Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 501: Power switch

When Bo Yiyue didn't walk to Gu Xi's office, she probably knew something.

"Boom, boom, boom." After knocking on the door three times, Gu Xi looked up and saw her, her face becoming more chilly.

"Bo Yiyue, what about the document I asked you to print out yesterday? Why are there only two copies?"

She knew this was the case. Faced with Gu Xi’s accusation, Bo Yiyue took a deep breath before saying, “Worked overtime until ten o’clock last night...”

"What does it matter to me when you work overtime? If I get the result! Do you know, I will take those documents to sign the contract later?" Gu Xi slammed a few A4 papers on the desk. Glared at her.

Bo Yiyue didn't know if she had a delusion, but she always felt that this care was aimed at herself.

"Sorry, Lawyer Gu, it has caused you trouble." Bo Yiyue apologized lightly.

Every time Gu Xi saw Bo Yiyue's face, she tried her best to resist the urge to come forward and grab her. "What's the use of an apology? Go ahead and print it out for me now. I won't be able to get it out within two hours. Waiting for compensation for the company's losses!

Bo Yiyue looked at her angry, only said a word to know, and left the lawyer's office.

She can now be sure and sure that this Gu Xi is hostile to her, but she doesn't know where the hostility comes from.

Back at the desk, Bo Yiyue immediately turned on the computer and began to struggle.

It was ten o'clock in the morning, so thirsty, Bo Yiyue saved the text on the computer and went to the pantry with a water cup.

When I walked to the door, I heard a small comment from inside, "Bo Yiyue's little mistress is really unlucky. He was rectified by Lawyer Gu on the first day. Did you see Lawyer Gu turn on the power switch with your own eyes? "

"Yes, if I didn't see it with my own eyes, how dare I say it?"

Mistress? Moved the power switch? Bo Yiyue only felt that at this moment, a wave of anger rushed to his head.

Gu Xi, she remembered it!

Appearing quietly in the pantry, two or three employees who came together to discuss, immediately silenced, and then returned to the office with a guilty conscience.

Finally, before noon, the last document was handed over to Gu Xi.

She just replied coldly, "These are no longer useful. Go and translate these documents, and give them to me before get off work."

No use? Bo Yiyue took a deep look, and if nothing had happened, she asked directly, "I have hatred or injustice against you?" Let her rectify her like this, wasting her labor.

Gu Xi threw the folder in front of her, her arms around her shoulders, and her thick lips lightly opened, "You are Lawyer Shao's wife, how could I have enemies with you?" There was a strong irony in her tone.

Bo Yiyue didn't go to get the folder, and asked directly, "Then what do you mean by unplugging the power and wasting my labor?" She also said that she was a junior, and she didn't know who passed it on.

Gu Xi's face only changed slightly, how did she know it was her? "Bo Yiyue, there is no evidence to slander others. It is a lawsuit."

lawsuit? Bo Yiyue didn't bother to care about so much with her. She came to work and didn't want to do anything to Shao Mian. Picking up the folder that needs translation on the table, walked outside, "Is it you, I know it. If there is another next time, then don't blame me for being polite."

I have been playing in the entertainment circle for several years and summed up many experiences. One of them is that people are good to be deceived, and Ma is good to be rided.

If she is weak, she will only be bullied even worse. In order to avoid this kind of thing happening, she must strengthen her position, can not eat any loss.

Unexpectedly, Gu Xi followed her out, stood at the door of the office, and said angrily, "Do you think you are Mrs. Shao, you can bully others?" The voice was loud, and the whole office area could hear clearly.

In an instant, the entire floor was quiet.

Bo Yiyue was a little embarrassed, but she turned her head calmly, "I'm bullying people? What's wrong with me?" Since Gu Xi had said this preemptively, if she explained to everyone, everyone would not believe her.

So, in the face of a group of colleagues who are soft-eared and unkind to her, she doesn't have to be a good person.

Then, all colleagues saw that their strong woman-like lawyer Gu was actually cried by Bo Yiyue.

In an instant, Bo Yiyue's image became terrifying, and many people avoided her like a snake.

For all this, except for Bo Yiyue feeling a little ashamed of Shao Mian, she didn't care about it herself.

Sitting in the seat, opening the densely packed laws and regulations, my head "booms".

How can this be translated into English, and her English has only passed four levels. For Bo Yiyue, this is thousands of times harder than typing.

Taking a deep breath, Bo Yiyue opened the software on the computer. Begin to translate sentence by sentence, or even word by word.

When colleagues started to get off work one after another, Bo Yiyue had only half of the translation.

It was ten o'clock in the evening again, and Bo Yiyue's cell phone rang. Seeing the name of the caller ID, it still feels uncomfortable to remember what happened last night. Finally, press the answer button, "Hello."

When Shao Mian listened to her obviously sullen voice, his hands untie his tie stunned. Was it because of what happened last night? "where are you?"

Bo Yiyue flipped through the legal documents and said two words faintly, "Company." Maybe she was too good at it. Brother Shao Mian treated her so well, she was still angry with him...

Shao Mian frowned when he heard that, why was he still in the company so late. "What's the situation?" He knew that Gu Xi, like Gu Yu, was sometimes a workaholic. But he has never seen Gu Xi let his employees work overtime until this time.

Bo Yiyue sighed secretly and explained, "The work ordered by Lawyer Gu has not yet been completed." In order to stop conflicting with her, she should honestly finish the work before leaving!

Shao Mian didn't say much, and hung up. Looking at the call that was suddenly ended, Bo Yiyue felt choked up, but before he had time to think about it, he continued to interpret.

Twenty minutes later, there was an extra person in the quiet office.

The documents in her hand were suddenly taken away, and Bo Yiyue was startled. But when I saw that the person was Shao Mian, my whole heart began to beat faster.

All the exhaustion was swept away, replaced by joy, brother Shao Mian unexpectedly came...

Shao Mian looked at the documents she translated. The difficulty of this law, Bo Yiyue, a layman, can work overtime until now, and it is normal.

But how could Gu Xi translate something so difficult for Bo Yiyue? A thought crossed his mind, but he shook his head and erased it.

He packed up the folders on Bo Yiyue's desk and the A4 papers filled with her. Then, put it in a folder, "Go home."

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