Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 386: Let the younger brother and sister do a favor

Every cup of coffee is at least two-thirds more expensive than light warm, but business is still very good.

Si Jinheng hasn't returned to the company for two months. There are many things, except for work or work.

At this time, he didn't bother her, let Li Qianluo think about it.

Time passed quickly, and Li Qianluo was only aware that he was about to turn 27 on the day before his birthday.

Last year, Si Jin Heng gave her a birthday that will be unforgettable for her life. At this time last year, Lu Zixi gave her a crystal bracelet. There are also the lipsticks Helian gave her, and there are still many new ones that have not been opened.

Going back at night, Li Qianluo opened the drawer, and a box contained the crystal bracelet Lu Zixi gave her.

Still like new, quietly shelved in the box.

He walked for almost a year, and she didn't dare to wear the bracelet he gave her. Because she will see things and think about people, just like now, will feel heartache.

Seeing this bracelet is like seeing him. "Lu Zixi, I'm 27, what kind of birthday gift do you give me this year?" She muttered to herself in a low voice, responding to her with silence.

Early the next morning, she took a bunch of chrysanthemums and went to Panlong Cemetery.

After seeing Lu Zixi, he returned to Qian Nuan.

At noon, except for Li Youwu and Ye Lingling, the whole family went to the restaurant together and celebrated her 27th birthday.

Li Xiaoluo looked at the smiles of the family, feeling a little empty. Because there is no Nuannuan, without him...

Did he forget that today is her birthday? In the past more than a month, apart from sometimes contacting Nuan Nuan, he has never called her.

After lunch, Li Qianluo walked out of the hotel holding his little nephew.

When I gave my little nephew to the night, her mobile phone's WeChat rang, and when I opened it, it was a message from He Lian Yutuo.

"Laluo, happy birthday!"

She smiled, but she felt even more disappointed. Helian remembered her birthday, how about him?

He quickly replied a few words to He Lian Yutuo, "Thank you Mr. He Lian, you are usually busy and pay attention to your body." During her time in Yunbei, she saw He Lian Yutuo every day from morning to night. Sometimes you have to travel for several days in a row. In this case, you have to pay attention to your body.

Helian Yutuo quickly replied to her, "I will, you take care of yourself." He knew that Li Qianluo and Si Jin Heng were not together at present, and he was married and couldn't do anything.

"Yeah." The two ended the chat.

"Laluo, do you go home or go to the store?" Li Youhan settled his wife and son, and asked his sister.

She thought for a moment, "I'll go to the store, and it's okay to go home." After parting with his family, Li Qianluo drove to Qian Nuan.

In the evening, it was time for Nuannuan to return home from kindergarten. She received a phone call from Nuan Nuan and received her daughter's wish for her birthday.

Li Xiaoluo's mood improved a lot. Finally, he couldn't help but asked, "Where's your Baba? Is he with you?"

"Baba hasn't come back yet, and he will be numb at night when he comes back." Snuannuan told the truth, she has been seeing Baba when she should sleep recently.

"Well, Ma Ma knows, you are good over there, Ma Ma will find you when he has time." Suppressing the uncomfortable heart, he coaxed Nuannuan.

The two talked for another half an hour before hanging up.

The sky outside gradually darkened, and Li Qianluo slowly walked out of Qiannuan until the city lights up.

The moment before I got into the car, the phone rang, and when I saw the caller ID on the phone, I felt lost again, "Hey, Lingling." It was Ye Lingling.

"Laluo, happy birthday!" Ye Lingling's happy birthday came from the phone.

Hearing her happy blessing, Li Qianluo said happily, "Well, thank you my dear brothers and sisters, are you okay over there? Where is my little niece?"

"Laluo, Youwu and I are back. Now we are in the hotel. Come here, and we will celebrate your birthday later!"

at the hotel? She wondered, "Why are you in the hotel? Didn't you go straight home?"

Ye Lingling paused, "I arrived too late in the middle of the night last night, so I didn't go back. Come here, let's have dinner together."

Then Ye Lingling reported to Li Qianluo the address of a hotel. She had been to this hotel. Si Jinheng took her there before...

The younger brother also knew the romance, and took Lingling to the Seaview Hotel.

She closed her phone and drove off to the Shijingwan Seaview Hotel.

On the 23rd floor, Li Qianluo walked in the corridor, thinking carefully which floor she was last time. It seems to be on the 20th floor, and she has forgotten the details.

In room 2308, Li Qianluo who was standing at the door stopped. She remembered that it was here when she opened the room with Si Jin Heng last time. How could it be such a coincidence? It's so embarrassing...

Raising her hand to ring the doorbell, she found that the door of the room was ajar and not locked.

She pushed open the door of the room directly, and it was dark inside, as if there was no one.

what's the situation?

When she was about to take out her mobile phone to contact Ye Lingling, the whole room suddenly lit up.

It's not that the lights in the room are turned on, but that the colored light bulbs on the wall are on.

The small colored light bulbs make up the word ILOVEYOU, on all four walls.

She involuntarily walked forward a few steps, the ground was very soft, she looked down, and it was covered with big red rose petals.

What's happening here? Outside the French windows, colorful fireworks suddenly bloomed.

She walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows, the small road by the sea outside the hotel. A row of fireworks was set off, which was lit by someone and bloomed in the sky at the same time.

Formed one heart after another, appearing in the air.

Just after the show here, a few people in black put more fireworks on the ground to light them.

The fireworks burst in unison, blooming in the shape of ILOVEYOU in the sky. Colorful and beautiful enough that she is obsessed with it.

A person walked quietly behind her, and wrapped her arms around her.

Li Xiaoluo was startled. When he wanted to resist, the man gently said in her ear, "Does it look good?"

he came……

She looked at the fireworks outside, then looked back at him, could it be...?

"Yes, Lolo, ILOVEYOU." He told her for sure that he prepared these for her.

The outside scene is getting more and more magnificent. In the sky, not only one I love you one after another, but also colorful round fireworks surround it.

Li Qianluo was so happy that he didn't know what to say, "Isn't my brother and sister coming back..."

The man kissed her on the lips, "Let my younger brother and sister do me a favor."

So, the one who asked her to meet at the hotel was... Si Jin Heng? He still came to celebrate her birthday, right?

She was so excited that she didn't know what to say, he always surprised her.

Si Jinheng looked at her and smiled, "Wait for me!" He walked into the inner room.

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