Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 821: You're just his so-called sister

"Well, okay, she is still pregnant with the baby. If Brother Tao has news about her, tell me immediately!" Shao Jiayi was too worried about Zheng Shurui, so he did not reject Han Tao's kindness.

Han Tao nodded, "Jiayi..." He stopped talking.

Shao Jiayi looked at him suspiciously, "What's wrong with Brother Tao."

"You give me Stingli's number, I want to...thank him."

If Stingli hadn't shot him the two bullets at the time, he would definitely not be able to appear here now.

"Huh?" Shao Jiayi looked at Han Tao with a bewildered look. He wanted to thank Sidingli? why?

"When I went to save you, Stingli saved me too!" Although he didn't want to admit it, he knew that the reason why Stingli saved him was to better protect Shao Jiayi. But, in the final analysis, Stingli also saved him.

Shao Jiayi really felt sorry for Han Tao at the moment, because Han Tao mistakenly regarded his killer as a lifesaver.

"Brother Tao, there is no need, do you know..." Shao Jiayi's words afterwards really couldn't bear to say it.

But Han Tao still looked directly at her without any complicated emotions in his eyes.

Shao Jiayi took a deep breath, endured the heartache and said it out, "Siding Li...want to kill you at that time."

She can't tolerate a bad person doing each other! Correct! That's it!

Her words made Han Tao puzzled, "Jiayi, have you misunderstood something?"

"Huh?" This time it was Shao Jiayi's turn to look at Han Tao with a confused look.

"Stingli didn't want to kill me. When he appeared later, he used his own bullet to help me knock out two bullets from the terrorists." According to the comrades who rushed over later, they saw one of them and aimed Han Tao's head.

Shao Jiayi was dumbfounded.

Si Dingli did not intend to kill Han Tao... The two bullets shot at him were to save Han Tao...

Surprise, accident, guilt, excitement... all emotions rushed towards Shao Jiayi.

Thinking of her disappointment that night when she accused Stingli, she could clearly feel it, but she was forced to ignore it.

Han Tao probably understood the rich expression on Shao Jiayi's face at this moment.

"Jiayi, remember, I will always be there."

Han Tao printed a kiss on her confused face, and then left the ward.

Shao Jiayi, boldly chase your love. It doesn't matter if you can't catch it, I'm always there. I can always wait for you...

Without thinking about Han Tao's abnormality, Shao Jiayi thought about how to apologize to Stingli.

Finally, he mustered up the courage to call Steply the first call, but he hung up...

Shao Jiayi fainted immediately.

She knew that such a stingy person would definitely not care about her easily.

SL Group

Song Zhiqing quickly deleted the caller number record, put Stingli's mobile phone in place, and continued to read the information in her hand.

Within two minutes, Stingli walked out of the bathroom.

The two continued to talk about the next thing.

After Shao Jiayi’s daily protests, he finally got all the consent and spent a whole month in the hospital before being discharged.

She has been well and thoroughly, okay?

Why didn't everyone let her go?

So happy to see the outside world! Shao Jiayi, wearing a long white down jacket, stood at the entrance of the outpatient department, hopping down the steps, preparing to get into his father's car.

However, a pair of figures caught her gaze.

On a black Lamborghini car, a man in a black woolen coat came down and hugged the woman in the back seat.

Coming quickly to the outpatient department, Shao Jiayi clearly saw the pale Song Zhiqing in Sidingli's arms.

Si Dingli only stopped her eyes for less than a second, and greeted Shao Mian, who had a bad face, "Goddam!"

Hearing Dingli's voice, Bo Yiyue in the car also got out of the car, "Dingli? What happened to her?"

"Godmother, I don't know yet, I'll take her in for an examination first." Steinli nodded to the two elders and strode to the outpatient department.

Shao Jiayi was completely ignored from beginning to end.

Gritting her teeth, she turned around and rushed in, she was going to beat the woman to the floor to find her teeth!

"Eh, Mianmian, come back, come back, what are you going to do?" Shao Mian looked at her daughter's clenched fist and knew what she wanted to do.

He quickly grabbed his daughter's arm and pulled her back.

"Dad, don't stop me, I want to beat that woman until Sidingli doesn't even know her!" Hmph, dare to steal a man from her, she Shao Jiayi must want her to look good!

Shao Mian glanced helplessly at his angry daughter, "Mianmian, you forgot, she is Dingli's girlfriend, you are just his so-called sister."


Shao Jiayi's arrogance instantly dropped by three points.

"Mianmian, get in the car first." Bo Yiyue patted the seat next to her and motioned for her daughter to get in the car.

Only then did Shao Jiayi get into the car reluctantly.

"Mianmian, I contacted you Qianluo Ganma last time. According to our analysis, Dingli still likes you. As for why Song Zhiqing became Dingli's girlfriend, we don't know."

Bo Yiyue took her daughter's hand and felt that she had to talk to Mianmian.

"He likes a fart! If he really likes me, would he not answer my phone and let Song Zhiqing be his girlfriend?" Shao Jiayi pouted dissatisfiedly, she is not stupid!

"Girls don't speak so rudely!" Bo Yiyue gave her daughter a blank look. "Since you know he doesn't like you, then you should stop messing with him!" She is so good, so many people chase her. If you go, you don't have to hang on the tree of Stingli.

Shao Jiayi was very unhappy when she heard that her mother wouldn't let herself go to provoke Stingli.

"Mom, you were the one who let me be with him, but now the one who doesn't let me provoke him is also you. Don't you feel very conflicted?"

Hearing her daughter's questioning, Bo Yiyue was speechless.

Shao Mian glanced back at the red light. The pouting daughter told her earnestly, "Mianmian, why don't you understand your mother? I tried to match you up because I wanted you to be with Dingli." Yes. Now it seems that you two are unlikely, so your mother let you let go, lest it be yourself that would get hurt."

"I know Dad." Shao Jiayi took Bo Yiyue's arm and leaned on her shoulder.

"Mianmian, you are so good, you will meet someone better than Dingli to guard you in the future. I think that Han Tao is not bad and saved you." In Shao Mian's eyes, his Mianmian is particularly good, nothing Disadvantages.

This time Han Tao rescued Mianmian, and he took Mianmian to come to thank Han Tao another day.

"Dad, don't tell me, I don't like Han Tao. He feels like a big brother to me, and I still don't want to give up..." Shao Jiayi can still tell who likes this kind of thing.

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