Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 826: Get away if you hate me

"Beast! My old face has lost you!" Unexpectedly, things were going to the city, and my son got in trouble with people who shouldn't be offended!

"Dad, I know it's wrong, I know it's wrong!" Wen Bin shivered, covering his face.

The county magistrate warned his younger son, "Recently, staying at home honestly, if you dare to be against anyone, your father and my official position will not be guaranteed!"

"Knowing Dad, I must be honest in the future!" Wenbin completely believed that Shao Jiayi's identity was not simple, and even the official position of Dad was pulled in.

From then on, Wenbin always went to the gate of Zheng's house for a walk.

I was afraid that something would happen to the Zheng family and disaster would come to him again.

After Zheng Shurui knew about this, he knew that Shao Jiayi did it. After I was moved, I decided to wait until I got my health well, and then I went to the city to find a job, a little closer to Shao Jiayi.

Private apartment

The woman was busy at work, her cell phone rang, and Song Zhiqing happily answered the phone, "Ding Li."

Not knowing what was said over there, Song Zhiqing's eyes lit up, "Okay, I will go over now."

After hanging up the phone, Song Zhiqing thought of something, her smile froze on her face.

At this moment, there is only one possibility for Sidingli to let her go to his villa...

Shao Jiayi!

Take a deep breath, Shao Jiayi, I will get rid of you if I have a chance!

Open the closet, take out your most expensive black expanded woolen coat, originally wearing a simple sweater as a base, directly replaced with a silk sling...

Sitting in front of the dressing table, wearing heavy makeup, spraying her most expensive perfume, stepping on high heels, heading to Villa No.9 of Migu Mansion.

Ringing the doorbell of the villa, it was Stingli, who was wrapped in a bathrobe, who opened the door.

If she doesn't think about her purpose, Song Zhiqing will definitely think about the stinging of this moment.

Closing the door of the villa, Stingli walked upstairs, "Know the purpose of your coming!"

Song Zhiqing bit her lower lip without speaking.

Following him to the bedroom on the second floor, Steinli opened a bottle of red wine and poured two glasses.

"Ding Li..."

Just as Song Zhiqing received the red wine, a strange sound suddenly came from the balcony.

After she was puzzled, she saw with her own eyes that the corner of Steinli’s lips curled up with a smile...

After a while, Song Zhiqing suddenly realized the sound from outside.

"Sdingli, I'll skip it! Look..." the cheerful voice, because the kissing of the two stopped abruptly.

In fact, Si Dingli didn't kiss Song Zhiqing, but through the misplacement, Shao Jiayi thought that the two people were kissing again.

Then, as if not seeing Shao Jiayi, Sidingli put the red wine in the hands of the two on the wine rack, and lifted Song Zhiqing sideways...

Pressed on the huge bed, Song Zhiqing's jacket was lifted, leaking the strap inside.

The woman at the balcony door was stunned, looking at the lingering two people, her head was blank.

Shao Jiayi pinched the corners of her clothes tightly. This scene stung her eyes deeply and tears began to fall.

The man's kiss fell on the woman's neck, and she saw so clearly.

"Ding Li..." The woman's charming voice caused Shao Jiayi to break open the bedroom and rush out!

She left with her front foot, and Si Dingli stood up directly from Song Zhiqing's body behind.

But what Stingli didn't expect was that Shao Jiayi, who rushed to the door of the villa, suddenly stopped.

Why can Sidingli take away her most precious things, and still hold other women innocently!

He clenched his fists tightly and walked to Stingli's kitchen.

Stingli drank the red wine in the glass. He thought Shao Jiayi would do something else, but he did not expect to escape like this.

Ah! He really looked down on her!

Song Zhiqing sat up from the bed and tidied her clothes.

"Ding Li, do you feel this is fair to me?" Song Zhiqing stroked her long hair. In order to get Sting Li, she was about to give up her last bottom line.

"Fair?" The man sneered, "Song Zhiqing, everything is what you want, isn't it?"

His words left Song Zhiqing speechless.

Stingli had warned her long ago and told her that his heart was not on her at all.

She is willing to approach him...

Suddenly there was footsteps outside the door, and Si Dingli felt a surprise in his heart, and then pressed Song Zhiqing under him with the fastest speed.

Rudely opened her coat a lot, and put his big palm directly on her waist.

The bedroom door was opened, "Sidingli, Song Zhiqing, I wish you a golden baby early!"

Golden doll? what the hell?

Si Dingli and Song Zhiqing glanced at each other, and at the same time looked towards Shao Jiayi, but...

"Ah!" After Song Zhiqing screamed, a basin of ice water was poured on the two people, from head to toe...

"Does it feel like a flying heart and a cold heart?" Shao Jiayi flung the water basin to the ground, ignoring the extreme expression on his face, and took a few steps forward.

"Since there is a fire on Steinli, then I will help you eliminate it, don't thank me too much!" Shao Jiayi wrapped his arms around his chest and looked at the two people who were frozen on the bed proudly.

Dingli, with dripping hair, slowly got up from the bed, and Song Zhiqing, shivering with cold, hurriedly pulled the quilt next to her, wrapping herself in embarrassment.

"Shao...Jiayi...Don't be too...too much!" Song Zhiqing was completely angry, this woman was too much!

She doesn't show off, when she is a sick cat?

Shao Jiayi arrogantly walked to Song Zhiqing and told her, "Song Zhiqing, right? This young lady tells you, Siding Li is mine! The first time he took away this young lady, he must be responsible to me. If you know, get out!"

Hearing this, Song Zhiqing looked at Sting Li in surprise.

Si Dingli directly pulled Shao Jiayi and threw her out of the bedroom, "Shao Mianmian, who gives you the courage to provoke my girlfriend!"

Shao Jiayi shook off the control of his big palm, "I gave it myself, Stingli, you scumbag, ahhhh! I hate you!"

How could she like a scumbag, who will tell her!

"Keep away if you hate me!" There was a trace of anger in Steinli's eyes, his short hair still dripping.

Shao Jiayi instantly changed his face, crying, and threw himself into Steinli's arms.

"Sidingli, I know I misunderstood you. Didn't I apologize? Why are you so hard to speak?" Shao Jiayi sobbed.

Facing Shao Jiayi's sudden softness, Stingli's heart also softened.

"In the past, I'm going to take a shower!" Steinli pulled her aside with a look of disgust.

The woman sticks up like a brown candy, hugging his waist, half-coquettishly protesting, "I don't want it, Steinli, you let her go! I don't want to see her!"

Stingli unconsciously let go of her movements, touching her long hair scattered on her back, "Shao Mianmian, don't make trouble!"

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