Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 505: Marry yourself

"You're welcome, ma'am, if it's okay, I'll go back to work first." Yun Jin also liked this lady without any pretensions, and then smiled at her and left the 23rd floor.

When she returned to the 68th floor, Yun Jin hesitated, but still didn't tell Shao Mian the matter. Because the issues discussed by colleagues on the 23rd floor are related to the private affairs of their husband and wife, she is not easy to speak.

I just hope that Bo Yiyue has been wronged and don't hide it in his heart.

That night, Shao Mian got off work earlier and returned to the old house with Bo Yiyue. When Bo Yiyue saw Shao Jiakang who was smiling happily at him, she was very distressed.

"Mom's baby, mom misses you so much." Shao Mian was so happy when she saw Bo Yiyue and the child meet, and she was in a good mood.

Han Min swept back and forth between the two people who were in the same mood, and his relationship seemed to have improved a lot, which was very gratifying.

At dinner, Shao Wenchuan and Yang Ziqin also returned. Because Shao Jiakang was in the old house, the couple basically rushed to the old house after work.

At the table, the family was talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was basically harmonious.

However, Yang Ziqin broke this harmony with a phone call.

She took the phone and looked at the caller ID, and connected the phone without any fear, "Hey, Xiaoyu."

Shao Mian frowned when she heard this name. Bo Yiyue didn't know who Yang Ziqin was calling, and was still eating intently.

"Well, okay, does Xiao Mian know?" Yang Ziqin looked very happy.

Next, Yang Ziqin glared at Shao Mian, "He blocked your number? I'll scold him later."

These words caught Bo Yiyue's attention, and she looked at the happy Yang Ziqin curiously. This kind of happiness, mother-in-law has never faced herself.

Look at Shao Mian again, his face is not so good, and his eating speed is much slower.

Little fish? Is it Xiaoyu, Gu Yu? Realizing this fact, Bo Yiyue's mood instantly fell a lot.

Of course Han Min knew who Yang Ziqin was answering, and when he heard Shao Mian black out Gu Yu's mobile number, he secretly called it good!

Yang Ziqin spoke again, "Your company wants to cooperate with Xiao Mian? This is great!"

At the full table, it seemed that Yang Ziqin was the only one happy. The faces of other people were very ugly. Shao Mian looked at Bo Yiyue who was eating silently, and his chopsticks were heavily placed on the dining table.

The dining table, which was already quiet, became quieter.

Yang Ziqin saw that his son was upset, and hung up the phone in a hurry, "Xiaoyu, auntie, there is something wrong now, I'll go back to you at the party." After the call, Bo Yiyue put down the dishes and shook the cradle next to him Son.

"Mom, you will die of this heart!" He has now married Bo Yiyue, so he won't have anything to do with Gu Yu.

What Shao Mian said was straightforward, which comforted Bo Yiyue.

Han Min put down his chopsticks and took over the words of his grandson, "Daughter-in-law, Jiakang has it, everything is a foregone conclusion, don't be like this." Han Min's tone was calm, but with irresistible majesty.

Shao Wenchuan also felt that Yang Ziqin was a bit too much, but Han Min and Shao Mian both started, so he didn't say anything.

Yang Ziqin looked at her mother-in-law and son, and said directly in front of Bo Yiyue that her face was a bit unbearable. He smiled, "It's just answering the phone, are you guys?"

"Let's eat!" Shao Wenchuan opened his mouth steadily, and the topic ended instantly. The harmonious atmosphere just now on the table is gone.

Bo Yiyue quickly ate the rice in the bowl, then wiped her mouth and stood up, trying to put on a smile, "Grandma, Mom and Dad, I have finished eating, you eat slowly."

Then he pushed his son's trolley aside and carried his son upstairs.

As soon as Bo Yiyue left, Yang Ziqin spoke again, "A woman like Bo Yiyue who is a weak little daughter-in-law is not suitable to be a daughter-in-law of the Shao family. I still prefer Gu Yu who is a strong woman."

Her words made everyone lose their appetite. Shao Mian tried his best to endure the anger for the sake of his grandma, "If you like Gu Yu, you will marry it yourself."

"Don't you like it? If it weren't for your grandma's disagreement, you would have married Gu Yu!" Yang Ziqin took a bite of the meal indifferently, anyway, she was telling the truth.

After hearing what Yang Ziqin said, Shao Mian did not deny this time. But, "Since I've married, mom won't talk about it anymore." His wife, he couldn't let her be wronged.

After speaking, he wiped his mouth and stood up, "Grandma, parents, eat slowly." Then, he followed Bo Yiyue upstairs.

Han Min looked at the two children who were leaving, sighed secretly, and ate the meal slowly without speaking.

In the second floor room

Shao Jiakang was lying on the bed eating the bottle, staring back and forth at his calf. Bo Yiyue lay halfway on the bed, staring at her son intently.

What the colleagues discussed during the day, as well as what Yang Ziqin said just now, played in her mind over and over again.

The happiness that Shao Mian brought to her during this period of time dazzled her.

She thought Shao Mian had begun to accept her, but Gu Yu was pretending to be in his heart!

Like someone, how can you forget and forget?

Just like her, because she likes it so much, even if she uses the means, she has to get it.

The door of the room was pushed open from the outside, and Bo Yiyue was shocked. He quickly sat up from the bed and saw that it was Shao Mian who came in.

"Look at your son eating first, and I will give you bath water." From then on, she will do more for him to make him used to her...

After speaking, he went into the bathroom, Shao Mian looked at her back. It feels like she's back again, when the two first started being together. Cowardly and cautiously to please him...

Bo Yiyue went into the bathroom, but he hadn't come out for a dozen minutes.

When Shao Mian carried her son in, she was squatting in a daze by the bath.

The water in the bath was about to overflow, she didn't even notice it.

Shao Mian walked over in two strides and turned off the warm water switch.

It wasn't until a person stood still in front of her that Bo Yiyue came back to her mind, "That...Brother Shao Mian, the water... put it away!" Looking at the water that was about to overflow, Bo Yiyue was a little embarrassed. Blame her for thinking things too seriously.

Just when Bo Yiyue was about to take over her son, Shao Mian held her son in one hand and her wrist in the other.

"What are you thinking?" His gentle voice sounded, and Bo Yiyue stared blankly at the man who was looking at her tenderly at this moment.

"No...I'm thinking...tomorrow's plan." She is not good at telling lies, her face and ears are red.

Shao Mian knew she was lying, and did not reveal her. Pass the child to her, "I will take a bath first."

She took the child and went out of the bathroom.

Shao Jiakang was already yawning at this moment, and Bo Yiyue hummed a small song softly and began to coax the child to sleep.

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