Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 842: Plan to live here often

"Did you not have dinner in the evening?" Sidingli had already heard from Shi Xiao that Shao Jiayifei invited him to dinner at night. For this reason, Sdingli also praised Shi Xiao who refused Shao Jiayi.

"Well, no, don't you say that you still don't feel it, you are really hungry when you say it." Shao Jiayi walked back to the bathroom again, standing in front of the mirror and preparing to blow his hair.

Si Dingli was going to follow, accidentally saw a piece of paper on the table that read: four-piece suit, doll, facial cleanser, facial steamer...

It seemed that it was something she was missing, Steingli put the note in her pocket smoothly.

In the bathroom, Shao Jiayi was blowing her hair with a hair dryer, and Steinli took the hair dryer in her hand, "I'll take you out to eat something later."

"But, my room hasn't been cleaned up yet..." A lot of things were still piled up, she expected to finish it today!

Stingli touched her wet long hair and turned on the hair dryer, "I will come here for two hours tomorrow. You don't need to do this."

She doesn't need to do these rough jobs at Shao's house, and will follow him in the future, let alone do it.

She only needs to do what she wants to do, play what she wants, carefree.

"Okay! Didn't I clean up badly!" Shao Jiayi glanced at the bedroom again. Compared to the room that her mother and Aunt Zhongdiangong helped her clean up, it seemed a bit... horrible.

No way! She has moved out of the house and is no longer a child, she has to learn to do this!

"It's not bad, it's good to do it with your heart!" Sidingli didn't know when his standard became so low.

Ok! Then she narcissistically took his words as complimenting her! Shao Jiayi played with her half-wet long hair with a smile.

Drying her hair completely, Sidingli waited until Shao Jiayi finished changing her clothes and took her out for a simple dinner.

When he returned, Steinli went upstairs with her.

Shao Jiayi blocked him outside, pretending to be proud, "This is already my site, and you will have to get my permission to come in in the future!"

The man smiled and leaned on the door frame, "So overbearing, I remember that the store hasn't opened yet and it hasn't made a profit yet, so it's still my site!"

Shao Jiayi pouted, "What the **** are you telling the truth! Okay, okay! This lady is in a good mood, and you are allowed to come in and sit down!"

Give way to the man, Sidingli went in and changed his shoes, "Thank you Miss Mianmian for your kindness."

Shao Jiayi's triumphant little tail is about to rise, "Where are you going back later?" Villa 9? Or Nandu Garden?

"Guess!" The man left her back and entered the cloakroom.

Now that he is here, how can he leave so easily!

Shao Jiayi followed up and watched him take off his coat and opened the locker room cabinet, "Use the cloakroom as you like. My clothes and yours are fine." He didn't comment, and took out a black bathrobe, man Start to unbutton the shirt.

No, when Stingli said this, how could she feel like living together?

"So, not only tonight, but also in the future, plan to live here often?" She tentatively tentatively.

The man looked at the woman's tentative expression and smiled at her without hesitation. Shao Jiayi's face flushed instantly.

Stingli's smile was so good that she almost fainted.

"It's smart!" It's close to Shao Jiayi's shop, and his company is a bit far away, but this is not a problem.

The man untied his belt in front of her and put on a bathrobe. Shao Jiayi looked at his figure and was about to drool.

"Mianmian?" The hateful man has such a nice voice.


The man held back his smile and fastened his belt, "Your saliva... is flowing down!"


Shao Jiayi's head was bombarded, and she...she... actually drooled!

He hurried to the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, hey, there is nothing!

Only then did he realize that he was being tricked, "Stingli, you really hate it!" Shao Jiayi rushed forward, taking a light bite in his big palm.

Her slender waist was hugged and her red lips were plundered.

Shao Jiayi, who was originally standing, was taken by the man to the closet and onto the closet.

The two bodies pressed together tightly, and the atmosphere in the heated room gradually became ambiguous.

His kiss was still domineering, and Shao Jiayi couldn't breathe soon, and the whole person hung softly on his body.

The man loosened her red lips, Shao Jiayi gasped, and Si Dingli wickedly blew into her ear, "Let me tell you what a childhood sweetheart is good?"

Oh! correct! He forgot to mention her!

"Okay, okay!" Shao Jiayi clung to his neck with both hands tightly, for fear of falling.

Si Dingli spit out a word in her ear, making Shao Jiayi's face instantly flushed, "There is a place where I can be personally...from childhood to adulthood."

He took another bite on Sta Dingli's chest, "Old driver!"

The bite that Siding Li was bit by, lost her reason, lowered her head to block her red lips, and pressed her on the European-style showcase in the middle of the cloakroom.


On the second day, when Shao Jiayi went to the shop with his forefoot, Shi Xiao brought a lot of new clothes and necessary supplies to the apartment in Shuifang.

And, Stingli personally selected Shao Jiayi for a series of things she lacked on the note.

"Shi Xiao, go and send all the dolls of this series over there, as well as the water cups of this series, buy a few more, and send them all to the water side..."

"Okay, by the way, President Si, do you want to attend the charity meeting that Dai's company cooperates with the government at night?" Shi Xiao reported to him the itinerary.

Stingli put down the tablet in his hand and frowned slightly, "Contact Song Zhiqing and attend together."

"Okay, President Si."

Mianmianyiyi shop

Shao Jiayi, who was lazy holding her mobile phone, heard someone calling her again, "Boss, someone is looking for you!"

"Who!" Seeing the WeChat sent by Si Xixi by accident, Shao Jiayi replied to her: I'm going to beat my brother to death!

What kind of charity party is Shao Jiakang and a woman going to attend, why not Xixi?

She also had the invitation letter to Dai’s charity party, but she threw it aside a few days ago.

Once, she only had a relationship with Dai Duoduo, the second lady of the Dai family, and was not very familiar with it, so she didn't even think about going.

However, looking at what Si Xixi said, Shao Jiayi became angry instantly, and later went back to look for invitations, and beat her brother and the woman!

"Boss, she said her surname is Zheng! Your classmate!" The voice of the salesman came again, shocking Shao Jiayi's spirit.

Quickly closed the phone and ran out of the operating room. Isn't it Zheng Shurui who is wearing a dark green down jacket not far away?

"Rui Rui!" Shao Jiayi ran and jumped over and hugged Zheng Shurui.

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