Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 574: What is Attorney Shao insisting on?

Bo Yiyang sensitively heard something wrong with his sister, "Bo Yiyue, what happened to you and Shao Mian?" He pointedly pointed out that Bo Yiyue paled.

"You first transfer me a sum of money. My mobile phone is broken and I need a mobile phone. I'll tell you more." It's an official conversation, and there are others nearby, which is not convenient.

Bo Yiyang suppressed his anger, "Okay, I'll turn it over to you now, and you will call me back within an hour."

After hanging up the phone, Bo Yiyue sighed in relief and hurried to the mall.

Half an hour after getting off the bus, she took out her only bank card and went to the 24-hour ATM.

Looking at the full balance of one million above, Bo Yiyue's eyes blushed.

I took a little cash, put it in the bag, and went with the mobile phone.

In the last two minutes after an hour, Bo Yiyue dialed Bo Yiyang's cell phone.

"Brother, it's me." She walked slowly along the side of the road.

"Quickly tell me what's going on." Bo Yiyang is already checking the ticket, and he must rush back.

Bo Yiyue raised her head to look at the sky, and forced the tears in her eyes back. "Brother, it's nothing serious. I just quarreled with him." Afraid that Bo Yiyang wouldn't believe it, she quickly said again, "I have a bank card given by Shao Mian in my bag. There is no limit on the balance, but I am angry and don't want to use it... "

She still concealed the fact that the two people were divorcing. The eldest brother was far abroad, and she didn't want him to worry too much.

"Why quarrel?" The quarrel between the husband and wife is normal, but it depends on the reason, whether it is serious or not. Bo Yiyang's perception told her that her sister was lying to him.

Why quarrel? Bo Yiyue thought of Gu Yu and Gu Xi, and her mother-in-law. "Life is a trivial matter. The two of us have different personalities. When there is conflict, we quarrel."

At this moment, Bo Yiyang didn't believe a word of what Bo Yiyue said.

"Well, I see, contact me if you have anything." He hung up the phone perfunctorily, and then dialed Shao Mian's number.

However, Shao Mian has been temporarily unable to connect.

Bo Yiyang was very upset, and in desperation, he dialed Yunjin's phone again.

Seeing Bo Yiyang's number flashed back and forth on the phone, Yun Jin was a little startled. Bo Yiyang took the initiative to call her?

"Hello." She put the phone to her ear, her heart beating faster.

Bo Yiyang was upset about the two people's affairs. Without talking nonsense, he asked directly, "Where is Shao Mian?"


"I do not know."

"You are her assistant, how could you not know!" Bo Yiyang's voice seemed to be angry.

Yun Jin took a deep breath and said coldly, "I am his assistant, yes, should I follow him 24 hours a day if I am an assistant? If he is an assistant, will he report to me his 24-hour itinerary?" Then cut directly After dropping the call, he called several more, but Yun Jin hardened himself to answer.

Bo Yiyue temporarily stayed in a hotel and planned to rent another house to work in Su Ming's company.

She contacted Han Min for a few days in the hotel, and she played videos with her son every day.

After finding a house to rent, I rented a one-bedroom and two-living room in a community close to the company.

After he settled down, Bo Yiyue contacted Su Ming.

I went to work in Su Ming's company for two days, squeezing the bus to and from get off work every day.

After Su Ming found out accidentally, he assigned her a car in the name of the company.

Originally, Bo Yiyue refused, but Su Ming said that she would be able to drive the car to pick him up. Bo Yiyue agreed, but Su Ming never let her pick him up.

On the eighth day of Su Ming's company, after Bo Yiyue got off work normally, she parked her car downstairs in the community and took the elevator to the ninth floor.

With a ding of the elevator, Bo Yiyue, wearing a light down jacket, walked out of the elevator.

He lowered his head and took out the key from the bag, ready to open the door. When he looked up, a man stood at the door.

He hasn't seen him for more than ten days, except that he looks very tired mentally, everything else is as usual.

More than a dozen cigarette butts on the ground showed that he had been here for a long time, and Bo Yiyue had no urge to open the door.

He turned around and walked towards the elevator entrance, but the man controlled his wrist.

"Open the door." He commanded lightly.

There was surveillance outside, and Bo Yiyue didn't want to pull with him here. She got rid of his control and opened the door of the apartment.

The apartment she rented is very small, only tens of square meters.

It is still decorated very warmly, just like the apartment she lived in before.

After closing the door, the smell of her was floating everywhere in the apartment, and Shao Mian felt relieved.

He stopped her waist, Bo Yiyue did not struggle either.

"Wife, have we been apart for so long, are you calm?" He went abroad for a week on business some time ago. After returning, he went to Mingyue Company to follow Bo Yiyue for two days before he knew she was living here.

He was very pleased because she did not mix with Su Ming after get off work.

"Calm down, Shao Mian, I'm not your wife anymore, please pay attention." Bo Yiyue pushed him away, his breath always made her easily drunk.

She put the key on the machine, then took off her coat and hung it on the empty hanger.

Shao Mian hugged her from behind again, smelling her, "I didn't sign, it doesn't count." Therefore, she is still his wife.

Bo Yiyue paused with her hand, "It has nothing to do with me if you sign or not." She signed it even if she was divorced.

"I won't sign, that divorce agreement has no meaning in law." He pulled her body over and let her face him.

Bo Yiyue had to put her head aside, not looking into his eyes.

"Same bed with different dreams, what is Lawyer Shao still insisting on?" She sneered slightly.

He ignored her mockery and pecked her red lips, "Follow me home."

His movements caused Bo Yiyue to rub her lips with the back of her hand. As if contaminated with something unclean, Shao Mian's eyes became deep.

Wait until she put down her hand and kissed her red lips aggressively.

Her hands hit his chest heavily, but the man didn't hurt or itchy, he just forced her to the bedroom door behind him.

He stretched out a hand, unscrewed the bedroom door, and the two entered her private world.

The bed less than two meters wide is covered with a pink and white four-piece suit against the wall.

Two art photos of Shao Jiakang are placed on her bedside table.

She fell on the bed without error, and an inexplicable affection gradually rose in the room.

Putting her big palm on her bottom zipper, Bo Yiyue returned to her senses and pushed Shao Mian away.

Panting and staring at the man who was pushed away, "What? Miss Gu was in a car accident and you are dissatisfied. Come to me to find comfort?" What did he think of her?

Shao Mian took off his suit jacket straight away, threw it on the solo sofa next to him, and untied his tie.

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