Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 851: I don't like you anymore

What happened tonight, Shao Jiayi was fortunate that he was not injured. If Shao Jiayi dared to be injured, he must divide the Tibetan mastiff into five horses!

In addition, the hotel has already begun investigating the reason why the Tibetan Mastiff suddenly ran out. If the investigation revealed that it was intended to harm Shao Jiayi, he would not let it go!

He took out Shixiao's cell phone and said, "The results of the investigation at the hotel will tell me...when will the new store open...I know."

As the night got deeper and deeper, Steinli returned to the bedroom after handling a few important emails.

Throwing the baby in Shao Jiayi's arms that was in the way, casually threw her aside, and hugged her into a deep sleep.

Mianmianyiyi's branch opened on the day of the new year. When it registered with the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, it was marked as a store under the SL Group.

Shao Jiayi is the legal representative of the shop. The two shops allow Shao Jiayi to leave early and return late every day.

It's time to give the SL Group a mango mousse cup every week. Shao Jiayi was in a good mood today, made a tiramisu and went to the SL Group with a shopping guide.

President Office Floor

When Shi Xiao saw Shao Jiayi, he quickly stood up from his position, "Miss Shao, please stay!"

"Huh?" Shao Jiayi, who was about to open the office door, looked at him curiously.

"Oh, it's like this, Mr. Si is in the meeting room on the 22nd floor." Shi Xiao explained.

Shao Jiayi nodded, "Then I will go in and wait for him."

Shi Xiao knew Shao Jiayi's position in Stingli's heart, and did not refuse, and directly let Shao Jiayi into the president's office.

After waiting for twenty minutes in the office, the office door was opened from the outside.

Shao Jiayi hurriedly hid under the desk, wanting to give Stingli a surprise.

"...The customers in the next quarter are already stable. You don't need SL to bring Changsheng. You can do it by yourself. My attention will be on the US branch next month." Steinli put the folder in his hand On the bar next to the sofa.

Does he mean to let go of Changsheng? Song Zhiqing's face paled a little, "Ding Li, is it because of Shao Jiayi? You suddenly let go of Changsheng."

Shao Jiayi, who was hiding under the table, was about to jump out, but he couldn't move when Song Zhiqing mentioned her name.

The man sat on the sofa elegantly and lit a cigarette, "It has nothing to do with her. This is a matter of work, and I can still do it if it is public and private."

Song Zhiqing sat down beside him, "You know the mess that my dad left behind. I also know that you helped me a lot. If you don't bring Changsheng, don't bring it, but Ding Li... Is the presumptuous little girl serious?"

Her words instantly made the air in the office a bit cold.

"Song Zhiqing, you don't need to intervene in my business. If you want to keep your position, don't mention Shao Jiayi again!"

What does it mean to stop mentioning Shao Jiayi again? The anger of the little man under the table gradually rose.

Realizing that Si Dingli was angry, Song Zhiqing's tone softened a bit, "Dingli, I really don't know what you like her, don't you know that her boyfriend is Han Tao? She is riding two boats!"

"Song Zhiqing!" Si Dingli's sharp gaze swept her face, and Song Zhiqing shuddered.

The man spit out the smoke ring and warned her, "From now on, you only remember that Shao Jiayi is my sister. If someday the media reports on the scandal between me and her, I will be the first to take you!"

Song Zhiqing must always keep in mind that Shao Jiayi is his god-sister. As long as there is this concept in her subconscious, she will not go wrong under any circumstances!

That little woman, after following him, she can't suffer any more harm! He is not worried about relatives and friends, only the media and netizens...

"Siding Li! I'm going to kill you scumbag!" The roar suddenly made both people in the office stunned.

Then a girl crawled out from under the desk and rushed all the way to Steinli's. She said she would kill him, but suddenly burst into tears.

The girl who suddenly jumped out froze in midair with the movements of Stingli's bombing soot.

Seeing her grievingly looked at herself, she immediately felt relieved and then distressed.

"Sidingli, you scumbag, you didn't say that in bed last night!" He never said that he treated her as his sister!

...Stingli calmly flicked the soot.

Song Zhiqing was stinged by the words she said.

"Sidingli, I don't want to like you anymore! And you..." Shao Jiayi suddenly walked to Song Zhiqing, pulled her collar up, and pulled her up from the sofa.

Song Zhiqing wanted to get rid of her hand, but it was of no use, "Shao Jiayi, what are you doing?"

"Don't you know that Si Dingli is my man? You dare to be his girlfriend. If you know each other, you should break up with Si Dingli!" Shao Jiayi looked at Song Zhiqing proudly, Si Dingli It must be hers!

"Shao Jiayi, let me go!" Song Zhiqing pulled her collar hard, Shao Jiayi's rudeness at the moment, there is no such thing as a lady.

Shao Jiayi not only didn't let her go, but instead gave Song Zhiqing a shoulder throw, "Ha!"

... Song Zhiqing fell on the carpet by her, and the pain Song Zhiqing didn't recover for a long time.

"Mianmian, enough! Stop making trouble." Steinli's tone was not very stiff or serious, but still a hint of helplessness.

Shao Jiayi thought he was short-guarding, silently took the tiramisu from the side, opened the box and fell directly to Song Zhiqing's face, who was still on the ground.

Staring watched her movements, her temples were aching, "Mianmian, don't be willful!"

He pinched out the cigarette butt, stood up from the sofa, and helped Song Zhiqing, who was clenching his teeth, up from the ground.

Shao Jiayi calmly watched Song Zhiqing not standing still and approaching Steingli's arms.

She pulled out Song Zhiqing in the past and pointed at her to warn, "Song Zhiqing, don't let me see you in the future, see you hit you once!"

The spoiled daughter is vividly reflected in Shao Jiayi.

Song Zhiqing stumbled a few times with her aching waist, and at this moment, she really wanted to go up and grab Hua Shao Jiayi's face regardless of her image!

"Mianmian, stop making trouble!" Shao Jiayi's bad temper and strong possessiveness also refreshed Steinli's three views.

Shao Jiayi was still puzzled, pulled Stingli's hand, and took a bite on the back of his hand, "Stingli, from now on, you are not allowed to interact with her again, even for official business!"

"Mianmian, give me some time, there are more things involved in official business!" Stingli reluctantly rubbed the tooth marks on his hands and coaxed the little girl.

Forget it, since Mian Mian reacted so strongly, he ended his relationship with Song Zhiqing.

Shao Jiayi didn't understand the company's affairs, thinking that Stingli was playing her perfunctory!

"Sidingli, do you like her so much?" Shao Jiayi asked.

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