the sight of everyone.

"Baba!" Si Nuannuan trot over and plunged into the man's arms. Si Jin Heng hugged her with soft light in his eyes.

Everyone who saw it was stunned. Of course Jiang Jingjing knew Si Jin Heng! In an instant, the heart thumped and thumped. Her husband is still under his...

Si Jin Heng hugged Si Nuannuan and walked to Li Xiaoluo's side. He stopped her shoulder with one hand, and said softly, "Silly woman, leave this kind of thing to my husband to solve." After washing in the castle just now, he looked for something. She was not seen in the circle.

After asking Xiao Chang, I realized that this woman had hurried to kindergarten.

Looking at the gentle side of Si Jin Heng, the other women couldn't help but feel happy.

Seeing how they admired Si Jin Heng, Li Qianluo glared at him with a blushing face. This man knew how to attract bees and butterflies.

Jiang Jingjing returned to his senses and immediately said, "Sir, this is not about my husband's business, it's just the squabbles between the two children... President Sir, don't care too much." If S Jin Heng steps down in the future, he can say anything. . If he doesn't step down, her husband's work will be played with eggs, then their whole family will be played with eggs.

She married Xia Jun, didn't she just like his shareholder status in SL Group? Although he is a small shareholder, his annual profit is enough to moisten his family for several years.

"It's just playing?" Si Jin Heng put aside his tenderness and looked at the little girl in her arms with cold eyes.

Xia Ziqin burst into tears instantly, this person is so terrible, oooo!

Sinuannuan triumphedly hugged Si Jin Heng's neck for fear that the world would not be chaotic, "Baba, she just said that her mother is a bad woman, and she robbed other women of Baba, and that Ma Ma is a vixen!"

Humph! Dare to say that she is bad, let Baba take care of you!

Si Jinheng sneered after hearing Nuan Nuan's words, and explained in a hurry, "You are all wrong, I have been pursuing my wife, and it is also my wife who is competing with other men!" Look, Si Cheng Aren't Yang and Helian Yutuo both examples? It's just that now both of them are currently tripped by other things, and there is no time to fight for his wife!

The reddish scratches on the daughter's face should be the thing that the little girl did!

As soon as he appeared, he took control of the matter, and even Li Qianluo couldn't even intervene. Hearing him saying that he was pursuing her, Li Liaoluo gave him an embarrassing look, dealt with the matter, and thought about it.

Regardless of their surprised look, Si Jin Heng continued, "My daughter's medical expenses will be repaid by Xia Jun ten times." However, he doesn't care about money, "Repay with his job prospects!"

Jiang Jingjing didn't know if what he said would become a reality, but his unconscious legs still began to weaken. If her husband loses the job of SL Group, the life of their whole family is waiting to fall from heaven to hell!

"And your daughter, she is a child, I don't care about her, if there is another time, wait for her to be sent away!" She can't educate children, then let others educate her!

Jiang Jingjing was so scared that he couldn't say a word when he heard what he said, but she hugged her daughter tightly.

It’s not over yet. He looked at Nuannuan’s teacher again, “Tell you the principal, I invested in your kindergarten because my daughter is here, and now you actually let my Si Jin Heng’s daughter suffer this kind of bullying. From now on. , The investment fund is withdrawn, and my daughter will not stay in your kindergarten anymore!"

After speaking, he pulled Li Liaoluo, who was stupefied, and the family of three left the office.

After getting into Si Jin Heng's car, the director who just got off the car not far away had no time to lock the car, so he rushed to the office. Finally, it was a step too late...

Listening to the report from the kindergarten teacher, the principal felt that the sky was falling. Si Jinheng is the largest investor in the kindergarten. After Snuan Nuan came to the kindergarten, he invested enough funds to build a higher kindergarten.

Now he is going to divest his capital, maybe there are many parents of children who follow Snuannuan, who is the sign of their kindergarten...

No, she has to contact Si Jin Heng's special assistant and say something nice.

On the way back, Li Qianluo hesitated for a long time before speaking to Si Jin Heng, "Since you are going to change kindergarten for Nuan Nuan, why not, I will take her..."

"Wife, you think too much." The man interrupted Li Laluo's request lightly. Of course he knew what she wanted to say.

However, he also doubted that after Li Laluo's memory loss, she resisted him no less than before the memory loss...

Li Qianluo bit her lower lip heartily, then stopped paying attention to him, and asked her daughter, "Baby, will you go back to Country A with Ma Ma?"

Si Nuannuan looked at Ma Ma, remembering what Baba had said, she shook her head, "Ma Ma, will you stay here with us?" Baba said, as long as Nuan Nuan does not go back, Ma Ma will always have Chance to stay in the castle forever.

She looked at her innocent daughter in frustration, and really didn't understand how she gave birth to a little heartless.

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