Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 803: Go to the bar to drink, not get drunk or return

Shao Jiayi was also healed and the scar was forgotten to hurt. She was still thinking about a chance in the future, and it depends on how she fixes him!

For the next two days, Shao Jiayi soaked in the store every day, with a few apprentices, and began to prepare for making mango mousse cups.

At 5 o'clock in the morning on the third day, Shao Jiayi crawled out of the bed and started to go to the shop to be busy with mousse cups.

When eating at noon, Shao Jia relied on her backache and scolded Si Jin Heng thousands of times. This guy must have deliberately treated her!

Worn out!

Before dinner in the evening, I finally packed all the mousse cups. Shao Jiayi found a small truck and sent them to the SL Group together.

Downstairs, she dialed Tong Si Dingli's cell phone, "I'm downstairs, where is the mousse cup?"

"You come up first, I will let Shi Xiao handle the mousse cup."


After hanging up the phone, Shao Jiayi dragged his exhausted body and took a small carrying box to the 88th floor.

She has been away from the SL Group for so long, and there will be people talking about her wherever she goes.

With a secret sigh, Shao Jiayi directly opened the door of the president's office.

The people inside gave her a daze, and she also understood what Steinli asked her to prepare another dessert.

"Zhiqing, I have someone bring you dessert." Sidingli looked at the woman sitting across from him softly.

Seeing Shao Jiayi's unhappy Song Zhiqing, she was pleasantly surprised when she heard Stingli's words.

Stepping on eight-centimeter high heels, walked towards Shao Jiayi.

"Give it to me, you can leave!" How could Song Zhiqing not understand what Steinli meant, but she still let herself pretend to be ignorant.

Shao Jiayi glared at Stingli, "Stingli, what do you mean!"

Stingli said indifferently, "What do you mean, didn't you see the dessert I ordered, do you give it to my girlfriend?"

Shao Jiayi took a deep breath. She thought that Sidingli had eaten it herself, so she was about to finish the mango mousse cup. I put all my attention into this mango pancake.

Sure enough, she thought about Stingli too well, he clearly showed his affection on purpose. Raise his girlfriend, demean her!

Shao Jiayi bypassed Song Zhiqing, walked to his desk, opened the small gift box, took out the knife and fork, and divided the mango pancake into several portions.

"Jiayi, no need, I'll do it!" Song Zhiqing saw Shao Jiayi's movements and hurriedly stopped.

Shao Jiayi gave her a white look, crossed one of the pancakes and put it in his mouth, making Song Zhiqing's hand freeze in the air.

This mango pancake is a work made by her heart, and she does not want to throw it away.

"What I made, you two, don't even want to eat one!" Shao Jiayi still had two pieces at the end. He didn't eat anything just in the afternoon, so he finished eating together.

After eating, I urged sadly, because I choked up too quickly...

With a flushed face, he picked up a tissue, wiped his mouth indiscriminately, then covered his mouth and left the office.

She Shao Jiayi will not even drink a sip of water in the future!

She rushed out of the SL Group and ran a long way. She was about to die before she found a convenience store. Picking up a bottle of mineral water, it was too late to settle the bill.

Finally, Shao Jiayi took a taxi and went back to the Shao’s villa without going to the store.

He called Xixi and the two went to the mall together.

When Si Xixi answered the phone, she happened to go to the SL Group to find Steinli, who came over to convey the words of Dali Qianluo.

There was a water glass opposite to where Steinli was sitting, as if there were still people.

"I know I'm with my brother now, I'll accompany you later."

"I'm fine, just tell my brother a few words and leave, Mianmian, otherwise we should go to my brother's mall, there is a brand store, and I have sent me several messages."

"Why not, go, go, let's take a look."

Si Xixi sat down beside Stingli, who stared at his sister's phone closely.

"Well, ok, I'll contact you later."

Just after hanging up the phone, a woman walked out of the bathroom.

When Si Xixi saw Song Zhiqing who was smiling at him, he glared at Steping Li.

Sidingli received her gaze and frowned dissatisfied.

"Xixi, come here." Song Zhiqing sat down opposite them gracefully and picked up a stack of documents.

Si Xixi smiled and nodded to her without a smile. Thinking of her mother, Si Xixi said directly, "Brother, my mother said, although she is in Brazil now, she is also paying attention to domestic movements. If you want to After getting her forgiveness, I quickly chased Mian Mian."

Song Zhiqing's smile froze. Why is sister Stingli so annoying?

Stingli put his arms on the back of the sofa at random, with no expression on his face.

"Anything else?"

Si Xixi nodded heavily, "Of course, the last time you were in the Caesars Palace, my mother heard an officer’s wife talk about it. My mother was very angry. Because Mianmian, like my mother, is most afraid of pets, especially Dogs, cats, so don’t bring pets to Mianmian in the future!"

"Anything else?" The man lit a cigarette to cover the emotion in his eyes.

"Brother! Forget it, it seems that you really don't like Mianmian. Let's go. Two days ago, my classmate asked me to draw a red line for him and Mianmian. Forget it, I promised him. My classmate is very good. , Like Shaozhe, the doctor has superb medical skills."

Si Xixi Balabala stood up from the sofa, "The character like Mianmian is as lively and cute as me, and is deeply loved by my classmates, but love Mianmian at first sight..."

"Did you finish?"

Si Dingli's attitude almost made Si Xixi vomit blood.

No wonder my mother doesn't care about her wailing child because her brother and father are flying far away.

Si Xixi took out his cell phone and dialed Shao Jiayi's number, "Mianmian, after we go to the mall, we will go to the bar for a drink and not return!"

"Huh? Drinking? I can't do it anymore. Now I'm trapped after drinking, and I don't know anything." After the last two experiences, Shao Jiayi decided to give up drinking.

Si Xixi gritted his teeth secretly, why is Mianmian so weak this time!

But as if Shao Jiayi agreed, he smiled and said, "Well, let's go to the Soho bar. I took two handsome guys. Remember my college classmate last time? I mentioned you again..."

After receiving a cold warning from her brother, Si Xixi went out of the office directly following the call.

"Xixi, what college classmate?" Shao Jiayi was completely trapped. What happened to Si Xixi today?

Si Xixi came out of the office and gritted his teeth, "Nothing, I lied to my brother, Stepingli is too weak, Mianmian, don't like my brother anymore, he is too clumsy!" Maybe that Song Zhiqing, she would be annoyed to see that Song Zhiqing.

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