Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 837: Recently moved out to live

"It's okay, I know, that's it now...Also, when I have time, come and talk about you and Mianmian." In the last sentence, Shao Mian said very seriously.

"Okay, godfather!" Sidingli responded earnestly.

After washing, Shao Jiayi's clothes... she tilted her eyes and looked at the man who had also finished washing.

Sidingli smiled, "Don't go anywhere today, waiting for me to come back tonight."

"What are you doing?"

"Fortunately for you!"


The woman held him on tiptoe and kissed his **** throat gently.

In an instant, the man's eyes changed color, and his breathing increased.

Put the big palm on her slender waist, "I will not go to the company today."

"Huh?" Why didn't he go to the company suddenly? Shao Jiayi's eyes widened and looked at the man.

Sidingli smiled slightly, "I just want to sleep with you!"

Shao Jiayi blushed and pushed him to the door of the bedroom, "Hurry up and go to work."

Walked to the door of the apartment, the man changed his shoes, "Wait for me to come back, don't go anywhere, at your shop, I will find someone to help you watch."

He wanted to see Shao Jiayi as soon as he came back.

"I know! Bye bye, the national male god!" She stuck out her tongue, ready to close the door.

The man put his arms around the back of her head and pressed a kiss on her red lips. After a long time, he reluctantly let go of her.

"Go, go, you're late!" At this moment, a person came out of the elevator diagonally opposite.

It was Shi Xiao who was slightly surprised when he saw Shao Jiayi, and then immediately returned to normal.

Also wearing Mr. Si's nightgown...

"Sir, breakfast!"

It turns out that Mr. Si sent him a message so early to bring him breakfast. It was for Shao Jiayi...

Stingli took the breakfast and handed it to Shao Jiayi, "Go in and eat!"

Then only Shao Jiayi was left in the whole apartment. When eating breakfast, he accidentally sprinkled some soy milk on the bathrobe.

After eating breakfast, Shao Jiayi casually put on a Stingli shirt and opened the balcony door.

The whole city outside was white. Shao Jiayi walked to the glass fence and wrote the words "Siding Li" on the thin snow.

After staying outside for ten minutes, Shao Jiayi didn't feel cold, except for his legs in the air.

She curiously touched Si Dingli's shirt. She didn't know the material inside. Although it was thin, it was very warm when worn.

In the afternoon, when Shao Jiayi was sleeping, his cell phone rang, it was Bo Yiyue.

"Mom." Shao Jiayi connected the phone in a daze.

"Mianmian, where are you now? Why are you not in the villa or in the store?" Bo Yiyue was worried about Shao Jiayi, and left the old house after lunch.

Thinking that Shao Jiayi was in the store, and after going there, Zhang Qing told her that Mian Mian didn't come to the store at all.

Then he rushed to the Migu Mansion, but there was still no one.

"Oh, I'm outside, mom, you don't need to find me." Shao Jiayi rolled over comfortably, and the snowy weather matched the warm bed.

Bo Yiyue suddenly remembered, "Are you in Dingli's villa?"

"I don't! Mom, don't ask anymore, and, I have already decided, I recently moved out to find a house!" She has grown up, and it is too inconvenient to live with her parents!

When Bo Yiyue heard that her daughter was about to move out, she was anxious, "What's the matter, is still angry with your dad? Mom Mianmian told you that it is not safe for girls to live out!"

"Mom, didn't he send bodyguards? What is insecure? I have already thought about it!"

It seemed that he was still angry with Shao Mian, even his dad stopped calling. Bo Yiyue suddenly thought of something, "Mianmian, are you going to move to live with Dingli?"

Should she agree?

"Mom! What do you think, no, I live by myself!" Shao Jiayi has already been playing on the bed several times, and she has no sleep at all from being bombarded by her mother's phone call!

"Oh, don't worry, I will discuss with your dad and see his opinion."

"Mom! I'm an adult! I've been able to live on my own for a long time, and I can completely decide this kind of thing! So, you don't want to discuss with Shao Mian, I don't want to listen to him!" Don't even think of the door of Taname Mansion!

Knowing that her daughter was still angry with her husband, Bo Yiyue calmly comforted her daughter, "Mianmian, your father already knew that he was wrong, and he also said, in the future, he will take care of your affairs, and don’t care if you don’t. Up!"

Shao Jiayi put the long hair on her face behind her head and lay on the big bed, "No mom, Shao Mian is for my own good, I know, I dare not be angry with him, and the thing about moving out. , I have already decided, mother, don't talk about it! Good!"

Listening to her daughter's coaxing tone, Bo Yiyue couldn't help but laugh, "You little man, you live outside by yourself, how can parents rest assured."

When my daughter grows up, she should have her own privacy. But, how can she say she is also a girl, and they don't worry about being outside alone!

Shao Jiayi's mind turned around, how should I convince my mother? Convincing mom is not far from convincing dad!

"Well, mom, I'll find a place close to my brother or Shaozhe's apartment. If anything happens, they can save the emergency." Or a place close to Stingli, anyway, he is the same as Shaozhe. It's his own **** brother, hehe.

This really worked for Bo Yiyue, "Then you don't have to find a house by yourself, I will ask your brother, Shaozhe and Dingli to help you pay more attention."

"Okay, okay, mom, you know you love me the most, okay!"

Shao Jiayi almost didn't jump out of bed, she seemed to see infinite freedom!

"Oh, mom can't do anything with you, so be optimistic. I will tell your dad about this, and your dad will definitely blame me for agreeing to you without discussing this matter with him!" She still knows who her husband is.

Shao Jiayi chuckled, "It's okay mom, if you act like a spoiled dad, if you feel depressed, he will feel relieved." She knows all about her father's love for his mother.

As long as mom changes her face, or makes a soft word, dad immediately surrenders!

For more than ten years, she is very affectionate, otherwise, how could there be a Chenchen who is so much younger than her?

"What nonsense! If I don't tell you, I will know Mom Huyou!" Bo Yiyue has been well maintained because of Shao Mian over the years. At this moment, there was a hint of blush on the face without wrinkles.

When he was young, thinking about things inadequately, the night that Palluo and Si Jin Heng got married, they sneaked into Shao Mian’s room quietly...

However, she later paid a great price for this matter. Fortunately, after experiencing all kinds of setbacks, Shao Mian cared for her in every possible way.

"Mom, thank you! After your daughter has made a lot of money, she will take you and dad around the world!"

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