Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 815: What a handsome Chinese girl

"Yes!" Everyone saluted, and then moved quickly.

"Brother Wen, what can we do about this?" a skinny best man asked Wen Bin quietly.

Wen Bin was crying and looked at him, "While going, if I knew what to do, I would still squat here?"

Stinky girl, this broom star, blame her! Wen Bin took a fierce look at Zheng Shurui who was holding her sister in silence.

Shao Jiayi really wanted to kick this scumbag man named Wenbin to death.

The sound of police cars not far away began to progress gradually. The village didn't know what was going on, and time passed by.

I don't know how long it took, while the other party relaxed his vigilance. Several bodyguards glanced at each other, one aimed at an enemy, and acted at the same time.

One of them was beaten a few times, and it seemed that he was dead, and actually got up from the ground again. Oops!

"Everyone, get in the car!" One of the bodyguards began to direct everyone to get in the car first, while the other two bodyguards were still hiding everywhere and fighting the enemy.

Everyone got on the car and got in when they saw the car. Shao Jiayi walked around the body of an enemy and was about to take the lead.

Who knows, one of them suddenly got up, caught Shao Jiayi, and directly put a dagger against her neck.

"You all stop!" The gangster appeared in front of the bodyguards with Shao Jiayi. Several bodyguards instantly changed their complexions, and the things in their hands were slowly placed on the ground.

Ferrari and BMW wedding cars slipped without a trace in an instant.

Only Mercedes-Benz and BMW commercial vehicles are still in place, with Zheng Shurui and her family in the car.

Not far away, two off-road vehicles with no license plates came out of the village. After seeing the gangsters, they quickly brought Shao Jiayi to the other side.

"You take them away first!" Shao Jiayi yelled at the bodyguard, one by one who could walk.

Zheng Shurui ran out of the car and cried loudly, "Jiayi, Jiayi, I'll save you!"

Then carrying the wedding dress, he ran to Shao Jiayi. Seeing someone approaching, the gangster immediately took out another dagger and threw it over.

The technique was accurate, Zheng Shurui had no time to escape, and the dagger plunged directly into her leg.

"Ah!" Zheng Shurui threw herself straight to the ground, her face turned pale in an instant with the severe pain.

"Rui Rui!" Shao Jiayi's head went blank when his good friend was injured. After a while, I didn't know where I was coming from, and I directly threw the gangster who was controlling him over the shoulder!

The gangster raised the dagger in pain, and Shao Jiayi immediately kicked his wrist with a kick before he started, and the dagger was kicked far away.

Then she gritted his teeth on the man on the ground, grabbed it, and hit his face with a fist.

Painful Shao Jiayi wanted to blow his fist, but the other party refused to give her a chance.

These wanted criminals were not vegetarians either. One turned over and bounced off the ground, and his thick fists smashed towards Shao Jiayi.

Two bodyguards rushed over quickly, and one person blocked Shao Jiayi.

As the two unlicensed off-road vehicles approached, one of the bodyguards pulled Shao Jiayi and ran into the vehicle.

However, after a muffled grunt, she pulled her bodyguard and suddenly fell down.

She saw several dangerous objects behind, all of them aimed at the people next to her...

Just before she fell, the bodyguard gave her a push. She fell in front of the Mercedes-Benz, and the person who rescued her was hit by the opponent's weapon.

Shao Jiayi shrank together, watching the bodyguard who was gradually losing her breath, and she collapsed.

These people came to protect her. If she didn't come to Xiaxi Village, or didn't go back just now, they would not die because of her...

Weak, the off-road vehicle has stopped, and a dozen criminals in the vehicle are gradually approaching her.

In an instant, more than a dozen weapons were aimed at the shivering little woman on the ground.

"Boss! It's a woman, she doesn't seem to have weapons!"

"This woman looks good, bring her here!"

After the two sentences of English were exchanged, the two gradually approached her, and after confirming that she had no lethal power, they directly picked her up.

After a brief bump, she was thrown in front of a man.

The man is tall and mighty, with white skin, wearing military-green trousers, and black muddy boots on his feet.

Her chin was lifted by the man, and her eyes were looking back and forth on her with malicious intent.

"What a handsome Chinese girl!"

Then all kinds of laughter sounded around, and from time to time they followed up.

Soon the laughter was mixed with screams, and two or three gangsters suddenly fell to the ground and died.

A group of troops in military uniform surrounded all the criminals.

Then came a large number of policemen from the county seat.

Hundreds of people aimed their weapons at the gangsters, including Shao Jiayi on the ground...

The man called the boss was raging with anger by this scene and rudely picked up the woman on the ground.

Shao Jiayi's head was controlled by the other party with a weapon, only a loud roar was heard, "You all back away, or I will kill this woman!"

Seeing this scene, someone said to Han Tao, "Major Han is just a woman. You can't spare these dozen criminals just because of her."

Killing together is the fastest way, and the number of deaths can be reduced to the lowest. It's a big deal to give this woman some comfort money afterwards.

After Han Tao received the call from his boss and reported the current situation, he heard what he said.

He walked forward in silence, and at the same time saw the woman kidnapped by the gangster!

Shao Jiayi!

Han Tao's expression changed immediately, why is she here? How could you be held hostage by gangsters?

Just as Shao Jiayi's heart was ashamed, he suddenly heard a sonorous male voice, "You can't hurt any innocent life, we must save the hostages safely!"

Shao Jiayi looked over in surprise, his eyes facing each other, Brother Tao!

Han Tao gave her a wink, and Shao Jiayi gradually calmed down.

One of the gangsters, who should understand Chinese, translated Han Tao's words to the boss who hijacked Shao Jiayi.

"Fuck, I just rushed out!" As he spoke, the weapon in his hand was ready to be used at any time.

Aiming at Shao Jiayi's head, ready to commit a murder.

"Don't boss! We can use this woman to escape from here!" The man in the black robe immediately stopped the boss from moving.

The man called the boss yelled at Han Tao, "You all stand back and let us out, this woman won't have any problems!"

In fact, Shao Jiayi really wants to say something, don't bother me! Kill these people! But she missed her family so much, she wanted to...

But when we encountered this kind of thing today, life and death were in an instant.

I remembered Zheng Shurui just now, because the family was still in the village in despair and eagerness.

And if these criminals are not subdued as soon as possible, more people will die.

She finally convinced herself.

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