Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 829: Your bed making skills are good

I didn't know what was said over there, Bo Yiyue's face changed, "Well, yes, I see, thank you Xiao Zhang."

After hanging up the phone, Bo Yiyue looked at Shao Mian dumbfounded.

"What time?" Shao Mian probably knew in his heart.

"...It's almost eight o'clock." Bo Yiyue was heartbroken.

The daughter grew up and began to hide things from the two of them.

"Who is that man! Han Tao is still Stingli?" Shao Mian's face was very ugly!

...Bo Yiyue looked at her husband silently, she didn't know, okay?

"Our parents are really negligent. Our daughters... we don't even know." Bo Yiyue sighed secretly.

Shao Mian abruptly stood up from the chair and hammered his fist on the dining table. "I'm going to find these two little bastards, and see who is so bold. If I don't give me the title of daughter, I dare to move my daughter! "

Bo Yiyue originally wanted to support Shao Mian, but it was wrong to think about it.

"Wait a minute, it's better to ask Mianmian first! In case it is Han Tao, you go to Siding Li. In case it is S Dingli, you find Han Tao... How ugly things are!" Bo Yiyue pulled Shao. Mian, don't let him be impulsive.

What my wife said is reasonable, but, "Do you think your daughter will tell you?" If you want to say it, you have already said it.

Bo Yiyue has a heart-stuffed, stubborn personality, this kind of thing will not necessarily tell her!

"Or... we..." Bo Yiyue whispered in Shao Mian's ear, and Shao Mian nodded.

"I'll message her later."

Shao Jiayi, who was visiting the mall, received his dad’s WeChat message, “Mianmian, we will stay in the old house for a period of time, take care of ourselves, and when you have time, you can also visit the old house.”

Huh? Didn’t you just go to the old house to pick up Chen Chen? Why are you staying again?

"I see, Dad." Shao Jiayi quickly replied a few words and continued to show herself clothes.

When walking to the men’s area, a delicate crocodile leather belt attracted Shao Jiayi’s attention.

"Hello, welcome!" The shopping guide beauty soon greeted her.

Shao Jiayi's pink coat makes the shopping guide beauty know that she is a big fish.

Excitedly introduced the most expensive belt, "beautiful, this belt is made of crocodile leather without stitching, the buckle is exquisitely crafted, and is set with 9 small diamonds..." Not only is it inlaid with diamonds, but also with gold!

Shao Jiayi looked at the price, one, ten, one hundred...900,000, even she felt distressed.

"How much is the discount?"

Her words made the shopping guide bewildered for a while, and then smiled again, "Beauty, this is a new model, only this one, no discount."

Oh! Ok!

"wrap up!"

The shopping guide beauty smiled brightly, packed her belt, and then took her to swipe her card.

Shao Jiayi, who had bought a belt, looked at the delicate handbag in a daze.

Such a young style is not suitable for dad...

It's not appropriate to send brother belt...

Si Shaozhe? Afraid of his girlfriend's misunderstanding! At this moment, there is no girlfriend Si Shaozhe has no idea that he has missed a diamond belt.

Si...No, Han Tao! It's not appropriate either. He wears a camouflage uniform every day.

That seems to be the only thing...

But when he thought that he had a girlfriend, Shao Jiayi struggled again.

Oops, it's so annoying, forget it, just forget it!

Feeling annoying! The mood of shopping is gone! Carrying a belt and a buttoned coat, Shao Jiayi went directly to the store.

When he arrived at the store, Shao Jiayi allowed himself to devote himself to making desserts.

In the afternoon, Shao Jiayi finished the last dessert and prepared to check the information with the computer.

Shi Xiao suddenly appeared in the store, Shao Jiayi looked at Shi Xiao, and his heart beat faster.

Of course she wasn't interested in Shi Xiao, but because seeing Shi Xiao, she seemed to see Stingli.

"Miss Shao, there is something I want to tell you." Shi Xiao looked at Shao Jiayi with a smile.

"You said!"

"Miss Shao, please follow me outside." The president is also struggling for this woman.

Shao Jiayi put down the computer in his hand and left the store with Shi Xiao.

Shi Xiao drove a Bentley today and opened the door of the trunk. The contents inside made Shao Jiayi's eyes wide open.

Dozens of handbags, large and small, filled the entire trunk, and even a few were stacked because they couldn't fit.

This scene is very familiar. A few years ago, a rich man was chasing her with shoes and bags in the trunk.

At that time, Shao Jiayi threw him a word, "Sul!" and left without looking back.

but now……

"These clothes are limited edition jackets collected by the president in major shopping malls this morning. And these bags, in different colors, are all limited editions. This is the only one in the world. There is absolutely no need to worry about collisions."

"The clothes are due to time, so I can only pick some in China first. The bag was selected by the president himself on a business trip to Milan half a month ago."

Looking at these handbags, why doesn't Shao Jiayi feel vulgar?

"What does Sidingli mean?" Shao Jiayi held down his heartbeat that was accelerating, why did he give her so much...

Oh, the clothes are because he said last night that he would pay her ten pieces.

What about bags...

Shi Xiao was silent, he really couldn't say what the president said next.

The smart first put all the handbags into the trunk of Shao Jiayi's car, and within a few minutes, they all moved.

"The president said, your bed-making skills are good, and...cough cough, it's good for you. It's a reward." Shi Xiao lowered his head and said these words embarrassingly. There was a bed in the middle. It is omitted.

Alas, the president, the president, when did he become like this?

Shao Jiayi only felt a puff of anger and rushed straight to his forehead.

Stopped Shi Xiao who was about to flee, "Stop, bring something for Siding Li!"

just! See how she humiliated him!

Twenty minutes later

Shi Xiao took the handbag in his hand and knocked on the door of the president's office.


Si Dingli glanced at Shi Xiao who came in, "Result." The pen in his hand continued to write something on the document.

Shi Xiao stammered, "President Si, clothes and bags...Miss Shao said...she won't waste...everything is used and worn."

"Yes, Not Bad! "Get out!"

Shi Xiao stood there still, Steingli raised his head and frowned slightly, "Say if you have anything."

Then a handbag was placed on Stingli's desk.

"President Si, take a look first!"

Stingli opened the paper bag and the exquisite box. It was a finely crafted belt, so...

He suppressed the surprise in his heart, tried his best to calm himself, and looked forward to Shi Xiao, who had an abnormal face.

"S...S...S..." Shi Xiaosi couldn't come up with a general word for a long time.

"Shi Xiao, do you want to roll to the logistics department!" The man frowned, playing with the belt buckle in his hand.

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