Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 555: I don't want divorce

"Bo Yiyue said, next time you see me fight once... when you meet me outside, let other men... woo woo woo." At the end, Gu Xi couldn't cry.

There was a deep touch in Shao Mian's eyes. He wanted to push Gu Xi away, but when he saw her miserable look, he picked her up and sent her to the hospital.


Although Bo Yiyue locked the door of the bedroom, she could not sleep with anxiety.

Just as she was tossing around, the sound of the car stalling came downstairs, and Bo Yiyue immediately buried herself in the bed.

It's okay, Brother Shao Mian can't come in anyway. Even if she came in, she just beat someone up, is it possible that Shao Mian beat her again for that woman?

The doorknob of the bedroom was turned. In the quiet night, Bo Yiyue's heart was raised.

After turning two or three times without turning away, there was no movement. Bo Yiyue took a sigh of relief, but then the door was kicked fiercely, causing Bo Yiyue to immediately sit up from the bed.

Brother Shao Mian... is he... kicking the door? How angry is he?

The kicking at the door seemed louder in the dark night. Every time Shao Mian kicked, Bo Yiyue's heart jumped.

After five or six blows, the high-end pear-wood door was kicked open by the angry Shao Mian.

The headlights in the bedroom were turned on with a "pop", and the sudden light made Bo Yiyue a little uncomfortable and closed her eyes.

However, when she opened her eyes again, Shao Mian was already standing by the bed.

Her face was covered with dark clouds, and the anger in her eyes was going to scare Bo Yiyue to death.

Bo Yiyue shrinks back, isn't she just beating someone? Is Shao Mian so angry?

The next moment, Bo Yiyue's wrist was severely pulled, and her whole person was also mercilessly dragged to the ground.

"Oh!" Her waist, her PP, was so hurt! "Shao Mian, are you going to beat your wife for an irrelevant woman?" If that is the case, she is so sad!

Shao Mian didn't even say a word or raised his hand, so Bo Yiyue was charged with domestic violence.

"Bo Yiyue, I didn't expect you to be so courageous!" Shao Mian squatted down and looked at her, pinching her chin tightly, raising her face, and letting her look at herself.

The cold Shao Mian has recently seen Bo Yiyue more and more frequently.

"She framed me and punished me, why can't I find someone to beat her!" She didn't have the skill, if she had the skill, she could find a few more people to beat her and she couldn't find the south, east, west, northwest!

Looking for someone to beat Gu Xi? "Cheat! You continue to deceive!" Shao Mian's decibels suddenly increased, making Bo Yiyue tremble with fright.

If everything is not what he saw with his own eyes, he will be fooled by this woman!

"What are you doing with such a loud voice, what did I lie to you?" Bo Yiyue glared at him unconvincedly. His jaw hurts so much that he couldn't escape his chin from his control.

Shao Mian sneered, "I just went to Dominator's side and I saw everything! Bo Yiyue, I didn't expect you to be so vicious for this purpose. I dare to find someone *Gu Xi!" His last few words were almost It came out through gritted teeth.

*Gu Xi? Bo Yiyue was dumbfounded.

Shao Mian looked at the dumbfounded Bo Yiyue. At this moment, there was only a sneer in his heart. No wonder this woman was an actor in the first place, she was so good at acting!

"I just found someone to beat her up, what are you talking nonsense! Shao Mian!" Bo Yiyue slowly frowned, and Shao Mian would talk nonsense anytime.

The chin was lifted again, his eyes met, thick flames erupted in the man's eyes, and the woman's eyes were confused.

"Bo Yiyue, can you not be so thick-skinned, I have all seen the shame of shameless clothes, what else can you quibble about!" He really misunderstood the wrong person. This woman's eyes are too deep and she still pretends to this moment. It has to be the same as not knowing!

In the first call with Gu Xi, there was clearly Bo Yiyue's voice, he couldn't hear it wrong!

Regret for disheveled clothes? Bo Yiyue was completely dumbfounded. She ignored the pain of her jaw and repeated Shao Mian's words, "Look for someone to *Gu Xi? Gu Xi in disheveled clothes?" At this moment, if Bo Yiyue still doesn't know what happened, then She just got water in her head!

"Slap!" Shao Mian's control was slapped off with a slap.

He got up from the ground and said solemnly, "Gu Xi is framing me! I just found someone to beat her, I didn't let anyone do anything else to her..."

"Enough!" Shao Mian interrupted her explanation indifferently. In his eyes, her explanation at the moment was all sophistry!

What does it mean? Don't you believe her? The taste of heartache gradually hit.

"I didn't, no, just didn't." Bo Yiyue yelled at the man in front of her childishly.

Shao Mian rubbed his painful temples, strode out of the bedroom and opened the door of the study.

Bo Yiyue, who was thrown in place, was dumbfounded. Why did he go to the study? Just let her go? No way, Shao Mian is so good?

Bo Yiyue didn't realize that she was wrong until a stack of A4 papers and a pen were thrown into her arms.

It's so wrong, so wrong...

She threw the A4 paper with the divorce agreement written on it into the air like crazy. The A4 paper fell to the ground, and Bo Yiyue jumped directly into the bed and shouted, "I don't want a divorce, I have never done anything like that, I don't want a divorce!"

If she signed today, it would mean that she admitted that she had insulted Gu Xi by looking for someone.

Seeing her madness, Shao Mian just said calmly, "I don't need a wife who is so thoughtful of you, sign the letters and get out!" She disappointed him too much.

"You dream! Shao Mian, I am your wife, I said I didn't find someone to insult her, why don't you believe me?" Can he give her one time trust!

Don't believe her? "From the first time you deceived me, there was no trust between us!" He said that the thing he hates most is deceit, and she still kept it from him...

Hearing what he said about deception, Bo Yiyue instantly wilted, her legs softened and she knelt on the bed.

"I don't sign, I didn't find someone to insult Gu Xi." She repeated this sentence blankly. She also don't want to divorce. After the divorce, she will have no children. She doesn't want to...

Shao Mian left, slammed the door and left the villa, but did not come back that night.

Bo Yiyue didn't know where he had gone, and was afraid to call him.

Gu Xi was very fast and went to the police station to report the case the next day.

In the afternoon, Bo Yiyue was going to return to her old house. As soon as she started the BMW car, two police officers blocked her way.

An arrest warrant and documents flashed in front of her, "Bo Yiyue, we are the police. Here are our documents. Please come with us now."

"Why." Facing such a situation for the first time, Bo Yiyue tried her best to keep herself calm.

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