Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 854: Go out for a stroll

She wants her to die!

With this Shao Jiayi, Song Zhiqing felt that she should make a move!

Shi Xiao and the two nurses nearby looked at the bunch of chrysanthemums in amazement, and they were also guessing if Shao Jiayi did it on purpose.

Only after the black line on Sidingli's face passed, he said helplessly, "Mianmian, don't make trouble!"

After giving Shi Xiao a wink, Shi Xiao immediately understood, and walked away the two nurses, and then went over to hug the bunch of chrysanthemums.

"Eh! Shi Xiao, in order to thank Miss Song for saving my man, I specially bought the flowers that were sent overnight from France. The price is very expensive! Will you pay your annual salary if you break it?"

Shi Xiao's hand stopped abruptly, and because of Shao Jiayi's words, the smell of gunpowder instantly rose in the ward.

Her man, Song Zhiqing snorted coldly in her heart, and put her hand in the quilt into a fist.

"Thank you Miss Shao, Zhiqing remembers your kindness!" The last four words mean gritted teeth.

Shao Jiayi happily took Stingli's arms and said sweetly, "You're welcome, you're welcome, Miss Song stayed in the hospital, Stingli, I allow you to reimburse her for medical expenses."

She knew that Steinli was so proud, she would take the initiative to reimburse Song Zhiqing for medical expenses. Therefore, in order not to let Song Zhiqing feel comfortable, she took action first.

The man looked at the little woman and smiled innocently and harmlessly. It is hard to imagine how the little woman who was still in a cold war with him last night can do it all of a sudden. Is it because of the bunch of chrysanthemums?

Stingli rubbed the woman's hair fondly, "Go."

Then he took Shao Jiayi's shoulder and left the ward.

Shi Xiao looked at the sentence, then looked at the president who had left, and hurriedly followed.

As soon as the three of them left, Song Zhiqing threw the bunch of chrysanthemums angrily behind him!

Hospital entrance

From a sweet smile to a cold expression, Shao Jiayi only took a minute, and he took off the arm on his shoulder directly, "Sir, there are many people, so please don't be exposed by the media."

Then the woman quickened her pace, got into her Mercedes-Benz, all the movements were done in one go, and finally drove away.

Not only Shi Xiao, who followed the two people, but also Steinli showed incredible eyes.

Today, Shao Jiayi let them fully appreciate the speed of women's face change, faster than turning a book!

This matter should have been suppressed by Stingli, and there was no movement on the Internet.

It was calm, only reports on the closure of a certain company in country C and the chairman’s imprisonment on New Year’s Eve.

In the next few days, because the New Year was approaching, Shao Jiayi didn't go to the water side at all, and returned to the old house early every day.

Two days after leaving the apartment empty, Stingli went to the shop to stop her and let her run away.

Li Qianluo and Si Jin Heng have also returned home. A few days before New Year's Eve, Si Dingli also obediently returned to the manor in the new district.

Whether he sends a message to Shao Jiayi or calls, he will never answer or answer.

Sidingli's patience was slowly ignored by Shao Jiayi for ten days, and it was about to run out.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, Si Jin Heng suddenly called Shao Mian, and the family gathered together in the evening.

Therefore, in addition to Shao Jiayi, the Li family, Si family, Shao family, Si family, and Bo family all moved out to have dinner in six-star hotels.

The old and the young are so lively, only one person has been faintly looking at the direction of the Shao family, and his eyes are almost staring at everyone in the Shao family. There is still one person missing.

Li Qianluo glanced at his son, smiled and asked Bo Yiyue, "Why hasn't Mianmian come yet?"

Bo Yiyue was embarrassed for an instant, and looked at each other with Shao Mian, and Shao Mian said embarrassedly, "Don't worry about her, that girl is too disobedient now, and she went on a date with a friend for the New Year."

Shao Jiayi knew that he was going to have a dinner, but after inexplicably refused, he called Han Tao in front of Shao Mian, and the two went to dinner together.

"Friend? What friend?" This time it was Bo Yiyang's voice, and his eyes fell on Steinli, intentionally or unintentionally.

Si Shaozhe walked in with his mobile phone and said helplessly, "I just called Mianmian, and she said that she doesn't need to wait for her, she won't be here today."

"Where did Mianmian go?" Li Qianluo looked at Si Shaozhe with concern.

They tried their best to host this reunion dinner, isn't it just for the sake of lavishness and gifts?

Si Shaozhe sat down beside Si Xiaobao and said coolly, "I was eating French food with that Major Han!"

Then a lot of eyes were placed on Stingli's body, in fact, everyone knew everything about him and Mianmian.

Stingli did not live up to everyone's expectations, and slowly got up from his chair, "Goddams, you guys, eat first, I'll go and solve something."

Those who are celebrating the New Year, ran to date Han Tao, did Shao Jiayi treat him as dead?

"Ding Li." Bo Yiyue stopped him embarrassedly.

Sidingli stopped and looked back at Bo Yiyue, "Godmother, I'll go talk to Mianmian."

He said that, Bo Yiyue was relieved.

"Forget it, the young couple's affairs, don't care about our elders! Let's eat first!" Bo Yiyang said cheerfully.

The little couple, these three words, made Steinli leave with a slightly raised mouth.

It's just that Si Dingli just left with his front foot, and Si Xixi talked about Shao Jiakang behind him, stood up and told everyone, "Dear elders, you are delicious, I went out for a stroll with Jiakang."

Then he gave Si Shaozhe a wink. Si Shaozhe understood instantly, put down the chopsticks in his hand, "Dear elders, you are delicious, I will take... Sister Nuan Nuan, go out for a stroll."

Simuannuan looked at Si Shaozhe who winked at him suspiciously. He didn't realize what was happening for a while, and in the end Si Shaozhe simply dragged him away.

When he walked to Li Xu's side, Si Shaozhe also stabbed Li Xu's spine. Li Xu immediately sat upright and put down his chopsticks, and reflexively said, "Dear elders, you are delicious, I take... Bosno went out for a stroll."


The young people had such a tacit understanding that in the end even Si Xiaobao, Bo Shengxiang and Li really left!

The remaining dozens of elders stared with big eyes.

There was also Shao Jiachen's weak question in the middle, "Baba, can Chen Chen follow the brothers and sisters?"

"No!" Shao Mian and Bo Yiyue threw out two words very tacitly. Chen Chen immediately shrank his head and sat aside.

The dumbfounded elders at a table sighed secretly and began to move their chopsticks.

Si Dingli sent a message to Shao Mian asking about Shao Jiayi's location, and then Si Xixi asked Shao Jiayi about her location. As soon as Si Xixi knew, everyone knew.

However, before going to the French restaurant in Feroni, Steinli made a call and called someone to follow him to appear in Feroni.

Feroni French Restaurant

Shao Jiayi was eating the caviar on the plate, and Han Tao in camouflage was sitting opposite, attracting the attention of many women.

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